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A Cross Appears in the Sky Above Kuzbass in Russia Last Week


Jan 18, 2022

A Cross Appears in the Sky Above Kuzbass in Russia Last Week

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LOTS Creed

2011 Trumpets Sounds Heard in Kiev, Ukraine (Warning Signs 1 Corinthians 15) - Watch
1 year ago
Comment on that website (1 year ago):
Funny how the start of the trumpets 10 years ago would be in Kiev, the exact place where world war 3 may start. All the other sky trumpets came after the Kiev ones. I remember the day this was posted and I knew it meant something ominous then. Seeing it getting fulfilled now is shocking. I wish more people would do videos on this. Thank you for being the only one to post on this so far.


To obtain more information on these subjects, please go to the website:
LOTS Creed

2011 Trumpets Sounds Heard in Kiev, Ukraine (Warning Signs 1 Corinthians 15) - Watch
1 year ago
Comment on that website (1 year ago):
Funny how the start of the trumpets 10 years ago would be in Kiev, the exact place where world war 3 may start. All the other sky trumpets came after the Kiev ones. I remember the day this was posted and I knew it meant something ominous then. Seeing it getting fulfilled now is shocking. I wish more people would do videos on this. Thank you for being the only one to post on this so far.
To obtain more information on these subjects, please go to the website:
LOTS Creed
Ephesians 5:5
5 For this ye know, that no idolater, no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of GOD.

Revelation 22:15

15 For without are dogs, and idolaters, and whoremongers, and murderers, and sorcerers, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearful(COWARDS), and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, AND IDOLATERS, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

A Cross Appears in the Sky Above Kuzbass in Russia Last Week

To read more information on this subject, go to the website:

LOTS Creed
Some will use it as an affirmation of thier faith, but most will see it as a cool sunset.

Some years ago the Lord had me study the New Age movement. Where i was invited to a "channeling session" . (Not recommended unless the Lord leads you and protects you) Now i was well aware of what it was before going. And asked the Lord to shield me.

A group of people gather at a location, then one or two will invoke a spirit to enter the person. Then the spirit ( demon ) will talk to them.

For me, it was a bit humorous, as i like using God's Angels to protect me.

Just a quick note, the Lord told me i was allowed to observe but not to confront the demon.

So I asked the Angels to protect the house i was going to.

After arriving i met with the gracious host who had invited me. Then when all the others showed up, i asked each person, why this. To my surprize, everyone came out of some Christian church. Baptist, Methodist, many churches were represented in the group. I thought to myself "it takes faith to believe in God".

When the session was supposed to start. Nothing happened. The lady who was to recieve the "spirit" could not understand. About that same time, i had an Angel tap my shoulder. He said, "what do you want us to do with it?" I almost busted out laughing, as i had forgotten i had asked the Angels to protect the house. I told him to release it, as the Lord said i was here to observe and not confront.

The Angel released it, and the lady lurched out of the chair with the demon exclaiming, there is somebody here. ( LOL )

A Cross Appears in the Sky Above Kuzbass in Russia Last Week

To read more information on this subject, go to the website:

LOTS Creed
JESUS already knew the satanic plan of the Devil: He said to His disciples: Matthew 26:v.2 - 2 Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified. Yes, the object that was chosen by the Devil to kill JESUS was by his satanic CROSS, for torturing Him, and for humiliate Him, and for mockery and for cruel suffering until death.

Deeply analyzing the matter, in fact GOD allowed His Son JESUS to be taken to the slaughter like a sheep, but the way JESUS would be killed was not chosen by GOD the Father, but by the Devil, that is the old Serpent, and Satan; and the object that was chosen by the Devil was the satanic wooden CROSS made by the sons of Devil, the demons, serpents.

The MAN-MADE CROSS is of the DEVIL and represents ONLY AND ONLY the dreadful, horrend, horrible, monstrous, execrable, hideous CHASTISEMENT that my Lord JESUS suffered, marked by impiety, by intense cruelty, exactly according to the personal qualities of Satan, the MAN of sin, SON of perdition, whose satanic SPIRIT guides the idolaters of the whole world, the real manufaturer of crosses until this day and widespread by/through his false, and deceiver, and satanic Christianity practised by the Pope-the Papacy, and this satanic doctrine of idolatry was/is widespreaded through the great ***** -the RCC- which rides upon the Beast of sea-Revelation 13:1-10, carrying it as a trophy, that is, the satanic cross the devilish Catholicism kisses and adores. GOD forbid.

Cross, according to the Word of GOD, is CURSE. In fact, the CROSS is a trophy that the Devil still uses until this day to highlight that he had power to KILL THE MIGHTY SON OF GOD, knowing that JESUS was the Heir of everything, Heir of the Earth, Heir of the world-Hebrews 1:v.2-3 combined with Revelation 11:v.15-18, by whom also GOD made the world.
JESUS already knew the satanic plan of the Devil: He said to His disciples: Matthew 26:v.2 - 2 Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified. Yes, the object that was chosen by the Devil to kill JESUS was by his satanic CROSS, for torturing Him, and for humiliate Him, and for mockery and for cruel suffering until death.

Deeply analyzing the matter, in fact GOD allowed His Son JESUS to be taken to the slaughter like a sheep, but the way JESUS would be killed was not chosen by GOD the Father, but by the Devil, that is the old Serpent, and Satan; and the object that was chosen by the Devil was the satanic wooden CROSS made by the sons of Devil, the demons, serpents.

The MAN-MADE CROSS is of the DEVIL and represents ONLY AND ONLY the dreadful, horrend, horrible, monstrous, execrable, hideous CHASTISEMENT that my Lord JESUS suffered, marked by impiety, by intense cruelty, exactly according to the personal qualities of Satan, the MAN of sin, SON of perdition, whose satanic SPIRIT guides the idolaters of the whole world, the real manufaturer of crosses until this day and widespread by/through his false, and deceiver, and satanic Christianity practised by the Pope-the Papacy, and this satanic doctrine of idolatry was/is widespreaded through the great ***** -the RCC- which rides upon the Beast of sea-Revelation 13:1-10, carrying it as a trophy, that is, the satanic cross the devilish Catholicism kisses and adores. GOD forbid.

Cross, according to the Word of GOD, is CURSE. In fact, the CROSS is a trophy that the Devil still uses until this day to highlight that he had power to KILL THE MIGHTY SON OF GOD, knowing that JESUS was the Heir of everything, Heir of the Earth, Heir of the world-Hebrews 1:v.2-3 combined with Revelation 11:v.15-18, by whom also GOD made the world.
Now see, you went and made something good into a pile of garbage.

Satan did use his toy the cross as the prefered way to display and humiliate Jesus on the cross.

What Satan never anticipated was that Jesus embrassed the cross, for us, as He loved us so much. The Father literally handed over His Son to the devil. Gave His only begotten Son.

Jesus who suffered and died for the redemption of sins. And the cross itself a symbol of All Jesus has done for us. It is the symbol of all Christians, that we rally around.

And where you fail in your message, is by turning the cross into something to add to your trophy list of why you hate your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Have you never read, "Love your nieghbor as yourself" , do you think this is only limited to the person(s) living to your right and to your left? It is far more reaching.

Have you never read, "love your enemies, forgive those who curse you"

If you can not find love in your heart for your enemies, if you can not forgive them. God will not forgive you on judgement day.

Do you know why that is? How many judges are there? There is only One Judge, and that is the Lord. If you judge others, condemn them. You are no better than Satan. As you are deeming yourself equal to God.
Now see, you went and made something good into a pile of garbage.

Satan did use his toy the cross as the prefered way to display and humiliate Jesus on the cross.

What Satan never anticipated was that Jesus embrassed the cross, for us, as He loved us so much. The Father literally handed over His Son to the devil. Gave His only begotten Son.

Jesus who suffered and died for the redemption of sins. And the cross itself a symbol of All Jesus has done for us. It is the symbol of all Christians, that we rally around.

And where you fail in your message, is by turning the cross into something to add to your trophy list of why you hate your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Have you never read, "Love your nieghbor as yourself" , do you think this is only limited to the person(s) living to your right and to your left? It is far more reaching.

Have you never read, "love your enemies, forgive those who curse you"

If you can not find love in your heart for your enemies, if you can not forgive them. God will not forgive you on judgement day.

Do you know why that is? How many judges are there? There is only One Judge, and that is the Lord. If you judge others, condemn them. You are no better than Satan. As you are deeming yourself equal to God.
What everyone can see from the evil words above is that the Devil simply saying "he used his toy, the cross, as his preferred way of showing off and humiliating JESUS on the cross". The question is that first of all, JESUS was betrayed by a devil called Judas Iscariot-John 6:70-,who had the same spirit as you have. JESUS was bound and taken prisoner by the cohort and the tribune and by the servants of the Jews, and was taken to the high priest to be Judged concerning His disciples and doctrine, and one of the satanic officials who was there SMOTE JESUS with the palm of his hand. At the same time, Peter denied three times that he was a disciple of JESUS.

After this, Jesus was taken by the sons of the Devil-John 8:44-to the Judgment seat, and Pilate went out to Jews and said: What charge do you bring against JESUS? THE CHILDREN OF DEVIL-John 8:44- ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO PILATE, IF JESUS HAD NOT BEEN AN EVILDOER, WE WOULD NOT HAVE DELIVERED HIM TO THEE. Pilate said TO THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL-John 8:44-: TAKE JESUS, AND JUDGE HIM AFTER YOUR LAW. The Jews therefore said to Pilate, It is not lawful for us to kill anyone. In fact, the astute / disguised children of the Devil, the demons, serpents like their father, wanted to kill JESUS, as they had killed all the prophets of the Lord GOD in the Old Testament.

Pilate entered the Judgment hall again, and said to JESUS: Are you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered: Do you say this about yourself, or did others tell you about me? Pilate replied: Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests (ruled by the Devil, ruled by demons) handed you over to me: what have you done?
JESUS answered: My kingdom is not of this world. Pilate said to my Lord JESUS: So you are a king? Jesus answered: You say that I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, in order to bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth comes out at my voice. Pilate asked: What is truth? And he went out again to the Jews, and said unto them, I find no fault in Jesus, but it is your custom that I release one unto you at the passover, will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? Then all the Jews, children of the devil, cried out all over again, saying, Not Jesus, but Barabbas. Now, Barabbas was a thief, he was actually a demon ruled by the spirit of the Devil, and he was preferred by all the Jews who had the same spirit of Barabbas, they were all ruled by the same spirit Barabbas, spirit of demons, like the ones who possessed the man of Gadarah, which JESUS had expelled them out from that man and they entered in the pigs, the pigs died but the demons did not, today they are in the humanity in whole world without JESUS.

Pilate took JESUS and scourged Him.
The soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, saying: Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote JESUS with their hands.
Pilate went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring JESUS forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in Him.

Then came out JESUS forth with a crown of thorns, and with the purple robe. When the chief priests and officers, sons of Devil, saw JESUS, they cried out, saying, Crucify JESUS, crucify JESUS. Pilate says: Take ye JESUS, and crucify Him: for I find no fault in JESUS. The Jews answered:, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because JESUS made himself the Son of GOD.
Pilate went again into the Judgment hall, and says: Whence are you? JESUS gave him no answer. Pilate said: don't you know that I have power to crucify you, and power to release you? And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release JESUS: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, you are not Caesar's friend: whosoever makes himself a king speaks against Caesar.

Pilate brought JESUS forth and sat down in the Judgment seat and he says unto the Jews, Behold your King! But they cried out, Away with JESUS, away with JESUS, crucify Him. Pilate says: Shall I crucify your King?
The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar. Oh yes, they had no king but Caesar, now, now, Caesar was a devil. Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took JESUS, and led Him away, and JESUS bearing His cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha were they crucified JESUS, and two other with Him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.

After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Word of GOD might be fulfilled, says, I thirst. There was a vessel full of vinegar and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to the mouth of JESUS. And when JESUS had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed His head.

What is described above is just a summary of the Scriptures about the satanic behavior of the children of the Devil in crucifying my Lord JESUS. Many other things or details happened during the crucifixion of the Lord JESUS by the Devil and his followers, sons of Devil-John 8:44-, but were not commented on in the Bible.

Judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful - James 2:13.
And Judgment was(will be) given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the Kingdom-Daniel 7:22
What everyone can see from the evil words above is that the Devil simply saying "he used his toy, the cross, as his preferred way of showing off and humiliating JESUS on the cross". The question is that first of all, JESUS was betrayed by a devil called Judas Iscariot-John 6:70-,who had the same spirit as you have. JESUS was bound and taken prisoner by the cohort and the tribune and by the servants of the Jews, and was taken to the high priest to be Judged concerning His disciples and doctrine, and one of the satanic officials who was there SMOTE JESUS with the palm of his hand. At the same time, Peter denied three times that he was a disciple of JESUS.

After this, Jesus was taken by the sons of the Devil-John 8:44-to the Judgment seat, and Pilate went out to Jews and said: What charge do you bring against JESUS? THE CHILDREN OF DEVIL-John 8:44- ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO PILATE, IF JESUS HAD NOT BEEN AN EVILDOER, WE WOULD NOT HAVE DELIVERED HIM TO THEE. Pilate said TO THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL-John 8:44-: TAKE JESUS, AND JUDGE HIM AFTER YOUR LAW. The Jews therefore said to Pilate, It is not lawful for us to kill anyone. In fact, the astute / disguised children of the Devil, the demons, serpents like their father, wanted to kill JESUS, as they had killed all the prophets of the Lord GOD in the Old Testament.

Pilate entered the Judgment hall again, and said to JESUS: Are you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered: Do you say this about yourself, or did others tell you about me? Pilate replied: Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests (ruled by the Devil, ruled by demons) handed you over to me: what have you done?
JESUS answered: My kingdom is not of this world. Pilate said to my Lord JESUS: So you are a king? Jesus answered: You say that I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, in order to bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth comes out at my voice. Pilate asked: What is truth? And he went out again to the Jews, and said unto them, I find no fault in Jesus, but it is your custom that I release one unto you at the passover, will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? Then all the Jews, children of the devil, cried out all over again, saying, Not Jesus, but Barabbas. Now, Barabbas was a thief, he was actually a demon ruled by the spirit of the Devil, and he was preferred by all the Jews who had the same spirit of Barabbas, they were all ruled by the same spirit Barabbas, spirit of demons, like the ones who possessed the man of Gadarah, which JESUS had expelled them out from that man and they entered in the pigs, the pigs died but the demons did not, today they are in the humanity in whole world without JESUS.

Pilate took JESUS and scourged Him.
The soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, saying: Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote JESUS with their hands.
Pilate went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring JESUS forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in Him.

Then came out JESUS forth with a crown of thorns, and with the purple robe. When the chief priests and officers, sons of Devil, saw JESUS, they cried out, saying, Crucify JESUS, crucify JESUS. Pilate says: Take ye JESUS, and crucify Him: for I find no fault in JESUS. The Jews answered:, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because JESUS made himself the Son of GOD.
Pilate went again into the Judgment hall, and says: Whence are you? JESUS gave him no answer. Pilate said: don't you know that I have power to crucify you, and power to release you? And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release JESUS: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, you are not Caesar's friend: whosoever makes himself a king speaks against Caesar.

Pilate brought JESUS forth and sat down in the Judgment seat and he says unto the Jews, Behold your King! But they cried out, Away with JESUS, away with JESUS, crucify Him. Pilate says: Shall I crucify your King?
The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar. Oh yes, they had no king but Caesar, now, now, Caesar was a devil. Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took JESUS, and led Him away, and JESUS bearing His cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha were they crucified JESUS, and two other with Him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.

After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Word of GOD might be fulfilled, says, I thirst. There was a vessel full of vinegar and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to the mouth of JESUS. And when JESUS had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed His head.

What is described above is just a summary of the Scriptures about the satanic behavior of the children of the Devil in crucifying my Lord JESUS. Many other things or details happened during the crucifixion of the Lord JESUS by the Devil and his followers, sons of Devil-John 8:44-, but were not commented on in the Bible.

Judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful - James 2:13.
And Judgment was(will be) given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the Kingdom-Daniel 7:22
When you are before God on Judgement Day, you will see me standing on the steps before the Father. For it is written : " these are the two olive trees and the two lamps that stand before the Lord of the world"
When you are before God on Judgement Day, you will see me standing on the steps before the Father. For it is written : " these are the two olive trees and the two lamps that stand before the Lord of the world"
Since the beginning, as is revealed in Genesis, I know the spirit that speaks through yourself. He said in his heart millenniums ago that intended to ascend into heaven, and will exalt his throne above the stars* of GOD: and will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: and that he will ascend above the heights of the clouds, and will be like the most High. (Paul apostle spoke about the intention of the spirit that manifest himself in you-2 Thessalonias 2:3-4)

But thus says the Lord: Yet you shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit, the bottomless pit.

To all

stars* ???
Are the wises in Christ JESUS, they shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and THEY that turn many to righteousness as the STARS for ever and ever -Daniel 12:3.
Since the beginning, as is revealed in Genesis, I know the spirit that speaks through yourself. He said in his heart millenniums ago that intended to ascend into heaven, and will exalt his throne above the stars* of GOD: and will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: and that he will ascend above the heights of the clouds, and will be like the most High. (Paul apostle spoke about the intention of the spirit that manifest himself in you-2 Thessalonias 2:3-4)

But thus says the Lord: Yet you shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit, the bottomless pit.

To all

stars* ???
Are the wises in Christ JESUS, they shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and THEY that turn many to righteousness as the STARS for ever and ever -Daniel 12:3.
Enjoy your thred. But remember, Jesus is Love. It is written Love those who persecute you. Love those who hate you. So i leave you in the Love of Jesus, Oh hater of Catholics. May the Lord Jesus forgive you of this sin.
Enjoy your thred. But remember, Jesus is Love. It is written Love those who persecute you. Love those who hate you.
The battle is between GOD X Satan. Through His Son JESUS Christ preaching the Gospel of GOD's Kingdom, GOD established His Church in the Earth. Actually it is the body of Christ here on Earth, and this true Church established by GOD through His Son JESUS is the Temple of GOD in whole Earth, you understand? Actually the true Church of GOD, the body of Christ, is attended exclusively by the true believers in JESUS Christ, they continued stedfastly in the doctrine of JESUS, and in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, they are the wheat. Well, JESUS said: I am the bread of life. The bread is made of wheat. JESUS also said: The bread of GOD is He which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven, I am the bread of life, JESUS said.

Actually, the true Church of JESUS she is prepared as to one husband, that she may present as a chaste virgin to Christ. Revelation 19:8-9 say that to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the true believers in Christ. Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. These are the true sayings of God.

What matters and prevails is the righteous Judgment of GOD that He has since ancient time prepared to aply in this Day of Judgment, the LORD's Day, that is the Judgment Seat of Christ. And GOD will manifest the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between him that really serveth GOD and him that serveth Him not.


Through Vicarivs Filii Dei preaching his devilish and idolater doctrine, and his satanic dogmas, even beatifying countless died people, sons of Devil, and so sinful, as whether they were saints, thus the Devil established his Church in the Earth, the RCC. Actually the Roman Catholic Church is the body of the Devil here on Earth, and this Church established by Satan through the "Vicarivs Filii Dei" , and even a structure of pedophiles and sexual abusers, is a synagogue and temple of Satan in whole Earth, you understand? The false Christianity preached by the Vicarivs Filii Dei through the Roman Catholic Church, a religious MONSTER, is the Devil's body, having 7 heads, and 10 horns, and upon his 7 heads a name of blasphemy. That Church is attended exclusively by multitudes of idolaters and people exteremly sinful(a terrible spiritual prostitution), and they continued stedfastly in the satanic doctrine of demons, they are THE TARES.

Paul apostle, the main founder of the church of Rome in the time of Caesars, warned the believers of the church of Corinthians and of other Churches, saying : -1 Corinthians 5:9- I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornictors/ those who prostitute themselves. 10 - But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner. The sinful life above described is common within Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church was prepared by Satan, son of perdition, for his marriage in the days to come-Revelation 13:2- and establish his religious and satanic Antichrist's Kingdom.

Cursed are they which are called unto the marriage of the Devil and his idolater church-the Roman Catholic Church. These shall go away into everlasting punishment, the hell's fire-Matthew 25:46.
So i leave you in the Love of Jesus, Oh hater of Catholics. May the Lord Jesus forgive you of this sin.
There is no sin to fight against the world of Devil, quite the opposite, . Yes, JESUS is love, but those which believe not in Him as Scriptures say, but believe in the "Vicarivs Filii Dei" who was born from the sin, was born from the Devil, they shall not see life; but the WRATH of GOD abideth on them.

Revelation 21:8 - 8 But the fearful(THE COWARDS), and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
The battle is between GOD X Satan. Through His Son JESUS Christ preaching the Gospel of GOD's Kingdom, GOD established His Church in the Earth. Actually it is the body of Christ here on Earth, and this true Church established by GOD through His Son JESUS is the Temple of GOD in whole Earth, you understand? Actually the true Church of GOD, the body of Christ, is attended exclusively by the true believers in JESUS Christ, they continued stedfastly in the doctrine of JESUS, and in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, they are the wheat. Well, JESUS said: I am the bread of life. The bread is made of wheat. JESUS also said: The bread of GOD is He which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven, I am the bread of life, JESUS said.

Actually, the true Church of JESUS she is prepared as to one husband, that she may present as a chaste virgin to Christ. Revelation 19:8-9 say that to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the true believers in Christ. Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. These are the true sayings of God.

What matters and prevails is the righteous Judgment of GOD that He has since ancient time prepared to aply in this Day of Judgment, the LORD's Day, that is the Judgment Seat of Christ. And GOD will manifest the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between him that really serveth GOD and him that serveth Him not.


Through Vicarivs Filii Dei preaching his devilish and idolater doctrine, and his satanic dogmas, even beatifying countless died people, sons of Devil, and so sinful, as whether they were saints, thus the Devil established his Church in the Earth, the RCC. Actually the Roman Catholic Church is the body of the Devil here on Earth, and this Church established by Satan through the "Vicarivs Filii Dei" , and even a structure of pedophiles and sexual abusers, is a synagogue and temple of Satan in whole Earth, you understand? The false Christianity preached by the Vicarivs Filii Dei through the Roman Catholic Church, a religious MONSTER, is the Devil's body, having 7 heads, and 10 horns, and upon his 7 heads a name of blasphemy. That Church is attended exclusively by multitudes of idolaters and people exteremly sinful(a terrible spiritual prostitution), and they continued stedfastly in the satanic doctrine of demons, they are THE TARES.

Paul apostle, the main founder of the church of Rome in the time of Caesars, warned the believers of the church of Corinthians and of other Churches, saying : -1 Corinthians 5:9- I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornictors/ those who prostitute themselves. 10 - But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner. The sinful life above described is common within Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church was prepared by Satan, son of perdition, for his marriage in the days to come-Revelation 13:2- and establish his religious and satanic Antichrist's Kingdom.

Cursed are they which are called unto the marriage of the Devil and his idolater church-the Roman Catholic Church. These shall go away into everlasting punishment, the hell's fire-Matthew 25:46.

There is no sin to fight against the world of Devil, quite the opposite, . Yes, JESUS is love, but those which believe not in Him as Scriptures say, but believe in the "Vicarivs Filii Dei" who was born from the sin, was born from the Devil, they shall not see life; but the WRATH of GOD abideth on them.

Revelation 21:8 - 8 But the fearful(THE COWARDS), and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Just by saying " the battle is between God and Satan, you are giving equality to Satan. Like ying and yang, of the Eastern philosophy. Equality between good and bad.

But you are wrong

As if God has a contender to compete with Him. Lol

The conflict is between Mankind and Satan. We are the children of our Creator, and techinally so are Satan and his minions.
Just by saying " the battle is between God and Satan, you are giving equality to Satan. Like ying and yang, of the Eastern philosophy. Equality between good and bad.

But you are wrong
As if God has a contender to compete with Him. Lol
I work with the Word of GOD, the Word is GOD, self-executable, understand? By the way, "GOD calleth those things which be not as though they were", for He is Ommniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent, understand?

That said, your opinion is irrelevant, understand? The testimony of GOD is greater than yours, understand?
Since the beginning the battle was against Satan and his devilish seed like Cain X GOD's seed like Abel that was killed by the devil, and later was born Seth and many others according the Word of GOD showed through the biblical Genealogy - Genesis 5 and so on.

See, to atonement and forgive of sin my GOD requires perfection, not the devilish dogma of the devilish catholic confessional invented by Satan through his messenger nicknamed of "Vicarivs Filii Dei", so to understand this deeply mystery of redemption the Word of GOD takes us millennia back, i.e. to the Genesis, and describes for millennia the battle between GOD and the DEVIL in the process of redemption of man through the birth of "a perfect Lamb", our Lord JESUS Christ, who in the beginning still was in the bosom of the Father, as said John the Baptist, the angel of the Lord-John 1:18. Take a look.

My GOD planned the redemption of His creation because there was a rebellion in the garden of Eden, expressly symbolized in the figures of Adam and Eve still in the garden of GOD, understand? Due to the desobedience of the man and woman they were naked, they stayed devoid or destituted of the spirit of GOD, then they hid from the presence of GOD, actually, the Spirit of GOD was replaced by the spirit of the Devil, the figtree, however, the Devil gave from his leaves to the man and woman to cover their naked. Then only the Omnipotence and Omniscience of GOD could provide a perfect Plan for salvation of MAN that was raptured by the Devil, even in the garden of Eden(a clue: Matt.23:35 combined with John 8:44). Having happened an usurpation of GOD's creation by the Devil, a former superpowerful Cherub, even in the garden of Eden(Jude 1:5to7.Take a look), then the Almighty GOD made a long term Plan of works (six(6) GOD's Day/six(6)millenniums) to redeem His creation in six Days (2Peter3:8), i.e. to redeem His created man from the Devil's power(Romans 8:20), and the first step to start His Plan of restoration, was to clothe Adam and Eve decently, by a GOD's clothe, replacing the leaves of the fig tree, the clothe that was derived from the former Cherub, the Devil, the fig tree, that is the MAN of sin, son of perdition, the tree of good and evil.

The conflict is between Mankind and Satan. We are the children of our Creator, and techinally so are Satan and his minions.

What you said is not true., but a lie, no surprise.

I work with the Word of GOD, GOD is the Truth. If you want to be righteous before GOD, then you must say according the Word of GOD-the Word is GOD, understand? Comparing your opinion and interpretation above with the Word of GOD, they are unacceptable, because what you wrote is not true, but proceeds from the tree of good and evil, the DEVIL, WHOEVER EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THAT TREE SHALL DIE-Genesis 2:17.

We are living in the time of Apocalypse, understand? What does the Word of GOD say? JESUS left revealed in Revelation 12:7-9 after around 65 of His ascension, saying unto his servants things which would come to pass;: -
7 - There was WAR in heaven: Michael and his messengers fought against the Dragon; and the Dragon fought and his messengers,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven (heaven? heaven is celestial place in Christ as the celestial environments of both GOD's Covenant, the OLD and NEW Testaments-Ephesians 1:3 among other biblical references - , both established by the Ominipotent GOD in the world dominated and ruled by the Devil .

9 And the great Dragon(the name of the Devil in this current time of Apocalypse) was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his messengers were (will be) cast out with him.

Be careful or then get ready, you fell in the trap of Devil , now red Dragon, and is still being guided by his spirit, the spirit of lie.

"like Abel that was killed by the devil,"

Scriputre says, Cain killed Abel.
"Satan and his devilish seed like Cain"

Cain is not the offspring of Satan, he was the son of Adam and Eve
"my GOD requires perfection"

Jesus calls us to be Holy
"redemption of man through the birth of "a perfect Lamb", our Lord JESUS Christ, who in the beginning still was in the bosom of the Father, as said John the Baptist, the angel of the Lord-John 1:18"

Your writing is a bit confusing, even for me do you mean Gospel John 1: 18-23?

What my scripture States is this verse 18 no one has ever seen God, it is the only Son, who is nearest to The Father's Heart, who has made Him known.

Then verses 19 through 23 reads" this is how John appeared as a witness. When the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, "who are you?" He not only declared, but he declared quite openly, "I am not the Christ." Well then they asked "are you elijah?" " I am not," he said. "Are you the prophet?" He answered "no". So they said to him "who are you? We must take back an answer to those who sent us. What have you to say about yourself?" So John said, "I am, as Isaiah prophesied, a voice that cries in the wilderness, make a straight way for the Lord!"
"Due to the desobedience of the man and woman they were naked, they stayed devoid or destituted of the spirit of GOD, then they hid from the presence of GOD, actually, the Spirit of GOD was replaced by the spirit of the Devil, the figtree, however, the Devil gave from his leaves to the man and woman to cover their naked."

This is all wrong. I do not know where to begin.
Ploughboy does not claim the title of Christian, but he understands the mind of God better than most. And his love for God is perfect.
It does not matter whether we see eye to eye on scripture, it only matters that God's Love is in the center of your heart.

2011 Trumpets Sounds Heard in Kiev, Ukraine (Warning Signs 1 Corinthians 15) - Watch
1 year ago
Comment on that website (1 year ago):
Funny how the start of the trumpets 10 years ago would be in Kiev, the exact place where world war 3 may start. All the other sky trumpets came after the Kiev ones. I remember the day this was posted and I knew it meant something ominous then. Seeing it getting fulfilled now is shocking. I wish more people would do videos on this. Thank you for being the only one to post on this so far.


To obtain more information on these subjects, please go to the website:
LOTS Creed

There are no trumpets in heaven
Those trumpets in Thessalonians and Revelation is the voice of Jesus Christ.
"like Abel that was killed by the devil,"

Scriputre says, Cain killed Abel.
"Satan and his devilish seed like Cain"

Cain is not the offspring of Satan, he was the son of Adam and Eve
"my GOD requires perfection"

Jesus calls us to be Holy
"redemption of man through the birth of "a perfect Lamb", our Lord JESUS Christ, who in the beginning still was in the bosom of the Father, as said John the Baptist, the angel of the Lord-John 1:18"

Your writing is a bit confusing, even for me do you mean Gospel John 1: 18-23?

What my scripture States is this verse 18 no one has ever seen God, it is the only Son, who is nearest to The Father's Heart, who has made Him known.

Then verses 19 through 23 reads" this is how John appeared as a witness. When the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, "who are you?" He not only declared, but he declared quite openly, "I am not the Christ." Well then they asked "are you elijah?" " I am not," he said. "Are you the prophet?" He answered "no". So they said to him "who are you? We must take back an answer to those who sent us. What have you to say about yourself?" So John said, "I am, as Isaiah prophesied, a voice that cries in the wilderness, make a straight way for the Lord!"
"Due to the desobedience of the man and woman they were naked, they stayed devoid or destituted of the spirit of GOD, then they hid from the presence of GOD, actually, the Spirit of GOD was replaced by the spirit of the Devil, the figtree, however, the Devil gave from his leaves to the man and woman to cover their naked."

This is all wrong. I do not know where to begin.
Ploughboy does not claim the title of Christian, but he understands the mind of God better than most. And his love for God is perfect.
It does not matter whether we see eye to eye on scripture, it only matters that God's Love is in the center of your heart.
The verbiage / chatter that Satan manifests through you is good for nothing. By the Power of the Word of GOD -the Word is GOD - self-executing, your satanic spiritual guide will be cast down into the bottomless pit from now on, day after day, understand?
And his satanic main partner, the Beast, that is called Vicarivs Filii Dei, a filii of Devil, will be cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone by the Power of the Word of GOD-self-executable- , including them which he deceived and received the mark of that Beast, and they worshipp the Beast making a signal of CROSS- CROSS is CURSE - with right hand completing sign on forehead. These will be cast alive into the hell's fire from now on, even in this LORD's Day, that is the seventh and last Day, the current seventh millennium, according the righteous Judgment of GOD and the Judgment Seat of Christ. Get ready
There are no trumpets in heaven
Those trumpets in Thessalonians and Revelation is the voice of Jesus Christ.
How do you "Know" there are no trumpets in heaven, have you been there?
The verbiage / chatter that Satan manifests through you is good for nothing. By the Power of the Word of GOD -the Word is GOD - self-executing, your satanic spiritual guide will be cast down into the bottomless pit from now on, day after day, understand?
And his satanic main partner, the Beast, that is called Vicarivs Filii Dei, a filii of Devil, will be cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone by the Power of the Word of GOD-self-executable- , including them which he deceived and received the mark of that Beast, and they worshipp the Beast making a signal of CROSS- CROSS is CURSE - with right hand completing sign on forehead. These will be cast alive into the hell's fire from now on, even in this LORD's Day, that is the seventh and last Day, the current seventh millennium, according the righteous Judgment of GOD and the Judgment Seat of Christ. Get ready
God Bless You