Yes, I've lived with depression and suicidal thoughts for years, but my latest problem I've been wanting help with seems to be ignored on medical websites, so I thought I'd try a spiritual forum, no one cares I guess, (hopefully I've come to right section of the site forum, I don't know...) but I was hoping for some kind of advice/help here, I have went through a long, long period of time with absolutely no kind of sexual desires or arousal, and that was the happiest thing for me just to be honest, and maybe this problem comes from being a male that's about turn 35 in a couple of months, still a virgin, and never really actually dated anyone, and actually never found my sexual way, still to this day, still in that confused mode that is kind of where it is when you first start turning into the teenage/puberty transition, but anyways, it's like suddenly the last several months, maybe a year now even, I don't know, lost track of time, but I cannot seem to stop getting "turned onto" anything. I shamely have turned to porn., and that's why I'm trying to draw the line, but I don't necessarily have to even have that to get aroused, I mean it's to the point, that it'll wake me up from a total deep sleep. I can't stand to go on with this mess any longer. I've said a long serious prayer again last night, cried a bit too, I'm too ashamed to discuss it with someone I know, but I wasn't really wanting to go to a doctor over it either. but I just can't stand this anymore, if there is anyone with some advice for me or help, I would certainly appreciate it, I'm just so tired of living with these demons in me, I don't know if it's a medical condition or not honestly, but I just wished I could have some kinda help with this.......Thanks
Yes, I've found God years ago, it's not that, and maybe being stayed secluded to my bedroom could be part of the problem, I feel like me coming out would be a punishment to others though. I said a long prayer the other night, and it helped at least ease things for now, I hopeful it will stay that way........I just frankly don't understand the whole situation, but I don't know...maybe I'm not meant to know........... Anyway thanks for someone out there at least acknowledging me!!
Brother Corey Guthrie, there have been some good responses in this thread for you to consider. Now I will throw my hat into the ring, as well
My wife and I have been married to each other for 12 years. She, 20 years my junior, was a virgin on our wedding night. I, regrettably, was not. Yet the Lord can, and does, restore.
Hold on to your virginity! O how envious I am of you! The Lord placed you here for a reason; you have incredible value and worth to the King! There is a calling placed on your life by him; his word confirms it.
I have a history which started very much like your own. To place a clinical label on it, I was a hard-core sex addict. The details are not important, lest we stir the flesh. Suffice to say that I had an entire lifestyle, as a successful businessman, clandestinely focused on the attempts to satisfy my flesh in that area, including fornication, adultery and pornography.
That you acknowledge your issue to be beyond your own control is vital; it is the first step necessary in appropriating the authority, which the Lord says is yours, in successfully combating the spiritual entities involved.
Do not go outside of the Lord to seek answers. Do not go to men or to drugs or to anything other than the One True Source of all healing: Jesus Christ. We have his promise: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9 KJB).
My wife and I have an on-going addictions ministry, including drunkenness (“alcoholism”) and
pharmakeia (“drugs”). All addictions, including sexual, are of the same basic structure; I’ll explain that in a moment.
Recall what happened to the Israelites when they turned to Caesar (man’s God-less purported authority), rather than to Christ --
they fell into complete bondage. When we turn to man, we give Satan the legal permission he requires to assign one of his boys (i.e. a devil, or demon) to us. In the instance of sexual desire, when we give in to it, it is the
spirit of lust that sets up a stronghold in our lives.
This is spiritual warfare! Are you "dressed for success?" Sound spiritual wisdom is necessary, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Cr. 2:11 KJB).
For example, if the medical community declares alcoholism or anorexia to be simply another "disease," it follows then that we will also ignorantly believe that man's drugs should be prescribed to treat it! Meanwhile, we remain spiritually ignorant of the demons which cause mental illness, depression, and suicide. Have you noticed that, when a person becomes depressed, or feels rejected, he will turn to drugs or to alcohol or to pornography for relief from his emotional pain? Then, he will become addicted to one or more of these things. Thus, you can see how one demon will cause a person to go to another: demon #1 causes you to be depressed, so you go to demon #2, the demon of lust, and he in turn will send you to demon #3, the demon of addiction. It's a vicious bondage loop. These demons literally create a circle in which they try to keep a person trapped for his entire life.
The only truly effective solution is to tap into the power of the Lord. This is the secret that Satan is trying so hard to conceal. Satan wants to render us ineffective for the kingdom of Christ (and ultimately wants us dead!). For someone struggling with sexual lust, a sincere faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is vital. How does one "get faith?" "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17 KJB).
A man must admit to God that he is a sinner (through prayer; speaking out loud is better than silently because your words cannot be mistaken or misdirected, as thoughts can be); he must repent unto God and be willing to turn away from sin; he must believe that Jesus paid for his sins when He died and arose from the dead; he must ask God to save him; he must ask Jesus Christ to take first place in his life. WORDS MATTER! The power of life and death is in the tongue. "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword...and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12 KJB).
Do that now. Tell God that you repent of giving territory to the enemy in the area of sexual lust. Ask the Lord to show you where those open doors to the enemy are, so that you can close them. Plead the blood of Christ and ask him to take back the territory you had previously given to the enemy. Pray for wisdom and the courage to do what is required of you. Do not be afraid, but realize this is no game or “doctrine.” These devils do exist. In my situation, the Lord allowed me to physically see several of these devils. Incredible! Continue to submit yourself to Christ, EVERY TIME these ghouls tempt you. EVERY TIME. They HATE the name of Jesus Christ. Then REST in Christ, knowing you have stood in his authority; let Christ do the work for you. Christ came to give you live, and to give you life more abundantly. You must cease allowing Satan to steal your walk. DON'T GIVE UP!