two days ago i found out that someone who i thought was a friend, was saying hateful things about me but not just me but my family, of course i allow anger to take over and I went into full rage. After a while i realize i went about things the wrong way, and have been trying to not let anger get me again, but this person continues on and on even calling my pastor . I don't want anger to control me but its becoming hard , does anyone have any advice how to deal with this situation. I know God is ashamed of me but I just can't get this hatred out of my heart . how do i begin to forgive if I can't let go of my anger.
The hardest thing to do, especially when one is attacked, is to show the Love of Christ. First the anger part. If your anger was wrong then apologize for it. It's a hard lesson to learn, because apologizing is not something we come by naturally. Real tough to do because you feel that you were the injured party; the one who was wronged. Remember our Lord on the cross.” Forgive them for they know not what they do.” He was the one being wronged and He asked those who were doing Him the harm to be forgiven!
Take Note: Also, don’t apologize in a backhanded sort of way. “I sorry I got angry with you, but when I heard you said, this and that about me and my family…..” Do it that way and all you’re doing is justifying your anger, and that you probably don’t really mean the apology.
God taught me a valuable lesson with this not too long ago. Apologize and turn it over to Him. He can handle the situation a lot better than we can. When I feel anger getting ready to explode, I cry out to Jesus for help “Jesus help me!” Since I might be in a crowd I kind of do it in my mind! Put your focus on Him, it really does help and remember He really does want to help us!
Also, keep this in mind. Don’t get involved in gossip, it is poison. Who said, she said, has brought down, relationships, churches, and only God knows what else. What is being told to another is always done with the best of intentions. They want to help because they heard someone talking bad about you. Instead of telling the person whose doing the talking that they shouldn't be saying those things, they just go tell someone else. How spreading stuff around about folks, is helping, but there you have it, imperfect people. Not saying that this is the case here, just keep this in mind.
I won’t address the issue with your Pastor, unless they bring it up first. Once you turn it over to God let Him work. As I said before, I think He can handle it a lot better than we can. If you still feel the need to talk to someone then pray about it. Ask God to move folks into your life that will help you. Kind of like your brothers & sisters in Christ here at TJ who are trying
I hope this has been of some benefit to you. I’ll being praying for you.