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Dirty mouth toddler


Mar 24, 2007
Currently I live with my parents and 2 kids. Christian mother, alcoholic father. When my father gets home from a drinking binge he starts yelling at everyone and shouting profanities at me and my children. So I take the kids into the bedroom to distract them so they won't hear him, but it really doesn't work and now one of my kids (3yrs) immitates my father when he can't get what he wants. He says all kinds of curse words and yells and even hits tables!! I seriously don't know how to end this. I can't move out though I desperately want to. I'm at a dead end here. Will my son get even more aggressive than he already is and would that escalate into him being a bully at school or even a bad tempered teen? I find myself praying for this all the time but it just seems to be getting worse...Does anyone have any advise? please?
That is a difficult situation to be in.

Can you not spend time in the bedroom when you know he is coming home so that they do not hear the words he is speaking when is like this. The young ones do imitate us and therefore it is important that we show them the way to behave.

The best advice I know is to praise the children when they do well and try to ignore them when they are bad. Speak positive words over their lives.
It sounds like your son has picked up the aggressive temperament too.

Try and be extra kind to him when he is behaving well.

6 Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it.

When he is calm explain to him the words he hears coming from your dad are bad words to help him understand.

God bless :love: :rainbow: :rose:
Well, I'm not a parent but I know what Scripture says. For one, pray as you already do. Secondly, please read this.

Proverbs 13:24
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.

So, a stick slap on his rear should teach him a lesson. Do not be afraid that your abusing your child. You are actually disciplining him out of love as Scripture commands, teaches us to do. Some children do not need this, some do.
Be careful little mouth what you say...

I'm not a parent, but the time spent in the room should be use to explain the behaviour and language they are hearing outside.
Also explain that it's wrong for kids to do it.

When I was small I never wanted to displease God, teach them that God is watching. Singing this song with them also helps.

Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see

Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see.
Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see.
There's a Father up above, looking down in tender love,
So be careful little eyes, what you see.

Be careful little ears what you hear
Be careful little mouth what you say...
Be careful little hands, what you touch...
Be careful little feet, where you go...

Chad has a great point don't be afraid to correct your kids.
Well I AM a parent and my advise is if at all possible remove yourself and your children from this situation. This is imperative ESPECIALLY if you're a single mother, your children will find themselves mimicking the behaviour of your dad as is already the case.

Sister, I pray for you and your situation. What's critical here is the safety of your children, both the spiritual and physical safety.

With His Love
Faithful :love:
One4Faith: You need to get yourself and your kids away from your alcoholic father A.S.A.P. I suspect that your mother enables his behavior and when he screams and curses and pounds the table, he gets what he wants from her. That situation is not going to get better until he runs out of enablers, and that's probably not going to happen soon. Meanwhile your kids are being sorely damaged by his example.

I don't know what your financial situation is, but I'm certain of this, that there is help out there for you if you need it - maybe an agency that gets funding from the United Appeal, or your state's family services agency (to mention two possibilities) for finding housing.


Hey girl, I have 5 boys and know a bit about children. Please get yourself to a safe house. Do they have any womens shelters near you? Get your kiddies out of there. Abuse cuts to the core and verbal abuse and banging tables etc..., is all so wrong for a child to witness.
Lord Heavenly Father, I will kneel to You in prayer and I will pray that One4faith has the ability to get her children to a warmer and kinder environment. Jesus please step in, in this situation and heal One4Faith's family.

Matthew 18:6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Don't think that in this day and age that God is not watching all that goes on. Just please get help for the children. Father, please guide One4Faith.
Amen:Pixie:sun: :love: :rainbow:
Thats what is wrong with the world today,time out dont help a kid,but a good ol spakin will do the trick!God Bless
Sister, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I myself am not a parent yet, but I'm the head of the kids ministry at my church. We have about 1,300 kids.

Don't be afraid to discipline your children. Explain to him that your dad is a grown up and he knows what he is doing is wrong.

Explain to your son that he (your son) is not allowed to act that way being a child of God. Constantly talk to him saying things like "the bible says" and "God doesn't like when you act that way". He understands more than you think.

At that age, children are sponges and soak up everything around them. They are like a computer. We as parents (I'm a spiritual parent :star:) are responsible for the things our children encounter during that age. We have the choice of putting a healthy program into that hardrive or loading our kids' minds with a viruses.

You have a choice sister. I know it may be hard leaving your parent's house due to a financial situation, but there's so much weighing on you and your children staying in that environment.

I know that you care about your kids more than you do about yourself, but that environment will take a toll on you as well if you don't remove yourself from it.

You will be in our prayers.
God Bless