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A tale of victory and glory for God.


May 9, 2005
I know there's a saying that states, "Everyone has a story to tell," well here's mine. I pray that it will give at least one individual hope in these times of struggle for those of us who walk in God's light and Christ's footsteps.

My story begins back in the summer of 2006; I believe it was early to mid June. There was an evening when we had been called by phone from my grandfathers medical home. They said he would not have much time to live and they would keep us posted. Now my grandfather suffered from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, he could not swallow, he had heart conditions and that start of violent aggression caused by a slowly gaining dementia. He was not a well man and also not a saved man.

When my family received that call my mother began to pray. Now when I'm feeling sad I do my own thing and sometimes go for a shower to try and calm myself down. I cried and literally broke down in that moment and pleaded God to let my family see my Grandad one last time to share Christ with him, in my mind I knew it was my grandfathers choice in the end of whether he would follow Christ or not. But I was determined for that opportunity.

God granted my mother, two sisters and I that chance about a week later. My grandfather pulled through with our prayer for a week more. God had perfectly set up that chance for us to drive an hour to find and witness to my beloved grandfather.

When we arrived at the hospital and found my grandfather, the strong man I once knew was withered to barely anything and was hooked up to three different machines. His eyes were dim and crying in pain, his skin was white and his body shook from cold. My elder sister rushed to his side and took his hand. My younger sister gave my grandfather a card to wish him well and my mother went to my grandfather’s side and told him, "We have something very special we wish to share with you."

My grandfather seemed interested, which was a shock to us all. A quick word description about my grandfathers life will explain why this was a shock to us. When he was a boy he lived in Indian, he was exposed to many other "gods" and his mother left him at the age of 8. He lived on his own and fought in the war. When he was a mid aged man...he joined a cult, studied gods of every religion and once or twice mocked my mother for her beliefs and constantly questioned where God was for him when he asked for help.

My grandfather had himself involved with many great evils. Ones that put doubt in our mind as to if we would ever be able to even speak with him. We knew in his last days God had given him a change of heart.

Now back to the Hospital.

My mother reached over and touched my grandfather’s arm and asked how he was. He answered he was cold. My elder sister started to pray for him in tongues as she felt the need too. My family has been blessed that my elder sister can speak in tongues and my younger sister can translate it. At this time the only role I had to play was to cry and pray in my own native tongue that my grandfather would listen.

When God plans something special for someone, best known as miracle, it will always work out and be smoother than one could ever know.

My mother took my grandfathers other hand and she said, David, do you know who Christ is? My grandfather said no. My mother explained and told him Christ could take away all his pain and bring him to a safe place when his time was done on this world. At first my grandfather mumbled the words Jesus can stay where he is, he doesn’t want me. I cried and said but he does. So badly. My little sister nodded in agreement and my mother reassured him that Christ wants everyone to be with him. My mother than said; David do you want Jesus? My grandfather said yes...he wanted love. He said than Jesus, come into my heart. My mother wept in joy, and I lost all control and broke down yet again. But this time I cried in the most joy I've ever experience in my life.

My elder sister, though crying, still prayed as my younger sister interpreted Gods words: "David is now my child, I see him as my child, his sins are washed away, I will take care of him, He will be coming home soon,"

This was one of the most amazing days in all of my life. Even more amazing still I was able to see my grandfather two more times within a period of two months after his saving! The doctor said he only had at most 10 days. God showed the doctors who were boss! A few days after my grandfathers saving my step grandmother went to see him back in his retirement home. He was sitting up in bed, eyes bright skin coloured and swallowing solid food. The doctors had told my step grandmother they didn’t know how he was able to swallow his muscles should have been gone from use entirely.

I will never forget this story and never give a second thought about my faith every again. I pray this story helps someone out there. I know its long a story...but it was worth my time, maybe it will be good for you too. When you pray God works. More than we realize. Glory to God in the highest. My grandfather is with him today, I know this because I have peace in my heart and did not weep when he left this world.
God bless you and I hope my story helps.

Becky. <3
Praise and thank God..

You are welcome and thank you for sharing such marvelous work of God...Yes Jesus is the savior and He knows how to save every one ..Glory to God...:lightning
Im glad you liked it n__n I hope lots of people read it. Even if only a few read this it would be nice to know someone got something from it.
Thank you for sharing this story with us Becki, I am sure it will help many people. God bless your heart! Much love
Yours was the best gift you could ever have given ur grand Dad.The gift of eternal life.Thank God you and ur family did!
I am thankful. more than anyone knows. Now all i need is to save my dad and boyfriend....oddly enough I think my boyfriend will be less of a challenge than my father. My father...unfortunatly didn't like hearing that my grandfather died christian. He and my grandfather used to share a dislike for christians and for my grandad to end up going home in the end, well it upset my dad. My mum, sisters and I are currently waiting for my father to reach that "breaking" point. It's painful to watch, but we know he needs to break before he'll listen. He's currently too stuck up in his pride. All I can currently do is pray and wait.
its never too late

This story is an amazing testimony of how it is never too late to save one more for Jesus! It was very inspiring, and also shows that we can't judge who will accept Christ according to their past. If God tells us to reach out to someone, we need to just do it, even if to us they seem almost impossible to reach.Only God can see their heart...

I loved your testimony! Never stop sharing it! And God bless your father! I'm sure one day you will be able to reach him too...