When we follow Jesus Christ with our lives, and our lives are committed to him and to his service, he opens doors of ministry for us, and he gives us divine appointments with certain people, and he makes ways for us to do his will where there seems to be no way, in human terms, anyway. He makes...
This is Jesus Christ speaking to the believers in Jesus Christ in the whole city of Sardis. They may not have all met in one location, for the Scriptures teach that the early church met from house to house and in the temple courts daily, and I am not sure of the time of this or the location of...
This is Jesus Christ speaking to the church, the body of Christ, located in the city of Thyatira. Now, this was all the believers in Jesus Christ in the entire city, and so they probably did not meet together all in one place, and the Scriptures teach that in the early days they met from house...