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Does anyone?

Jan 4, 2007
Does anyone keep praying about a problem.I know alot of christians do. Like you'll pray and ask forgiveness and then find yourself doing it again. And you feel so bad about it. I know that I shall one day be delivered but it's just hard. Can anyone relate with this on any problem they have? Please share and elaborate!!!! God Bless
yeah... i do... i pray that God would forgive me for lusting and having all these sinful thoughts, but then, at a certain point i fall again. And it happens pretty often. And i try so hard to honor God by having a clean mind... But i just can't. I know what i'm going to say next might sound like a clichee but success doesn't come when i try the hardest - i'm just human, and i can't be what God likes on my own. Success usually comes when i come before God and admit that i'm so weak, and that i depend on Him, and believe He will help me. It's pretty hard to do that, because many times we like to think that we are strong and that we can succeed on our own, or with just a tiny amount of help from God.
bless you...
Hi Quite protest.
I think alot of Christians have the same problem. But I learnt a few things over the years.
One thing ive learnt is don't push the bonderies. Lets say one person has a drinking problem, But they are certian they won't drink when they go someone with alcohole, ie a party. But before they know it they are drinking again and they dont know when to stop. That is pushing the bounderies. Each person should set bounderies aound their temtations and ts different for everyone; in this case the guy should avoid going to parties with alocohol.
But another thing i found, is bounderies were built for crossing them, people slip up all the time, so try doing something that is a bit futher away from the boundery youy dont want to cross; so that way if you cross the first bounderie it's not as bad.
The next thing i learnt was convictions. When you have a conviction you are either moved to do something or to not do something. So start building them. a good way to stengthen your convitions, is to look at your aims in your life.
lets say someone want to be a pastor in the future; a pastor probably wouldnt be seen out in town alone with a woman that isnt his wife, because people would assume things wither his intention was good or bad. So the person aiming to be a pastor would be convicted not to do those things aswell. So work on your personal convictions.
The last thing is, living for GOD. The bigger your temptation, the more you should read the WORD or get in touch with GOD. Becuase what i find is, when your so consumed with GODly things, tempations drop off without you even trying to break them.
I hope this helps.
GOD bless
I once went to a church,They would pray for rain ,every time , they got together!
I told the pastor, We must stop this!
We will get a flood!

he laughed and kept the church praying every time.
Soon we got rain, Many from our church , had to move out of there homes, they were under much water.

Soon as we ask the LORD , He hears.
He answers right away. But things are done in HIS time. Not ours
when we ask to be forgiven , it is done now! After you ask again for the same sin.

He does not know what your talking about.
the problem being with us
we feel really bad about sinning and should.
We have no business sinning ever!

The world would make us think , we must sin and are still sinners.
We are not and should not!
but,Our flesh will sin , if we allow it.
then , we feel bad , Because ? We know we have no business being sinners!

You see?
What we confess with our mouth ,will come to pass!
If we say? We are sinners?
Guess what, We will!

Mat 18:18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Mat 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Eph 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Php 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ:

Our words go right to heaven
That is why?
HE tells us not to jest!
Eph 5:4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

Our words have great meaning.Much more when we couple int in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST!:love:
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yeah... i do... i pray that God would forgive me for lusting and having all these sinful thoughts, but then, at a certain point i fall again. And it happens pretty often. And i try so hard to honor God by having a clean mind... But i just can't. I know what i'm going to say next might sound like a clichee but success doesn't come when i try the hardest - i'm just human, and i can't be what God likes on my own. Success usually comes when i come before God and admit that i'm so weak, and that i depend on Him, and believe He will help me. It's pretty hard to do that, because many times we like to think that we are strong and that we can succeed on our own, or with just a tiny amount of help from God.
bless you...

It is not sin to get evil thoughts, even Peter got evil thoughts and the LORD rebuked satan to gave peter the evil thoughts!
Every person on earth gets evil thoughts.

It is only a problem , when we go along with them or accept them.

We must rebuke satan ,

Tell him to get going and take your evil thoughts with you , in the name of JESUS CHRIST.he must go .

you see many think every thought they get is there thought.

This is untrue.We get thoughts from the LORd and from demons.We decide which thoughts we will live by?:love:

Mar 8:32 And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.
Mar 8:33 But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savorest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.

He was not rebuking Peter ,But the one who put the evil thoughts in peters mind and Peter spoke them!:love:
I have the same problem. I've been praying about it for a long time, but it seems the more I try to not have lustful thoughts, the more I do. I guess we need to keep our lifes occupied with the Lord and always pray about our weaknesses.
Does anyone keep praying about a problem.I know alot of christians do. Like you'll pray and ask forgiveness and then find yourself doing it again. And you feel so bad about it. I know that I shall one day be delivered but it's just hard. Can anyone relate with this on any problem they have? Please share and elaborate!!!! God Bless


I do all the time and sometime it does not work.

I pray about things to do with soulmate, friends, finance, etc etc
Does anyone keep praying about a problem.I know alot of christians do. Like you'll pray and ask forgiveness and then find yourself doing it again. And you feel so bad about it. I know that I shall one day be delivered but it's just hard. Can anyone relate with this on any problem they have? Please share and elaborate!!!! God Bless

This happens to me with lots of things. I remember I kept asking God to forgive me -And I STILL do- for using His name in vain (The omg really gets me). I believe, though, all Christians face these sorts of struggles. The way to really get rid of a bad habit besides prayer is fasting. You must crucify your flesh. :]
Your not alone in your struggle!! Thats always a comfort.
breaking habits

I'm not sure if this is any help, but I once heard someone preaching a message on how to break habits. I think it may have been Joel Osteen, but don't quote me on that!

He was talking about the pattern of how we think, and if I am remembering correctly, it was something like this:

Influences/outside words - thoughts - feelings - actions - habits - character

So basically, our character is created through our habits, our habits are formed by our actions, our actions are controlled by our feelings, our feelings are created by our thoughts, and our thoughts are influenced by the outside words that are spoken over our lives (ie. the people we hang out with and listen to)

so considering this, if you are trying to stop a habit, you can't just stop the action, because it is like weeding your garden by cutting off the top of the plants- you have to pull them out by the roots to stop them growing again.
instead, you need to go back to your thoughts and feelings and find out where they are coming from. If you are trying to quit drinking, for example, hanging out with people who love drinking and going to bars and night clubs with them isn't going to help you break the habit. If they are your outside influence, then it will affect your thoughts, feelings, and that will affect your actions, etc... You see how it works

Not sure if that helps, but I found it really made me think about the source of my own habits- and actually pull them out by the roots.

However, never forget that it will still take a lot of prayer! Good luck!
I once went to a church,They would pray for rain ,every time , they got together!
I told the pastor, We must stop this!
We will get a flood!

he laughed and kept the church praying every time.
Soon we got rain, Many from our church , had to move out of there homes, they were under much water.

Soon as we ask the LORD , He hears.
He answers right away. But things are done in HIS time. Not ours
when we ask to be forgiven , it is done now! After you ask again for the same sin.

He does not know what your talking about.
the problem being with us
we feel really bad about sinning and should.
We have no business sinning ever!

The world would make us think , we must sin and are still sinners.
We are not and should not!
but,Our flesh will sin , if we allow it.
then , we feel bad , Because ? We know we have no business being sinners!

You see?
What we confess with our mouth ,will come to pass!
If we say? We are sinners?
Guess what, We will!

Our words go right to heaven
That is why?
HE tells us not to jest!
Eph 5:4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

Our words have great meaning. Much more when we couple int in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST!:love:

YES! I LOVE the flood...lol

It is God alone who draws us to Himself, it is God alone who enables us to walk with Him, but the choosing is all ours..."choose this day [for all the days of your life] who you will serve...self or God."

I know this is the teen hangout...but there are many of us adults that have`nt learned how to walk with God...and cannot understand why we keep falling...and underneath of the myrid of excuses we use, is the real reason, its simply because our minds are not made up. (This has nothing to do with our knowledge, but the simple power of belief)

If a group, wether teens, or adults, or old hands... were to set out to climb a mountain, and that mountain were the hightest in the world...the only ones who would reach the top are the ones who had thier minds made up that turning back was not an option! That is why we are told to keep our eyes on the goal....this climb is gonna get rough...your endurance is gonna be tested...and there will be times you`ll be able to do nothing but pray for strength, and hang on...but take heart by remembering who`s anchoring those ropes you are holding on to...who`s got His angels right there by you, so you won`t fall...who`s going to provide you rest and nourishment for renewed strength along the way...(God is faithful to provide whatever we need) and what the view is going to be like when you reach the summit..."eye has not seen, ear has not heard...Heaven!"

Now what in this world can make you fall or turn back if you make up your mind? Nothing.

Even satan knows that. (read Job)

Trouble is...do we?

footnote: (Only realized I was in the teen thread after I began this post, so noted ~ oops~ did`nt mean to invade your space ;)
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Does anyone keep praying about a problem.I know alot of christians do. Like you'll pray and ask forgiveness and then find yourself doing it again. And you feel so bad about it. I know that I shall one day be delivered but it's just hard. Can anyone relate with this on any problem they have? Please share and elaborate!!!! God Bless

Yes, indeed. Such kind of things happen, most commonly in:

1) Young people.
2) People who fall into temptation easily.

It is all the battle of the mind. Please see this thread:


Even I used to struggle with certain thoughts, but now it is become easy for me to overcome the temptations and thoughts that enter my mind frequently, especially after I joined Talk Jesus. Thank God that by His grace I'm able to be stable minded and strong in my mind. He gives us the strength to overcome, no matter what it takes.

Even though we struggle with certain temptations, we may fall for sometime repeatedly, but God will definetely bring us out of that temptation at any cost, deliver us and restore us completely. I personally experienced this.

Last year, I felt like as if I was going astray, I was inviting evil thoughts into my mind. Every night I used to cry out to God for forgiveness, but now I'm delivered completely and I'm free.

I hope I made it clear to you.

God bless you.
Can a zebra change it's stripes? Then how can a human who is born into sin, born blinded by Satan, and has a deceitfully wicked heart possibly control their thoughts? I think it's a tool of the devil to use condemnation on a Christian, the devil will tell you that you don't really love God, the devil will tell you that you are not saved, the devil will tell you that God will not help you, just because we allow lustful thoughts in our heads once in a while. Just remember that the word of God says that He is the author and the FINISHER of our faith, we are not the finished product, thank God. It happens, and no ammount of pseudo-Christian nonsense is going to help, only the Lord can help with the battle in your mind. When you lose the conviction in your heart over sinful thoughts, then you are in trouble.
I can do ALL things through Christ...

Can a zebra change it's stripes? Then how can a human who is born into sin, born blinded by Satan, and has a deceitfully wicked heart possibly control their thoughts?

Dont forget that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength -Corinthians 4:13

If WE could 'change our stripes', then we wouldn't need God.

The point is, that because we have been born blinded by Satan, God is the ONLY way or us to see again. I don't have my bible with me right now, but I know there are many scriptures that refer to God as the one who opens our eyes- and I think that counts in the context you are referring to.

Sure, its impossible for a zebra to change its stripes.... but impossible becomes possible when we do it through God's power, not our own.

Satan may be stronger than us and our will power, but God is far stronger than Satan, and as long as we accept Him, He is fighting on our side... fighting a war that HE has already won!

Greater is the one who is in me than the one who is in the world -1 John 4:4

So just be encouraged that it's not about our weaknesses, but about God's strengths working through our weaknesses.

God bless!
Does anyone keep praying about a problem.I know alot of christians do. Like you'll pray and ask forgiveness and then find yourself doing it again. And you feel so bad about it. I know that I shall one day be delivered but it's just hard. Can anyone relate with this on any problem they have? Please share and elaborate!!!! God Bless
The apostle Paul related to you very much. Study the first eight chapters of Romans. They will help you immensely.

The apostle Paul related to you very much. Study the first eight chapters of Romans. They will help you immensely.


Brother SLE,

I'm amazed at the way you related the entire context to a bible study. Our Pastor usually conducts bible study at home every wednesday for 1 hour. He took nearly 5 months to study the first 8 chapters of the book of Romans with us. It was an amazing study.

Dear sister Quietprotest,

If you want to study the book of Romans, you can start a bible study thread (it is your choice if you want to start it or not). It will definetly be a great book to study. We can learn a lot of things from that book and it will be a great encouragement to the ones who are studying with us.

God bless you.
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