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Do you really believe in Creation as recent as the Bible says?


Sep 20, 2024
The BIble says GOD made Earth and the solar system in 6 normal days and the basic reading of Genesis 1 confirms that.

Why then do the vast majority of 'Christians' deny it and sneer that each day must have been hundreds of millions of years to allow for all life to evolve from wet rocks on an Earth that agglomerated from scorching hot cosmic dust!
We know heat sterilises so how is life supposed to have arisen?

Any Christian who claims Earth is the billion years old are actually calling GOD and Jesus liars.

Will both of them turn a blind eye or will GOD be as strict with them as He was with Moses who He made die just for simply ignoring GOD's order to ask a rock to give water for the thirsting Israelites but instead struck it with his staff!
His moment of forgetting cost him his life and the pleasure of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.

So will GOD ignore all those who claim Earth is ancient and therefore by extension all life must have evolved?
Let's start here:
The idea of a young Earth created by God, typically considered to be around 6,000 to 10,000 years old, is a viewpoint held by proponents of Young Earth Creationism (YEC). This perspective relies on a literal interpretation of the Bible, particularly the book of Genesis.

1. **Biblical Chronology:**
- Genealogies in the Bible, especially in Genesis, are interpreted to suggest a timeline of about 6,000 years from the creation of Adam to the present.

2. **Global Flood:**
- The account of Noah's Flood (Genesis 6-9) is seen as an explanation for geological formations and fossil distribution. YEC proponents argue that a global flood could account for sedimentary rock layers and the fossil record.

3. **Rapid Formation of Geological Features:**
- Some natural formations, like the Grand Canyon, are cited as evidence for rapid geological processes rather than slow, gradual ones. YEC supporters argue that these features could have formed quickly during the Flood.

4. **Radiometric Dating Critiques:**
- YEC proponents often critique radiometric dating methods, arguing that they can be unreliable and based on flawed assumptions. They suggest alternative interpretations of the data that align with a young Earth.

5. **Soft Tissue in Fossils:**
- The discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur fossils is seen as evidence that these fossils are much younger than mainstream science suggests, possibly only thousands of years old.

6. **Magnetic Field Decay:**
- The decay of the Earth's magnetic field is interpreted by some YEC proponents as evidence for a young Earth, arguing that the current rate of decay suggests a timeline of thousands, not billions, of years.

7. **Helium in Zircon Crystals:**
- The presence of helium in zircon crystals is used to argue for a younger age of the Earth, as helium diffuses out of the crystals rapidly.

8. **Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds:**
- Detection of Carbon-14 in fossils and diamonds, which should not contain measurable amounts of Carbon-14 if they were millions of years old, is cited as evidence for a young Earth.

9. **Lack of Erosion in Sedimentary Layers:**
- YEC supporters argue that the relatively pristine condition of sedimentary rock layers indicates rapid deposition during the Flood rather than slow accumulation over millions of years.

10. **Population Growth Models:**
- Some argue that human population growth models, when extrapolated backward, support a timeline of thousands of years rather than hundreds of thousands.

Science not only proves many things but more often has disproved theories and what used to be fact.
In fact, humanity with it's TINY, finite brain can hardly make a dent in understanding Creation.
Science not only proves many things but more often has disproved theories and what used to be fact.
In fact, humanity with it's TINY, finite brain can hardly make a dent in understanding Creation.
Most humanity cannot avail itself of the Holy Spirit gifts of wisdom and knowledge.
I had a head start of practically all geologists by virtue of spending my first 18 years barely 100 yards from a brickworks quarry.
It was unfenced and the excavator made many terraces so it was easy to walk about in to inspect all the sediments, coal beds, fossils etc.
The local hills had been cut through by railway lines and again all showed flood sediments.
Now for exact measures of time: Old English graveyards have many gravestones that are deeply buried with soil and grass after just 50 years. Vacant lots become covered in vegetation after just a few years and here in UK we have many old ruins from Roman and other peopel that are buried by 3-4 feet of topsoil.
Darwin himself spent many years measuring the build up of topsoil and came to one inch in 5 years due to worms and grass.
If Earth is millions of years old there would be no visible rock.
GOD wanted Adam and Eve to walk about on soft sward and not barren rock or baking sand.

The real problem with Creation is no one except me has successfully and logically deciphered Genesis 1:2 and 1:9 and 1:16..
1:2 means GOD created a ball of water and all the natural elements. The water was deep but had no form apart from the sphere that all liquid makes in free fall.
1:9 means the basic elements had reacted with the water to make all the natural minerals. The iron atoms met oxygen and made the billions of tons of iron oxide, etc..
1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.' I'd rather believe GOD crated the sun that believe its trillions of tons of hydrogen and helium somehow found ach other in the monstroud dust cloud of the imaginary Big Bang.