The best way to grow in discernment of God's voice is to spend more time with Him, in His presence: Reading the Scriptures so that you can discern if things are truth around you (especially if you're new to the things of God); worshipping, and in much prayer. It may be helpful to you to journal in your prayer time, and practice hearing God's voice till you get better at distinguishing when He is speaking. Always repent before asking Him anything (as any sin that is unrepented of can hinder your hearing). And apply the Scriptures to what you're hearing to see if you're hearing correctly. You will make mistakes at first, but as long as you're being sincere in your seeking of His Wisdom and knowledge than He will honor that and be patient with you. The better you get at hearing His voice than the more you apply it to everything in your life; and He will lead you out of the old nature and into the new nature - walking in His presence always (2 Cor. 5:17; Ezek. 36:26-27). The Spirit of God will lead you into God's will for your life. So, the more you walk in the Spirit, the more you walk in His will (John 6:38; 4:34; 5:19 - the Son did what the Father told Him to do, as we too as sons of God should also, Rom. 8:14, 16; 1 John 3:24).