God has called me into Ministry(yay) but I don't know what college classes to take
I suggest you start by being active in your church and expose youself to as many places of service as possible.
IF others take notice and they tell you to consider going into ministry then pray as you are now. Share your call with your pastor, and ask him to take you under his wing. The pastor most likely share some books on preaching and outer duties of a pastor. Go to rescue mission's and see if you might be able to share your testamony and eventually preach a short sermon. NEVER TURN DOWN A CHANCE YO SERVE. Ministry often has those in ministry doing things that at the time seem they are clearly not in a ministries job description. Things like unplugging a toilet some chilld plugged up with a half a rool of T P. Or maybe some one fulshed garbage down because the garbage disposal was broke. Then maybe somone forgot to clean the church on Saturdayb so you clean it at 7:30 am yourself.
Much of ministry is serving! Have you ever used a hammer, toilet plunger, or painted? Do you mind getting spitup on your clothes? Visiting the little ones before the service is important too, they are part of the church as, remember? You may be part time, put there is no such thing as apart time pastor, just part time pay.
Please remember When we are called by God, SERVING IS WHAT YOU ARE CALLED TO DO. The times people watch you preach a sermon, or a funeral, wedding are all a fun time's, but most everything else is hard work serving others. Even preparing sermons is hard in finding the time to be in a quiet place and knowing what the LORD wants you do preach. Just as a little note, I never felt like I was fully prepared, I seldom had sermons come easy, there is always so much more you could have done or said.
I would be a shadow with your pastor as often as he will let you be with him. But be in the word everyday, and pray all the time, these are a high priorities. Hope this help's. Blessings.