Jim Elliot and his wife and missions group were Not 'street' witnessing. That was their calling. That Indian group.
I would agree -- local believers Could host neighborhood picnics -- kind of like a neighborhood watch thing. Getting to know your neighbors is Important. That's the Great Commission being talked about -- start out locally, at home and progress further and further Out, as God leads.
The church buss ministry -- I'm not even very big on That. Unless the parents are being brought along with their kids. Too often the kids are sent on the buss and parents end up with free baby-sitting for an hour or so. And, yes, some parents are also reached this way. But why not start out with parents -- a family bus ministry. And That way - a church doesn't have a lot of kids in their service unattended. And That's what happened in one church that Had a bus ministry. Lots of kids were picked up -- we sat in the back pews for our own bathroom stops -- some kids sitting in back of us were simply talking / passing notes / goofing off. I finally wrote a note to the older of the kids and handed it to them. So Please sit quietly and listen to the pastor. That worked for a while. I wasn't mad at them, just expected respect and quietness during the preaching service.
Your example of Jesus and His disciples doing 'street' ministry -- Stephen was stoned. Jesus Also performed miracles and showed people that there was something outside of themselves that was happening. But your example is kind of like comparing 'apples and oranges'. We are living in This day and age. The world has changed considerably since then.
Street Ministry projects -- depending on the geographical local can be dangerous. Unless you feel specifically called To that ministry.
Back some decades ago -- that and door to door visitation were popular. Now -- a person never knows what's on the other side of the door. Actually had a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses stop by -- I simply said that 'now' is not a good time , they handed me a tract and left. That's the first time in a Long time anyone has stopped by.
Jim Elliot and his friend are not on record as approved or prepared by a missionary board's approval. He attended Wheaton College, majoring in a non-religious pursuit, but was further inspired by a speech there. There was training in Spanish, living and ministering in Mexico and S. America, but largely he was driven by a burning desire from childhood listening to visiting missionaries in church services. He's a perfect example of how Jesus can call the unlikely to succeed. He gave his life for those Indians even though the team was armed, deciding not to defend themselves. That was a viable decision. They gained all, lost nothing concerning eternity. Those islanders came to Christ later through his wife who carried on his vision.
If not visiting in a home, practically all significant evangelism is a matter of crusades, media, and person to person witnessing. All Christians are called by general order from Jesus to be a bright light to someone nearby, to reach out with the gospel to the world as much as practical. Yes, some are called into specific offices such as preacher, evangelist. We will all be judged of that mission call to all. Sending a dollar to a missionary is not equal to speaking up, confessing Christ to people. Out in the sun, in the malls, in public places is all "street ministry".
About modern children's ministries. We have 3 bus driver teams, each with a volunteer driver and a children's pastor often with spouse picking up kids. When they arrive, they go to Children's Church. We have 4 paid youth pastors and volunteers helping with 4 age groups. They have their own facility, their own bathrooms. We figured out saved as well as unsaved children avoid boredom by hearing what is well received by all children, the adult sessions way above their heads until they choose to take part in those in their teens. The pizza breakfast helps :smile:
It's just too hard to get into a home of unsaved folks. But when they see progress in their children, they sometimes begin coming, and eventually some start bringing their children, often to the disappointment of their children. The kids love singing and having fun on the bus. and miss out on the breakfast. Not one complaint has come to my knowledge of anyone resenting those parents getting free babysitting. We see it as an investment into the children, which can add to the parents' blessings. Some of those children we started with are enrolled in Bible schools on scholarships. Some have married and are well established, able to help their parents.
The whole idea is to get people into the benefit of church ministries based on biblical gifts to grow them in Christ, with the goal of adding to the family of God, and educating them to be productive disciples. That takes years, from toddler to adulthood, each age group finally able to relate to biblical concepts.
I was replying to you without stating names or pointing to threads that some here believe the Holy Spirit in a new believer equips them to live sin free from day one, apparently as soon as they are born again. That is unbiblical, actually false teaching. Their minds require renewal, regardless of age.
Now I would like to preach to the choir, in this case you, to somehow get through to them. He does not replace the ministries God gave to believers. If not, then the whole point of church gifts is pointless, that we don't need preachers and teachers. There is no telling how many people have been led to Christ, but not followed through to get them educated of the word of God, fellowship with other believers, and outreach to their own constellation of lost' watchers', people observing a changed life, whether it is real or not. An 'unarmed' new believer faces immediate resistance from old friends aided by demons and Satan. Many have but a vague idea of God, of the gospel beyond what they might remember from that street witness, or what God says is sin so they can judge other acts as related to sin. Then comes how do they learn to live righteous, above sin, above and apart from the old state they have been brainwashed to serve. At that point the Holy Spirit in them can help recall as needed what they have learned.
I believe most of the people Jesus ministered to was on the basis of true street witnessing, sometimes to one person to groups of many thousands. He didn't do that preaching in synagogues, where the leaders sought all the more to kill Him even after believing Him. Ruffle your feathers or not, God is not interested in adaptation of the gospel to changing world cultures. It's meant to be the opposite, to bring the world back into God's world. We have observed many miracles among the youth and adults reached. We've seen addicts instantly delivered and now working assignments of the church body. They are accountable. We've watched a former meth lab man who gave his life to the Lord upon seeing how his children and wife were blessed. He was then represented in court, the judge ordering him to our pastors, to his delight. He expected prison, but got probation. The man is bringing troubled associates to be discipled. There have been many physical healing events, restored marriages, reunited families receiving their fostered children back. We could write a big book about what we know about. We don't know what else happened or is happening that isn't told.