Today, 3-3-25........ on Fox news, i saw a report that said that "Euro nations" are willing to put their "NATO boots on the ground" in the Ukraine, as a part of the "peace process". "plan".
So/../. What does that look like in the real world?
Its look like NATO Troops, in the Ukraine, and just...
Why has Jesus chosen Donald Trump at this time in the very last of days?
To save America from left-wing unGodliness and secular politics...
To make America great again... or
has he been chosen to willingly use the might of your American military to initiate conflict and war?
What of Trump's...
Started streaming 3 hours ago
LIVE STREAM: Electoral College Voting officially takes place today on December 19, 2016. Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we show live coverage of electors from the Electoral College in the states of Illinois, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and...