“And He was saying to them all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it. For what is a man profited if he gains...
“And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of...
For as long as I can remember, and I am 75 years old, John 3:16 has been taught as “the gospel message,” without regard for what other Scriptures teach, and without regard for the meanings of the individual words which give us a much broader story than what most people use John 3:16 for.
Life on earth has its ups and downs,
Sometimes smiles, and then sometimes frowns.
Ins and outs, and not whereabouts,
Finding truth, or give in to doubts.
Peace is found now by faith in Christ,
Who gave His life in sacrifice
To deliver us from slaves to sin,
As we obey Him from faith within.
The world around me falls apart,
It truly needs a brand new start.
But humans not the ones to give,
In Christ alone will our hearts live.
The hope for us is not in man,
But only in our Father’s plan.
He sent His Son to die for us,
So we’d forsake our sinful lusts.
His grace to us frees us from...
An Original Work / December 18, 2013
Christ's Free Servant, Sue J Love
“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” Acts 16:25 NIV ‘84
Lord, I praise You forevermore.
You, my Savior, I now adore.
Hope in heaven awaiting...
An Original Work / November 6, 2011
Christ’s Free Servant, Sue J Love
All I have is Yours, Lord.
You gave all to me,
When You died at Calv’ry
On that cruel tree.
Crucified for my sins;
You paid what I owe,
So I’d be forgiven;
My God come to know.
All I have is Yours, Lord.
You gave all to me...
In New Covenant terminology, “the gates of righteousness” is the way or the path of righteousness. And righteousness is “the divine approval of God, i.e. God’s judicial approval which refers to what is deemed right by the Lord (after His examination), i.e. what is approved in His eyes” (source...
My heart so delights in You, O my Lord God,
My spirit rejoices that You’re within me
I’m thankful that You brought salvation to me
Deliverance from sin and a new life within
I’m thankful that Your love and grace pardoned me
That Your love is what sent You Christ to the cross
I worship You Lord...
If we are true followers of Jesus Christ, who have died with him to sin, and who now, by his grace, are walking in obedience to his commands, in practice, though not necessarily in absolute sinless perfection, then the Lord is to be our strength. He is the one upon whom we depend and rely for...
What do you believe?
What have you received?
Truth about our Savior?
Or lies which give flesh favor?
When we trust in Jesus
From our sins He frees us
Freedom from our bondage
So we give Him homage
Die now to sins daily
Turn away from flailing
Walking in obedience
Not in what is devious
With all of my heart,
I praise You.
Before other gods,
I sing Your praise.
To You, I bow down
In worship.
Your unfailing love
Leads me always.
When I called to You,
You listened.
Your answer to me
Strengthened my heart.
Your kindness to me
Assures me,
Of Your love for me
Right from the start...
“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus...
When I lift up my voice, and
Sing praise unto God,
I will fellowship with my
Lord and Savior, King.
In Him there is no darkness.
He is in the light of truth.
If we walk in His light,
From sin He purifies.
If we repent of our sins,
He’ll forgive us now,
When we humble ourselves, and
Walking wounded, are you listening?
Truth abounding, ever glistening.
Jesus Christ is your salvation.
Learn of Him in revelation.
Holy Bible, Word of living,
Grace of God to us is giving.
Jesus Christ gave His life for us,
So through faith we’d be forgiven.
Turn from your sins, trust in...
John 8 Select Verses
Contained within these verses quoted here is the message of the gospel of Christ, of our salvation from sin. It is the same message taught by Jesus at other times and that was taught by the NT apostles of Christ Jesus.
When Jesus claimed that he was the light of the...
Not one of us, in our own flesh, can be saved from our own sins and have eternal life with God. We cannot, in our own selves ever be good enough to be acceptable to God. It is only by the grace of God, through faith, that any of us can come into genuine relationship with our Lord and Savior...
Christ was crucified in death
And He breathed His final breath.
Laid Him in a tomb, they did,
While His followers, oh, they hid.
Women at the tomb they saw
He was risen, oh what awe.
Told His followers. They did, too.
What He promised, He came through.
Shown Himself He did to many
So their...