Born again believer seeking christian friends to help me build my prayer life.
Hi Victory,
Not sure what you meant by 'friends to help me build my prayer life'?
Yes, friends can sometimes pray with you you and if you ask them, pray for you. But predominantly your prayer life is a matter between you and God; we don't need priests or anyone else to pray on our behalf, you have a direct access to creator and almighty God, close-up, personal, intimate.
Just chat to God, just tell Him about your day, about how you feel, your hopes and ambitions. In what ways you struggle. Thank Him for all He has done for you, listing His many blessings and benefits, tell him you love him and why. God loves praise and adoration and of course He more than deserves it.
One thing worth praying for is a greater depth of experience of God, His wonder and majesty. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal this to you and show you just what a wonderful, amazing, loving and incredible God we serve.
Pray frequently. God bless you, richly