There are two resurrections to come. The first judgment is the Bema seat judgment for a face to face encounter with Christ with HIS people. Judgment begins at the house of God. This is where people either get a "well done good and faithful servant" or else..a "go away I never knew you". This is...
Hell was created for the Devil and His fallen angels", before Adam was created who rebelled and took on the nature of the Devil.
So, that "nature" is the "Adamic" nature.. Its the sin nature or the "fallen nature" that is passed unto us all, as..
"by one man's sin, sin and death...
God requires faith in Christ before He gives you HIS "Gift of Salvation."
Jesus said..>"all that believe in me".....>He never said..>>"all that i cause to Believe will believe"., as that is John Calvinism's demonic twist on it.
Jesus is not a Calvinist.
Listen and think....
= If...
A born again Christian has to start with this verse... and it has to become their Faith.
Hebrews 13:9
Try to use the KJV on this one...
What is that verse teaching......????
We come To God, based on Christ's finished work on the Cross.
He DIED so that we can become forgiven all...
Jesus says.....'"and you shall never perish".
The "You" there, is all the born again, who are the : "predestined elect".
Faith elects, God saves.
Every born again person is predestined to be conformed into the Image of Christ.
Are you born again? Then that is you.
You gave God your faith, by...
Here’s Verse comparisons between the (KJV) bible and the faulty (NIV) bible.
Matthew 17:21
However, this kind does not
go out except by prayer
and fasting.
Matthew 17:21
ooopppss!! Zilch!! Whole verse
missing, why???
Here we see an entire verse missing from the NIV...
In another thread the debate on "versions" and the KJV came up. I decided to start a thread for information on the subject for those who would like to look deeper concerning it.
Years ago I done much research regarding this, and seen the KJV as the number one absolute. This does not mean I...
The papacy beast king pontiff; man of sin, False bible versions claiming man conquered Gods Throne
Job 26:9 He covers the face of the full moon, spreading his clouds over it.
He covers the face of the full moon, spreading his clouds over it.
He Holdeth back the face of his throne, and spreadeth...
What I post I wrote. Here are my thoughts, refined and rewritten. Hope you like it !
The record theory independently answers the questions of final authority and final canonization.
The dynamic purified text theory supports the record theory, demonstrated in the manuscript evidence,