Hi! I need some advice - I stopped taking Paxil a year ago for anxiety and now I'm really feeling it! I had started taking a natural supplement - 5htp - after stopping my medicine, but it doesn't help much at all. My problem is that I want to start back up on my prescription medication, but I get no support what so ever! My family, my husband and a couple of my friends are totally against it. They're worried about my safety - long-term effects - but they don't realize what I go through on a daily basis. I also struggle with the decision myself, because I'm not sure what the Lord wants me to do. I pray for my symptoms to subside, but they seem to come and stay for days - at their worst. Would Jesus want me to take this medication that I feel I need or should I rely only on Him to help me through this? I know I'm not the only person suffering from anxiety and taking medication, but it would be so helpful to hear a person's opinion that has the Lord in their life and still deals with this! Thank you!