"Return ", "Second Coming", does it really make a difference ? Don't they both mean the same thing? I guess I'm a Bonifide "Bible Thumper".
If that means I read and study the Bible every day, then maybe I'm not.
But I know I am Born Again and I sure do believe in the Bible; saying that, I know Jesus will be here again; He said as much!
Of all the Prophets and prophecies, Jesus made his share and many where about His return to us. The Bible seems to be very clear that certain things have to happen before that; we seem to be oh so close but yet so far away. But, who knows but God.
The prudent thing is to be ready for that event; no matter when it occurs.
First check yourself thoroughly , go back to God if necessary but be confident in your salvation!
There are many dead before us; who knows you might just die ( your physical death) and you just might die a second death ( a Spiritual Death)!
I pray that when you die your physical death, you enjoy your Spiritual Birth...How about you?