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Desperately seeking Baptist soulmate

Baptist soul mate, lol I respect that. I think I'm like you, I'd rather marry a Baptist because I'm strict on my beliefs and I'm a Bible believer. I hope you find your soul mate. God bless
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You have to love the promise Jesus Christ gave us (of many)

Matthew 21:22
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”
If he isn't a baptist would you love him anyway?
Do you think that it would matter?
If he isn't a baptist would you love him anyway?
Do you think that it would matter?
That's right it don't matter, as long he a good born again Christian

That hold Baptist stuff is just man made traditions:embarasse

I wasn't expecting to get this much response...I'm honored and greatful for the comments. First and foremost I would really want a baptist to be with me in my future. Trust me I been in a lot of bad relationships, with unbelievers and born again christians a like. I knew I failed miserably on the first because I disobeyed God being equally yolked with them, on the second one, somehow the place of worship was an issue, he wasnt baptist but born again. I wanted him to come to worship at my church but he had obligations at his church and I had mine on my church. You get the picture right?

But it doesnt necessarily mean my eyes are closed to whats out there...as long as that person believes in God and is saved by His Grace and loves Him with all His heart and with all His mind he will pass my screening with flying colors.:thumbs_up

it just boils down to one thing...I want a Christ centered relationship; something that is truely for keeps..it might not be a perfect relationship or a perfect person(because there is never one on this earth) but the point is we see God's teaching and love as an example and I know thru thick or thin life, with that person, is going to be wonderful and worth all the wait.

By the way Cody, it was ur profile at myspace that led me here...and chad thanks for the chance to be a member of this community.
If he isn't a Baptist be ashamed.

Why is that so? I'm not considered nor call myself a Baptist. Should I be ashamed too?


I'm all for Jesus, the only name I need is sinner, because that is literally who I am. But I'm GOD's child now.
Well, it was designed for the gal who was looking for a Baptist guy. You should marry within your tribe or you will have major troubles. Actually we were called Baptists by our enemies the same way we got the name Christian.

The old pastor was asked, "What would you be if you weren't a Baptist?"
He replied, "I'd be ashamed."

In my 32 year journey I have explored many, many avenues and at this point I would have to concur with the old preacher. We t'ain't perfect but I think we are more "squared away" as we said un the military than the other groups.
Well, it was designed for the gal who was looking for a Baptist guy. You should marry within your tribe or you will have major troubles. Actually we were called Baptists by our enemies the same way we got the name Christian.

The old pastor was asked, "What would you be if you weren't a Baptist?"
He replied, "I'd be ashamed."

In my 32 year journey I have explored many, many avenues and at this point I would have to concur with the old preacher. We t'ain't perfect but I think we are more "squared away" as we said un the military than the other groups.

I agree with the Baptist denomination being the best, but lets not make waves Mav. We believe the Baptist denomination is a great denomination, but others don't.

I believe in the Baptist doctrine, but that doesn't mean I think thats the only way to Christ because it's not. I just believe it's a great denomination to learn about the Bible. No need for anyone to be ashamed if they're not Baptist. This is a non-denominational site.

God Bless
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I agree with the Baptist denomination being the best, but lets not make waves Mav. We believe the Baptist denomination is a great denomination, but others don't.

I believe in the Baptist doctrine, but that doesn't mean I think thats the only way to Christ because it's not. I just believe it's a great denomination to learn about the Bible. No need for anyone to be ashamed if they're not Baptist. This is a non-denominational site.

God Bless

Right, its a NON-DENOMINATIONAL site so let us refrain form senseless remarks about denominations or promoting one denomination over another. That is 100% un-Christlike, we all know that, don't we?
Well, it was designed for the gal who was looking for a Baptist guy. You should marry within your tribe or you will have major troubles. Actually we were called Baptists by our enemies the same way we got the name Christian.

The old pastor was asked, "What would you be if you weren't a Baptist?"
He replied, "I'd be ashamed."

In my 32 year journey I have explored many, many avenues and at this point I would have to concur with the old preacher. We t'ain't perfect but I think we are more "squared away" as we said un the military than the other groups.

This is thrash. First of all, watch what you say. Don't go running a muck claiming Baptist is best. This is stupid, ungodly and divisive attitude. Don't even dare tell me that GOD would approve of your view. Had you been raised another denomination so strongly, I'm confident you'd run around claiming that one is best also.

Your "baptist is best" mentality goes to show you that you personally are in no shape or form "squared away" at all. Your far from it based on your obvious attitude.

Secondly, show me Scripture that says anything about marrying within your "tribe" as you claim. GOD said do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. He never said anything about marrying within the same denomination. Welcome to the real truth based on Scripture, not Baptist is Holier Than Thou preaching.

2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

If he isn't a Baptist be ashamed.

I'm utterly disgusted by your post. You literally spat on everyone who is not a Baptist. If anyone should be ashamed, it is you! I'm sure you wouldn't dare quote the same "pastor" had you been preaching to thousands of people in a congregation now would you?

You should apologize to everyone here publicly if your so humble and great Baptist servant.
That's why denomination is like a gang in away accept for the hold crime or anything that is not Christ like... :embarasse Saying who the best? I been fellowship with different denomination mostly Pentecostal, apostolic, Baptist, church of God, Church of God In Christ (GOGIC), and most of all, non-denominational, but the worse fellowship or the mess up service was this one Baptist church that I have been to accept all other Baptist church that I want but it is the pastor there.

One time I want to this Spanish Pentecostal church bible study and I said to them I seem more Pentecostal then I am from Non-Denominational, but then they go on and says, the title dose not matter if you a Pentecostal, or if you a Pentecostal or Servant, they chose Servant and I felt in my spirit that is true and I choose servant. It is your choice, Servant or Denomination; I choose Servant.
i agree with what cody said

i believe that no religion can save us but we have the preference to choose with what denomenation we would want to learn more about God and adopt. I personally am looking for a baptist cause that way there would be lesser conflicts with our ways and we would be nestled in the same wave but it would still boil down to one thing, I just badly want a God-centered relationship.

As for Chad and the others, I'm sorry and I apologize that this is going on in my thread. I feel bad that we are acting like this in here of all places.

For Mev, I know you might feel that way and I respect that you have your opinion but I guess that should have been said on a different note.

And for us all, let us just remember that we are here for the service of our Father...not because we are task or obligated but because we LOVE Him...in effect we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and our denomination would be sort of like our individual personalities in one big family. God Bless You all.
Sister L_...you did nothing wrong. You had a sincere request out of the desire of your hearts. Its when people like Mav that go slandering others' belief or denominations foolishly that ruin a good thread like this one.
God bless you sister, I hope God sends him your way.

And yes brother Stylez " servant " is a label I'm willing to carry also.

To God be the glory.