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Attention! Don't do this, it offends God. 5 Signs of a lukewarm Christian.


Jun 23, 2024

In today's busy, fast-paced world, many people have only a superficial faith in God. These are the so-called "lukewarm Christians" - people who are not completely committed to their faith. They claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, but they do not follow his teachings. A lukewarm Christian is someone who shows interest and commitment to the faith for only a short period of time. This kind of Christian may accept a profession of faith, attend church services, and even engage in certain church activities, but for him this is only a superficial practice, devoid of genuine commitment and devotion.

The lukewarm Christian often limits his faith to external manifestations of religiosity, such as attending church services or following certain moral rules. However, he does not engage in spiritual development, does not devote time to prayer, reading the Holy Bible or practicing love of neighbor in everyday life. His faith is momentary, superficial and not penetrating to the depths of the heart. In fact, the lukewarm Christian neglects the most important aspect of the Christian life - the relationship with God. True living by faith requires constant contact with God, turning to Him in prayer, listening to His teachings in the Holy Scriptures, and submitting to His will. The lukewarm Christian misses the opportunity to experience the fullness of God's love and guidance because he gives up that relationship.
In the book of Revelation we read: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. May you be cold or hot! Therefore, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. Because you say: I am rich and have grown rich and need nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and poor, blind and naked. These words are harsh, but they are intended to make lukewarm Christians aware that their indifference and superficiality in faith is an insult to God. Jesus wants His followers to be fervent in love and devotion to Him, constantly seeking His will and following His example. The lukewarm Christian, meanwhile, has no zeal for the faith, but is indifferent and devoid of genuine commitment. In the following section of the Video, we will look at five signs of a lukewarm Christian to look out for. The presented signs are intended to remind us that true faith is not only a matter of superficial religious practices, but above all a personal and authentic relationship with God.
Number one, Treating prayer as a duty. The first sign of a lukewarm Christian that often appears is that prayer is merely a duty. Such a Christian may be inclined to pray only at certain times, such as during church services or before meals. However, when it comes to personal prayer, it often becomes a mere formality to fulfill some religious duty. For the lukewarm Christian, prayer becomes a routine and superficial activity that he performs without genuine commitment and a deep relationship with God.

This may be due to a lack of understanding of the power and importance of prayer as a way of communicating with the Divine Creator and underestimating its impact on our spiritual life. A true follower of Jesus understands that prayer is
a privilege and an opportunity to enter into an intimate relationship with God. He treats it as an important tool to express his thoughts, feelings and needs before God, as well as to listen to His voice and will. He does not limit himself to prayers in church or public ceremonies, but constantly practices prayer in his daily life.

A genuine Christian understands that prayer is the foundation of spiritual growth and intimacy with God. He does not treat it as a one-time duty, but as a constant conversation and cooperation with God. He seeks silence and time for prayer, putting God first in his life and giving Him full trust.
Number Two, Professing Faith in God Only in Times of Trouble and Need. This type of Christian can only run to God in difficult moments in life, when he encounters a problem, illness or other disturbing situation. At such times he turns to God for help and support, but when these problems are resolved, his commitment to faith also disappears. The lukewarm Christian is willing to practice his faith only when he needs it, but he does not engage deeply in it or seek to develop a genuine relationship with God in other aspects of life.

He does not understand that true faith in God should not be limited to only temporary needs and difficulties, but should cover all spheres of our existence. A true Christian understands that faith in God is not only an escape from problems but also a daily way of life. Regardless of the circumstances, he practices his faith and remains faithful to God, not only in difficult times, but also in those carefree and joyful ones. He is aware that God is with him at all times and wants his relationship with Him to be constant and lasting.
Number three, Putting faith in yourself, not in God. This type of person may be willing to rely only on their own wisdom, skills, and resources, rather than relying on God's power and guidance. Her trust is centered on her own abilities, plans, and accomplishments, rather than on divine providence and divine guidance. The lukewarm Christian thinks he can handle life's challenges on his own and succeed without having to rely on God. This attitude leads to spiritual pride and self-satisfaction, which can distance him from genuine union with God and His plan for him.
A committed Christian understands that true strength and wisdom come from God. He puts his faith in Jesus Christ, realizing that without Him he cannot achieve anything worthwhile. Regardless of his abilities and achievements, he is humble and aware that God is the cause of all good things in his life. The true Christian places his trust and hope in God, whatever the circumstances. He seeks His will and guidance in all areas of life, not just those that seem to require divine intervention.

Number four, living in sin and not committing to fighting it. This kind of Christian may be inclined to tolerate a sinful lifestyle and ignore God's commandments. He may lack the determination and willingness to change his bad habits and make efforts to fight the temptations of sin. A lukewarm Christian may be fooling himself into believing that certain sinful behaviors are acceptable or have little relevance to his relationship with God. He may underestimate the
seriousness of sin and not realize that sin separates him from God and destroys his spiritual bond. A person deeply devoted to God realizes that sin is an obstacle in the relationship with God and negatively affects spiritual life. He does not accept sin as part of his life, but strives for holiness and purity through conversion, confession, penance and spiritual struggle against temptation.

The true Christian engages in the fight against sin, realizing that it is a continuous and difficult path. With the help of the Holy Spirit, he tries to avoid sinful situations, develop virtues and strengthen his will to obey God's commandments. He does not underestimate his sinful inclinations, but seeks God's strength and power to overcome them.

Number five, a greater commitment to care for the present life, not for the eternal life. This type of Christian may focus primarily on worldly interests, ambitions, and earthly pleasures, rather than emphasizing spiritual and eternal values. His priorities are directed at the fulfillment of immediate desires, material success or satisfaction with life here and now. A lukewarm Christian may engage in activities aimed at acquiring wealth, social recognition, or the pleasures of a worldly lifestyle, without regard to the eternity and spiritual aspects of existence. His heart is occupied with the things of the world, and I neglect spiritual development.
The genuine Christian understands that mortal life is short-lived and transitory, while eternal life has eternal meaning. He directs his thoughts, actions and aspirations to heavenly things, putting spiritual values and the salvation of the soul first. He understands that the most important thing is to gain eternal life in Christ, and that temporal concerns should be subordinated to this greater goal.

In conclusion, we cannot remain lukewarm in our faith and relationship with God. We must strive to deepen our relationship with Christ, develop spiritual virtues, and give our whole hearts to Him. True faith requires commitment, determination and lasting conversion. Therefore, we encourage everyone who wants to be a true disciple of Christ to understand and practice more deeply the valuesand attitudes that characterize the authentic Christian.

Let our faith reflect our commitment to God, not just at certain times, but throughout our lives. Let our actions, words and thoughts testify to our love for God. Let us remember that our faith has the power to transform our lives and open the way to eternal salvation. Let us not be lukewarm Christians who are superficial and inconsistent. Let us strive for authenticity and deep union with God, so that we can become true witnesses of His love in the world.