So i assume that most of you have heard the news, a missing little girl from Colorado has been found, she is no longer with us and I pray that God blesses her soul. I am writing here looking for answers, I am very disturbed about this happening, not just to this one girl but all of these cases similar to this. It deeply disturbs me how can God let this happen? Which one of us Christians has the resolve to go share the verse that God works all things for good to that mother? How could that have any meaning to her? Do you mean to tell me God will work that out for good? I love God and pray that justice is served i just really wonder how long will this go on. I cant question God, but it really seems we need the Savior to return soon. Anyway i will probably get a warning from the admins for my confusion and struggling questions again. They usually dock me if i ask questions to you all about God and look for reassurance that He is still alive and well in the world, because i dont see it now, how many other children will have to suffer until He decides to make things right?