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SignUp Now!I was recently listening to someone who said something like this.
My buddy and me get together all the time with our families, we go to the same church are kids are similar in age, and his buddy asked him why his kids acted so different then his kids. He really wanted to know and pressed him. The guy was reluctant to tell him, because it was going to sting. But he finely said my kids fear me, your kids have no fear of you, and that is the difference.
That stuck with me, I love God with all my heart but I also fear him and genuinely want to please him in the way I live .
Ray already posted the verse I was thinking about no surprise therebut I am going to post it in another version
I asked this question because I recall at least two times I have seen people on TJ claim no fear of God,
Ecclesiastes 12:13
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
great post Charlie thanks for sharing, I fear drifting away for sure, because I know how easy it is to become spiritually blind, and then you do not even know you have drifted away !!
I know what you mean Scriptures like this will keep you on your toes so to speak.great post Charlie thanks for sharing, I fear drifting away for sure, because I know how easy it is to become spiritually blind, and then you do not even know you have drifted away !!
I like thatA friend of mine called it a healthy fear of the Lord, I like that healthy fear of the Lord, because we know he loves us, and discipline is for our own good.
, versus a fear of something simply because it wants to harm us
Very different types of fear,
What kind of fear Dave? Are you talking fear as in terror or fear as in reverential respect?Wondering who does or does not fear the Lord our God ?
What kind of fear Dave? Are you talking fear as in terror or fear as in reverential respect?
Wondering who does or does not fear the Lord our God ?
So if you're in sin, you fear the consequences, not God? What's mortal sin compared to other kinds of sin? The bible says that sin is sin.I would argue you can and should have both.
If you are a "Christian" and comitt a mortal sin, you just may suffer the same fate as Ananias and Saphhira.
So if you're in sin, you fear the consequences, not God?
What's mortal sin compared to other kinds of sin? The bible says that sin is sin.
Ok Sin brings the curse with it, so where does God enforce the curse?Well God enforces the consequences, so it's basically the same thing.
There is scripture to support both statements. Sin is sin and sin has degrees. Both true statements.
Help me out here....can you show me verses that give degrees of sin?
and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate: A
1 Cor 6:1-9 Paul rebukes Christians who cannot judge matters better then the unsaved.
Ok I still don't see anything that says one sin is worse than another.....1. Read Matt 5:28 with Matt 5:32. Adultery = sin, but only actual adultery = divorce.
2. Read 1 Cor 5:1 and note that Paul addresses the congregation to discuss and isolate a 'brother so called' guilty of sex with his fathers wife. Now please try to understand that Paul did not pause a sermon to address the sin of stealing candy from the candy store. 1 Cor 5:1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate: A man is sleeping with his father’s wife.''
3. Leviticus mentions God's laws, degrees of punishment according to sins and we know from Numb 23:19 that He does not change.
4. in 1 Cor 6:1-9 Paul rebukes Christians who cannot judge matters better then the unsaved.
5. Paul says in Rom 7:15 that he still sins, he was not referring to his prior sin of murdering Christians was he?
Ok I still don't see anything that says one sin is worse than another.....