Hebrews 13:9 says that if you dont get your "HEART" established with Grace, then a man-made theology that is demonically inspired will capture your mind and you will become a part of it.
This is inescapable, and that is why you have 45,000 "christian" denominations in the world, and...
John Calvinism.. Hyper Calvinism.. The "5 Points" "TULIP">... is a Theological blasphemy committed willfully against the Holy Spirit, that is incredible.
ITs an attack on God, personally,...... and an attack against the Cross, Literally.
John Calvin has his deceived believing that...
A sinner, = (everyone) has nothing to offer God, that God can accept to accept you and me.
= """All have sinned, there is non righteous, no not one""'...
A.) So, God offers Jesus as His complete Acceptance of Us., as the : '"one time eternal Sacrifice for our sin".
Why "for our sin"...