I am really concerned about a friend of mine. He is 42 years old and still acts like a teenager. He has no girlfriend or wife and lives at home with his parents. My biggest worry is that he listens to heavy metal and punk rock music which i believe is making him anxious and depressed. He asks me what music he should listen to instead and i can't really answer as i am not a big music fan myself. I just tell him to listen to positive, happy music. Anyway, any advice would be greatly appreciated. God bless.
Hello 1 holy 1,
The problem is not the music. Regardless of what is being listened too, if one doesn't have Christ Jesus as ones Savior, then all the greatest listening music the world has to offer won't help him or anyone a bit. You don't state if the person is saved, but I'm assuming he is not. If he is then I apologize ahead of time, but the point should still be valid even in that case. Too often we try to change the person before they know Christ Jesus as their Savior. We're not called to clean them up before introducing them to the Gospel.
I used to listen to just about all the secular music available, and even after being saved, it took years before, I finally grew enough to realize that it wasn't uplifting or giving Glory to God in any way shape or form so I didn't need it in my life. So changing the music is not what moved me to the Lord, it was recognition that I was a sinner and needed a savior, that I repented, received His forgiveness, was baptized, and Born Again that in time with the Holy Spirit was able to change from the things of this world to the things that are "Out of this World"!!!! Which of cause includes music.
If your friend is saved, tell him to pray about it or even suggest he join TJ, because there are plenty of folks here that would suggest some good solid music to uplift and glorify! If not; praying for him and witnessing to him would be of greater benefit then suggesting a change of music.
Praying for your friend and for you as well.
Ephesians 5:19-20 [19] Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; [20] Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;