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Sep 14, 2009
:wink: i have a question? i like many fellow believers have been asking God for my "One", for years now, and i know in my spirit i will know him when i meet him and him me. My question is though will god give me someone i am attracted too? i ask this because i was reading a christian book and it said that god will give us someone we need.

I understand the difference between the flesh/lust and that whole no no, i have been celebate 4 years, and wanting a companion to build a life with ,with god . I am not saying my mate will be perfect nor Mr. GQ but would God give me someone i will not have that spark with or be attracted too?

I know only my sweet lord knows who he has for me but i am confused because my heart, my gut believes God wants me too have what i envision. i just get thrown sometimes if i am not hearing from him but from my own desires.
I want the whole package . Is that selfish?

thank you all for taking time to reply it means alot. all glory to Jesus
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hi, i wouldn´t worry aobut that, i mean i understand your concern, but God wants us to be happy, and he knows what we need, i am sure he will give each of us way more than we can imagine!! he is great, and he knows way better what we need and what is good for us, than we do, and it might be that he has a guy for you in store, that is not yet ready to be your boyfriend, or your not quiet ready for him, god has the perfekt timing, and he also knows, that as a part of love, there has to be at least a little bit of attraction
just keep praying about it, and concentrate to build your realationship with jesus, because that is really important, if you have a boyfriend you still need that realationship with jesus to be your first priority, and not let a guy take his place.!!

hope that helps...
I'm sure God will give you a guy that you're attracted to. But that's just my opinion. Because I do believe looks are important in a relationship! I mean, that's not what it's ALL about, but it is important.
:wink: i have a question? i like many fellow believers have been asking God for my "One", for years now, and i know in my spirit i will know him when i meet him and him me. My question is though will god give me someone i am attracted too? i ask this because i was reading a christian book and it said that god will give us someone we need.

I understand the difference between the flesh/lust and that whole no no, i have been celebate 4 years, and wanting a companion to build a life with ,with god . I am not saying my mate will be perfect nor Mr. GQ but would God give me someone i will not have that spark with or be attracted too?

I know only my sweet lord knows who he has for me but i am confused because my heart, my gut believes God wants me too have what i envision. i just get thrown sometimes if i am not hearing from him but from my own desires.
I want the whole package . Is that selfish?

thank you all for taking time to reply it means alot. all glory to Jesus

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

As we seek Him first our very heart is transformed and His will becomes our delight. He is then free to bless us with that which will fulfill us and that is the only path to true happinessDo not worry my friend, you will not be dissapointed.:shade:
Thank you my family

Thank you my family, you are right Your words and wisdom has helped and strengthen my love for the lord I thank u all 4 ur support. God is good and y entire life is soley in his hands. i pray 4 u my family
I don't know if this will make any sense to you, Cilla, but I'll lay it out anyway. If you marry a terribly handsome young man whom many are attracted to, and you indeed love him also, will this make you happy?

After years of marriage, after being terribly attracted to my husband to be, I'd watch other couples who were not even slightly attractive, and envy their closeness and their obvious care for eachother. You could tell they'd be partners for life. I did not have that closeness with my husband.

After awhile, after you mature a little more in relationships, looks don't matter as much as they used to. It's what's deeper inside a person that becomes attractive. You will find out. I'm sure you will be attracted to the right person for you.

Now I'd like to share a little story that I thought of when I read your question. It sorta applies if you stretch, although it is not about a husband/wife relationship, but a child/gender one.

I was sure my second child was going to be a girl. So was my husband at the time. We already had one girl and just could not see raising a boy. We even had girl names picked out, and no boy names. The night I was to deliver, I had a strange dream and did not put it together until the doctor announced "It's a boy!"

I was sitting on the steps of an apt. building, watching someone pushing this big old black buggy with a baby inside, a distance down the sidewalk from me. Suddenly she stopped and looked inside the buggy, and with a disgusted look on her face, she left the buggy sitting there and walked across the street, abandoning the child.

I watched as other women came along and pushed it for a while, and did the same thing. I began to wonder what this child looked like and why it was rejected so often, until it finally came to be right there in front of me. It was my turn to look inside the buggy. I expected to see a baby pig at this point, everyone looked so disgusted.

Instead, I looked down at a beautiful blond baby boy, all wrapped in blue, with a smile and a big giggle. He was so beautiful, and I immediately fell deep in love with him. I believe this dream was given to me by my Father, whom I didn't even know at the time, so that I would bond with the wonderful son I carried inside me. I met him that night as the doctor handed him to me. We named him Jeff.

I believe when the right person comes along, you will know him and he will be so attractive to you . . . everything about him. HUGZ
I honestly believe God is a God that gives us what we need cause He promised us that in His word. But I also know that God is not a God of just needs but also wants. He is our father and He wants us to have the best. Thats why Jesus said "I come that you might have life and that more abundantly" that also comes with in a since of EVERYTHING WE NEED. He is El Shadi "The God of more then enough" so if He gives us our needs which is just enough He also gives us wants which is "MORE THAN ENOUGH" right?:wink: He said that "If we delight ourselves in Him He'll give us the desires of our hearts" God is no liar. So if you desire to have an attractive man and you seek Him why wouldn't He give you just that? Thats all I'm saying.
Psalm 37:4
Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

What does delight mean here?

I went to blueletter Bible and found out.

This is what delight means there.

1) to be soft, be delicate, be dainty
a) (Pual) to be delicate
b) (Hithpael)
1) to be of dainty habit, be pampered
2) to be happy about, take exquisite delight
3) to make merry over, make sport of

God knows best for you. No matter what happens...who God brings to you...God has it all under control.

Would you not rather think about the fact that God would send you someone to love and to care for then their outward appearance? Being attracted to your spouse is only one part of it. And, besides...I bet you'll be attracted to him...not just the outside that you can see, but the inside, too. That's how it goes usually.

The outside only lasts so long...but being attracted to the person he is more than what people can see is by far the best part!

Don't worry about what he will look like or anything. Just focus on God. He'll take care of you. Trust Him.