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A look at 1 Samuel 11:14-12:22 and Luke 19:1-20:47


Mar 5, 2005
1 SAMUEL 11:14-12:22

We see in this study, that the same thing happens. In the previous story, Korah rejects or questions Moshe’s authority, here, in Samuel, the people want a human king over them. Even though the Prophet pleads with the people, Adonai speaks up and tells Samuel, “They have not rejected you, but me”

Adonai gives the people what they want, a human king, a king with weaknesses and strengths, the first king was a bad choice, the people looked at Shaul’s physical appearance, yet as we read on, he failed to serve Adonai, and disobeyed God’s instructions through Shmu’el. Finally, another king was selected, David Ben Jessie.

This time, a king was selected whose heart was with God. Be very careful what we ask for, we might get it and then not want it. We must ask ourselves who we want governing over us. Yes, we have earthly leaders, both in politics and in our faith-related congregations. But we must understand that our main leader is Adonai. He has given us his rule book, the Bible. Yet He has also selected leaders while we are on this earth. The WORD teaches us to submit to authority, yet when authority goes against God's rules, we are to maintain our allegiance to God's Word first.

Many believers have suffered because of this in many countries of the world. May God give us the strength to endure should it come to persecution because of our faith.

LUKE 19:1-20:47

The passage starts out with Yeshua entering Jericho, Zacchaeus was there but since he was small in stature, he climbed up a Sycamore tree. Yeshua saw him and gave him the order;

“Zacchaeus, come hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house”

Now Zacchaeus could have refused and told Yeshua to go someplace else, or might have thought himself not worthy to receive the Messiah in his house, but we know that he DID come down and he DID open the doors of his house to receive MASHIACH.

Yeshua responds with these words; “Today YESHUAH has come to this house” And it was a fact indeed, “Yeshua” did come into his house, and as a result, Zacchaeus repented of his ways and wanted to right the wrong he had been doing, so, “Yeshuah” (Salvation) DID come to his house (a little play on words).

God will ask us, (not so much tell us) “May I come into your house and be your LORD and GOD?”

If we decide to open the doors of our hearts, mind, and soul and invite HIM IN, then, HE will come IN and be OUR SAVIOR AND LORD.

A repentant sinner shows signs of repentance, changed heart, changed ways, and you, have you come down from your “tall tree” and humbled yourself and have opened the door of your flesh and spirit house to allow HIM to come in?

Ben Avraham
