The apostle Paul, before he became Paul, was Saul who was a persecutor and a murderer of Christians. He was a Pharisee of Pharisees according to the strictest party of his religion. But now he was a believer in Christ, and an apostle of Christ in bringing the truth of the gospel to both Jew and...
What Jesus Said
This conversation took place between Jesus and Martha (the sister of Mary and Lazarus) after Lazarus had died and before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. But I am not going to talk about that Bible story now, but I am going to focus on these few verses here and what they mean...
Roses are red, we think. Are they?
But do they come in pink and yellow?
The colors of roses are varied,
Just like the hearts of every fellow.
We all don’t look alike, do we?
We come in all shapes and all sizes.
We have varied personalities,
And some come in various disguises.
But we all have...