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Feb 22, 2007
NLT Parenting Devotional

“For I hate divorce!” says the Lord, the God of Israel. “To divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. “So guard your heart; do not be unfaithful to your wife.”
Malachi 2:16

Divorce really hurts. And it hurts more than just the splitting partners. Tonsillitis, repeated ear infections, pneumonia, allergies, asthma, chronic skin conditions, chronic lung problems, and urinary infections—these are some of the health problems encountered by children of divorced or separated parents.

In fact, a study by researcher Jane Mauldon of the University of California at Berkeley discovered that children of broken families run a 35-percent risk of developing these health problems. The risk among all children is just 26 percent. And the problems tend to continue even after the mother remarries.

In her conclusions, Mauldon noted, “Children are likely to have experienced very significant stress because their living standards changed dramatically. They probably also lost many of the resources that contribute to good health—a safe, comfortable environment, relatively free of environmental hazards and risks of infection, good food, and constant adult supervision.”

Ms. Mauldon’s findings are consistent with other studies that have outlined a myriad of physical and emotional problems in children from broken homes. Gone is the myth that kids can cope and that divorce affects only the adults. These kids are hurting.

And these studies confirm what Christians have been insisting on for decades—the vital importance of a loving family as the cornerstone of society. I’m not suggesting that marriage and homes will be healthy and happy simply because Mom and Dad stay together. Our society is replete with abusive marriage and dysfunctional families.

Marriage takes work, and raising children is an awesome responsibility. But let’s stop kidding ourselves that “nobody gets hurt.” And let’s help the home. Let’s redevelop a godly hatred of divorce.
Rizen1 as the child of divorced parents i have to agree that divorce hurts, its hurts a lot.
I was 20 and a christian when my parents got divorced, my dad had an affair(not his first by any means) my mum forgave him again, then he left a week later.
Even at 20 and a christian this was very hard for me to understand and come to terms with, and very confusing.
I love my dad and couldn't understand why if he loved us he would tear our family apart.
I never had any health problems because of the divorce, but i think that, thats the Lords doing rather than anything on my part, and with with Gods help i have managed to forgive my dad and my stepmum( they married 6 months after he left, i didnt go to the wedding).
I f i wasnt a christian maybe i would have had health problems, although this is the first i've heard of this report, it seems logical to me, but saying this i've never met anyone whos had health problems due to their parents divorce. I have 3 nephews whos parents have just got divorced and they havent had any health problems and have coped very well.We have had behaviour problems though, but they are only 11, 8, and 6.
I am now happily married with 2 kids and my husband is also a child of divorced parents so we dont take the success of our marriage for granted, yes marriage is hard and so is being a parent, and my husband isn't a christian but i pray for the continued success of our marrige and i know that if i seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness he will look after my marriage and my kids now 4 and 16months and i will see them all come to know Jesus.