Awesome, Chad!
Having known Him, as feeble as that knowledge may be, what would life be like if we did not have Him? Worse than death!
I do not think that we can ever "know him" fully, in total intimacy while in this flesh .... we see through a glass darkly as scripture says, or "eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard the glories that God has in store for those who love Him! (paraphrasing) But even the small portion we have now is incredibly beautiful and more precious than anything this world could ever offer. A Pearl of Great Price!
It is so beautifully put in this song, "In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus" .. all the lyrics! Fernando Ortega .. it'll bring you to tears!
Praise God, every day though, we have the incredible opportunity to wallk more closely with our Lord ... to follow Him more nearly, to see Him more clearly, to love Him more dearly day by day.
Those dear and precious times when we are able to shut out the world and draw oh so close to Him and experience His Love are exquisite! Diamonds! Pure Gold! Emeralds! Rubies! Ahhhh! More precious and more beautiful than even these!
And so, perhaps we are not there yet, but, Thank God, He leads us on the Highway of Holiness where we come closer and closer every day! And one day ... one day .... we will come face to face with This Wonder. Will we dance in His presence or will we be in awe of Him and still? (Another great song, amen?)
How Beautiful is our Saviour! And how worth seeking daily, hourly, minute by minute!