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Complete with out "true love"?

Oct 13, 2005
Hi guys
I know every wants someone by their side. Some one to hold hands with in good times and bad. SOme one to love and be loved back. And I hope I get to have that someone. Some one we experience true love with.
But I truly don't beleive that person will complete me. I am not trying to be all righteous here. I know it sounds like that. But I really do believe we are very much complete only coz we have Jesus and I am not just saying that. I mean, take Paul. He wasnot married and yet he is like the best Jesus-follower I know of. I mean, it's really amazing the way he is devoted to God. He was married to him, LITERALLY!!!!!
Yeah, may be we might not be very comfortable living with out that someone but still no doubt we are complete.
God bless
You are right...

Jesus's always said:
Hi guys
I know every wants someone by their side. Some one to hold hands with in good times and bad. SOme one to love and be loved back. And I hope I get to have that someone. Some one we experience true love with.
But I truly don't beleive that person will complete me. I am not trying to be all righteous here. I know it sounds like that. But I really do believe we are very much complete only coz we have Jesus and I am not just saying that. I mean, take Paul. He wasnot married and yet he is like the best Jesus-follower I know of. I mean, it's really amazing the way he is devoted to God. He was married to him, LITERALLY!!!!!
Yeah, may be we might not be very comfortable living with out that someone but still no doubt we are complete.
God bless

You are right! Our completeness is in God and God in us.
I agree Jesus's always! (Even though I'm not a guy LOL) I'm 16 and have no idea what my future holds although I'm planning on going to Bible school even that could change. I'd love to get married some day and have a houseful of children and homeschool them all and teach them what my mom and dad have taught me but if that's not in Christ's almighty plan for me that's fine! I'm sure His plan is far above mine so I am satisfied knowing God is in control. I hope this all doesn't come off the wrong way but it's really how I feel regarding getting married and my future spouse wherever he may be.
Jesus's always said:
I feel ya sis... 3 nails.. and I am not a guy either lol :)
I realized that you weren't a guy but just wanted to varify that I wasn't either. :-))
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Hi, all! I just thought I'd pop in here & share my 2 bits - or should that be more with inflation & all? :wink:

Anyway, 3 nails=love (great handle, btw! Just love it! :love: ), it's encouraging to see a young woman such as yourself so willing to follow God's will, no matter what it may be. You remind me of yourself at your age (never thought I'd ever hear myself saying that! & me only 36! haha ) in that way.

I've never been married, &, at times, it's been, oh, so hard (I'm not writing this at all to discourage you, 3 nails, or anyone else - just being honest), but I have to say, in all honesty, that it really has been worth it. I'm still holding out hope for marriage & a family - I'm still young enough - but I'm also realistic enough to know that it's all in what God wants for me, & to that I cling. After all, He knows what's best for each of us, doesn't He?

As a single Christian woman, I am assured of strength in my lowest times, which are getting fewer in regards to my singleness as time goes on, as well as pure joy in living a chaste life.

Time was I never felt whole as a single woman. I'm so thankful for the family I have! They have never pushed me to get married, although they're still holding out hope for me because they know it's what I want. However, they've always been a great support to me, as have most of my friends, especially the Christian ones. The non-Christian ones don't really seem to get how I can be content without a man, but most of them are kind & do their best to be supportive to me.

The past few years have really brought a true change in my life, a level of fellowship with God that I've not experienced before. I've gone deeper in my increased solitude (I live in a small community where it's been hard for me to find close, close Christian friends I feel a true fellowship & kindred-spiritness with) & being away from my nearest & dearest. As a result, I'm feeling more & more complete all the time.

Looking back at my life so far, I'm really thankful for this time & for what it's brought me, although I do wish that I had turned so fully to God earlier. Then again, this is the time for me to be where I am with God. Everything in His time!

3 nails & all, don't give up when it seems like people are pressuring you to enter into relationships just to be in relationships. Don't give in to things you know are wrong. Stick to the straight & narrow & keep looking up. Look to God to complete you - after all, we come from His creativity & we are in His image, not the other way around.
You can't fill a God-sized hole with a man-sized piece

It actually mentions in the New Testament (I'm not sure where... tell me if you find it!) that it is better NOT to marry, because that way you can focus completely on God, but if you feel tempted, then you SHOULD marry so you dont fall into sin...

So it is God that completes us, not our partner. God has given us a partner to help us through life, as someone who we can talk to and love and support. That is why so many people have broken relationships- they are trying to fill a God-sized hole with a non-fitting man-sized piece (a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend). It is God and God only that completes us, anyone else comes second.

However I believe that if God has put a longing in your heart to find a soulmate, then he will give you one. He doesn't give us dreams just to annoy us (obviously)... he gives us dreams of what our future will look like if we follow him, and every desire and passion in our life was created by him to make up our character, so he wont let any dream or desire go to waste.

Just keep praying and use this time as a "no distraction" time to focus on God and nothing else! He will do the rest if you just follow him!