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Being Real

Jan 4, 2007
Anyone ever afraid of being a reject or losing friendship? I have but I've learned that when you're in that predicament. Don't just push off your christianity and beliefs. And say I'll tell them another day because tomorrow's not promised to us.

The truth and their soul is way more important than friendship. God has been teaching me this lately. And if you really want to be a true friend be truthful and tell them about the love of Jesus. Sometimes it might seem hard but pray that God might give you strength and boldness.Also we have to accept that as christians we have to sacrfice things and friendship and popluarity is only the beginning.

And truth be told we're really not sacrificing alot. It's Christ who has sacrificed his life so that we might be saved.Everyone God Bless and please tell me your thoughts on this.
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Don't wait

It is true we don't realise how important witnessing to our friends are. Unfortunately being in a school enviroment it is always easier to put it off till tomorrow but to stand up for christ is the least we can do. He died for us.

Don't make my mistake and wait, you might come to school the next day and find your ungodly friend died in an accident and could be in hell right now because of me.

Don't procrastinate, today is the day to witness.