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Catholic Church about to split, Again?


Feb 24, 2018
It is a sad time for true catholics including myself, to see what church leadership has been up to. And this will become a great test for many, Especially Bishops, Priests, and the flock.

The pope, and most cardinals and most bishops are turning on Christendom with the woke ideology. In some cases, so anti Christian it will make you puke.

Some of the contents of thier decisions have leaked out from the Vatican over these past number of months, making people like myself wonder if they actually have thier heads screwed on at all.
Things like making Jesus Himself to be considered as a son ( son with small "s") and equal with only humans and not equality to God.
Another, opening the door to the alphabet community and allowing that thinking to be accepted, even to the level of marriage.

Make no mistake. They may claim the name as being Catholic, but they are not Catholic by any stretch of the imagination.

My faith is solid, core to many here at Talk Jesus. Jesus is God (hear oh Israel our God is One).
Jesus suffered and died for our sins. And rose from the dead to conquer death and bring us salvation though Him.

I know the little issues that turn into a free for all - i just call it politics, because not all were called to understand everything of God. And i also know God sees us as His children. All of us that love God and follow Him.

Those usurpers in the Catholic church will also have to stand before God, i would not want to be in thier shoes.

This October is when they have chosen to reveal thier great intelect. It will be a rough ride for many

In contrast, Bishop Strickland from Tyler, Tx has been speaking out against the pope's agenda. I would invite any here to listen to his messages. They are filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
I find them heartening..

"We must hold fast to these truths and be wary of any attempts to present an alternative to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or to push for a faith that speaks of dialogue and brotherhood, while attempting to remove the fatherhood of God," Strickland wrote.Aug 23, 2023
Their problem not ours.
Every split group has their own problems. Every one of them has decided their "version" is what they should believe in and follow.
Child and Servant of God is the ONLY title that matters.
Their problem not ours.
Every split group has their own problems. Every one of them has decided their "version" is what they should believe in and follow.
Child and Servant of God is the ONLY title that matters.
And the servant of God.... one who does what the master wishes. A good and faithful servant.
Their problem not ours.
Every split group has their own problems. Every one of them has decided their "version" is what they should believe in and follow.
Child and Servant of God is the ONLY title that matters.
Unfortunately, pope Francis is now on the board of the One World Church located in Dubai.
Unfortunately, pope Francis is now on the board of the One World Church located in Dubai.
Nonsense. Simply not true.

Once you start believing one fruitloop conspiracy story it's a short step to believing them all.
A lot of Catholics call him the "Anti-Pope". He's said and done a lot of things that are clearly blasphemy.
That doesn't mean he's on the board of the One World Church based in Dubai.
Doesn't mean he isn't.
Fruits (actions) show who a person really is.
Which is one good reason why it's important to say things that are true about a person's actions. Not stir up wild ideas about a clandestine One World Church, whatever that might be.
Nonsense. Simply not true.

Once you start believing one fruitloop conspiracy story it's a short step to believing them all.
There is a video on the subject with him on the board of the one world church.

And the announcement to the catholic church is set for October
Let's see the video then. Just copy a link into the thread and I'll take a look
Let me clarify.
I'm not suggesting each Christian group is to ignore and keep to themselves.
Every group has it's own problems and they cannot get any better if it (the group) doesn't put itself first. You don't build up one person/group by taking from another.
It may not be spelled out letter by letter but during the End Times there will be an Anti Pope. He may not be it but there are always precursors to such a person like the antichrists; not little "a".
As this One World Religion is forced what better figurehead than the Pope?
Which is one good reason why it's important to say things that are true about a person's actions. Not stir up wild ideas about a clandestine One World Church, whatever that might be.
He's making a move to where women can be priests.
1. Too many, women especially, think the wrong things about God. That he's misogynistic. God set the roles for both sexes in the beginning. Hate it all you want, whoever is upset, the Authority, Judge, and Creator has spoken. If you're a Christian or Catholic and not a cherry picker, lukewarm one, then "Yes, Lord." is what you need to be saying and look at the requirements for such a position. No woman can be a "husband of one wife".
2. No Christian, especially the Pope, can support or like what God hates. He's openly come out in "support" of them but is very weak with regards to them changing. Being "that" is a choice and many have abandoned those lifestyles.
3. Any "church" that accepts Alphabet people in any position in the church and "female pastors/preachers" is not a Godly one. Just b/c one does the motions of a pastor and reads the Bible doesn't mean God is there.
Satan knows the Bible better than any human and can mimic anything.
He's making a move to where women can be priests.
1. Too many, women especially, think the wrong things about God. That he's misogynistic. God set the roles for both sexes in the beginning. Hate it all you want, whoever is upset, the Authority, Judge, and Creator has spoken. If you're a Christian or Catholic and not a cherry picker, lukewarm one, then "Yes, Lord." is what you need to be saying and look at the requirements for such a position. No woman can be a "husband of one wife".
2. No Christian, especially the Pope, can support or like what God hates. He's openly come out in "support" of them but is very weak with regards to them changing. Being "that" is a choice and many have abandoned those lifestyles.
3. Any "church" that accepts Alphabet people in any position in the church and "female pastors/preachers" is not a Godly one. Just b/c one does the motions of a pastor and reads the Bible doesn't mean God is there.
Satan knows the Bible better than any human and can mimic anything.
Very interesting, but does nothing to show that anyone should believe the Pope is on the board of a One World Church based in Dubai.
Nothing? Opinion.
One person isn't the definitive on this and many, like myself, have seen that the Pope is becoming. If he were truly Catholic then what God has said, he would've repeated and ALL who are upset b/c of it that's their problem.
The main reason why many are NOT going to Heaven and in the New Earth is b/c of their selfishness and cherry picking which parts of God they're going to follow.
So many times people use poor excuses and out of context verses to justify their sins.
Very interesting, but does nothing to show that anyone should believe the Pope is on the board of a One World Church based in Dubai.
Hang on , there are a ton of posts on the subject , just look up Pope and owc
I picked up on it a couple of years back. It's an interfaith centre, built to improve relations between Christians, Muslims and Jews. It has nothing to do with establishing a One World Religion. I have no idea why so many people are so exercised about One World Religion or why the writer of the article felt it nessesary to insert it.

Here's the text that serves as a kind of founding document for the centre. It's a bit woolly and earnest for my taste - I prefer statements that centre around commitments to specific practical action. But representatives of different religions working together to bring peace where there is violence is a good thing.

The Abrahamic Family House has no decision-making power or authority over Christians, Jews or Muslims.
Hang on , there are a ton of posts on the subject , just look up Pope and owc
Show me just one that's a reliable report. One that led you to believe this is true.

And maybe run it through a fact checker too. You can be sure that I will. Thanks.