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Does it have to be a Christian artist?


Jan 28, 2005
I am not sure whether the rules state that we can only post about Christian artists or not but my boi for sure is Tupac ... I am a big fan of music and poetry and his poetry is just amazing. The stuff he wrote is amazing. Unfortunately some of his stuff involves swearing, smoking ... etc - but I still love his stuff.

"Come listen to my truest thoughts, my truest feelings
All my peers doing years beyond drug dealing
How many caskets can we witness
Before we see it's hard to live
This life without God, so we must ask forgiveness
Ask mama why God deserved to die
Witness the tears falling free from my eyes
Before she could reply"
JEsus Saves music too

Wuz up kid, I like Tupac to but as I have committed my whole person to christ i've heard some christian rap that will blow youre mind. I'll give you a sample but this is just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to christian rap.

where can I go to escape from your presence/ you're
omnipresent you're present in hell and present in heaven/

plus I'm weary and wounded/ my theory's consumed in/

iniquity's union my history is sick with influence

check out Da truth

If you a sinner you a sinner, if you saved you saved, lets not beat around the bush lets call a spade a spade
I used to listen to Tupac myself until I got saved. Now, with no disrespect to a struggling "thug" but the truth is the truth, the man was a thug, evil and clearly he didn't have to brag about money, fame, girls and so on. I know his lyrics very well so I know what he talks about. Same goes for the other "poetic rappers". Although tupac did cry out for peace he still ruined it by contradicting himself on every other song in between.
Chad said:
I used to listen to Tupac myself until I got saved. Now, with no disrespect to a struggling "thug" but the truth is the truth, the man was a thug, evil and clearly he didn't have to brag about money, fame, girls and so on. I know his lyrics very well so I know what he talks about. Same goes for the other "poetic rappers". Although tupac did cry out for peace he still ruined it by contradicting himself on every other song in between.

If you dont mind please show what you mean. It almost hurts to see you write that he was 'evil." I dont think there is another person on earth who knows what I know about Pac. I have every single song he has ever done. Underground, above ground ... etc --- spent years compiling my list. I am at about 1,200 songs/poetry lines on my hard drive. Im sure there is more but I have most of it at this point. I have memorized all his stuff ... etc - but what other 'poetic rappers' are you talking about?

Do you know what the definition of "thug" to him was? If you dont then please dont call him a 'thug' in a derogatory way. Look it up. If you cant find it then I will give you his definition of a thug (straight from his mouth).

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Note: refrain from using foul words aka swearing language. That is not "godly" nor "Christian like".
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By the way --- my favorite TUPAC quote of all time is "Heavenly Father Im a soldier, im getting hotter cuz the world's getting colder."
I really do not care what he said. What I know is what GOD says and what GOD says cannot be topped off. Try memorizing Scripture instead because Tupac's verses/poems will not help you grow in Christ spiritually whatsoever.

As for him being evil, hmmm I guess rapping about sex, more lust, greed and killing people is not evil? Well then you are certainly not a Christian if that is your mentality.
Emo boy the truth will set you free, God told us about people who have a form of godliness but denies the power there of. You told me about pac being a soldier but how many people do you know of, that was saved by his ministry or look at it this way if you were to look at the people that he brought to christ compared to how many people he brought to himself you will understand the christ dilemma .:lightbulb
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Learn to respect people, forum rules and GOD's commandments.
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You broke the rules several times already in such a short period of time. You are obviously having issues with understanding simple guidelines and rules to follow on the forum. You assume this and that, you have no wisdom from GOD and just a lost soul who breathes and lives on opinions not Truth as told in Scripture. I don't care about your ghetto or Tupac. This is a Christian site not a Tupac and opinions site.

You are banned permanently. Goodbye
Chad. I will honestly pray that someday you are able to visit the ghetto and at least get to see what I and other are going through or have gone through. You say that you "don't care about your ghetto or Tupac" ... well I am not even sure how to respond to that, but Im sure God will put something in my mind. Well. I honestly cant believe you said that. The word "Christian" is to be "Christ Like." Do you think Christ would EVER say I DONT CARE about anything? You tell me to read the word and realize the scripture. I know it- I know it inside and out. Mark 16:15 says to "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." It does not say to go onto all the world and preach EXCEPT for the Ghetto and TUPAC.

Tell me though. What did I do to break the rules? I accidentaly swore once. Well - actualy - I did not swear. There was a controversial word in a tupac quote that i put up. I appologize for that. But other than posting my opinion (which is NOT against the rules) what have I done wrong.
This is a Christan site for preaching the word of GOD not Tupac. You swore more than once and I deleted both, you broke the signature rules as well. You responded to a thread that asked for Christian music with Tupac, quoted Tupac songs several times (with bad langauge) rather than Scripture the better choice.

Do not post junk about Tupac or any other musician that served no purpose in GOD's will.

"Do you think Christ would EVER say I DONT CARE about anything?"

False, I never said "anything" I said the ghetto and tupac as this is a site for preaching the Word of GOD not ghetto stories or tupac (unless they are praise reports or prayer requests of some sort). Second, would GOD come preaching tupac and swearing a few times on a Christian site? I think not.

You don't need to waste your time praying that I visit any ghetto. It is not my concern to abide by your will or opionions but the will of GOD, simlpe as that. Your a newbie on this site already banned for breaking several rules. Clearly you did not bother reading the rules and if you did, your not smart then because you disobeyed them easily many times. Now you also lie and tell me you did not swear? Don't waste my time. This is my website and I've been here for two years serving GOD faithfull and obediently so dont' correct my ways or rules. Thank you.
Chad said:
This is a Christan site for preaching the word of GOD not Tupac. You swore more than once and I deleted both, you broke the signature rules as well. You responded to a thread that asked for Christian music with Tupac, quoted Tupac songs several times (with bad langauge) rather than Scripture the better choice.

Do not post junk about Tupac or any other musician that served no purpose in GOD's will.

"Do you think Christ would EVER say I DONT CARE about anything?"

False, I never said "anything" I said the ghetto and tupac as this is a site for preaching the Word of GOD not ghetto stories or tupac (unless they are praise reports or prayer requests of some sort). Second, would GOD come preaching tupac and swearing a few times on a Christian site? I think not.

You don't need to waste your time praying that I visit any ghetto. It is not my concern to abide by your will or opionions but the will of GOD, simlpe as that. Your a newbie on this site already banned for breaking several rules. Clearly you did not bother reading the rules and if you did, your not smart then because you disobeyed them easily many times. Now you also lie and tell me you did not swear? Don't waste my time. This is my website and I've been here for two years serving GOD faithfull and obediently so dont' correct my ways or rules. Thank you.

Well, Im sorry. I was not aware of any signature rule. And I already admitted that I accidentally put a quote of his with a controversial word in it. Look at my previous post. I admitted to that. But it was not intentional. How do you know that you are abiding by the will of God. By your words, it seems that you are not. You need to read your Bible. I have - inside and out. I have memorized nearly 3/4 of the Bible. The problem with the Church today and websites like this is that it only preaches to CHRISTIANS. It doesnt preach to the rest of the world that does'nt know the Lord Jesus our savior and friend. That is the mission of "abiding to God's will." If you dont believe me then read Luke and John over again.
Well Elmo, you have proved your point that the world is better than God's word by your choice of words. I do not believe that you have memorized the Bible as you claim because if we hide it in our heart it comes out our mouths but you have used inappropriate language on several occassions. If there is a dead person you want to follow then I guess Tupac is your man, I want to follow one how has risen above death and defeated it. Lots of artists use Christian imagery, words and ideas in their songs but it doesn't make them a Christian. We are called to emulate Christ, not just by words but by actions, how again did Tupac die? was it a drug shooting? A simple analogy of this is if I quack like a duck doesn't make me a duck. As for Tupac being the best song writer ever you may want to check out this one King, he died a long time ago but boy could he ever write. His name if David, check out his poetry, very real stuff. David didn't need to swear.
Hi Chad, I did read the thread and had a wonderful reply but sadly it was deleted when I went to post it. Then Elmo put this new post up and opened another door...amazing how God works...We are the body of Christ stand together never allowing our brothers or sister to be disrespected as this person did to Al. We as family stand together rallying around each other.
meh.. if you ask me Tupac is nothing more then a wolf in sheep's clothing..
he proves that in his songs and by his actions.. remember: its not what goes into a mans body its what comes out of it... and what comes out of his is nothing more then garbage.

I know this thread is old but maybe i could speak for emo boy on the subject. firstly, to write Tupac off as nuthing but a thug, wolf in sheeps clothing etc is wrong and you havent done half the research avaliable on him. Emo said he knows evryhting about Tupac and i dont doubt him, coz once you've read lots on every aspect of the man then you start to form a true picture of him, and you saying this just shouts at me your lack of research. He had negative side to him, especially in his early years, but remember he was from a ghetto where its rough, he witnisess killing, drugs etc because its his environment.

But what seperated him from other rappers was that he wanted to change what he saw around him, coz he could see it wasnt right, and gradually he began to develope a side of activism to his character. You know he soon grew to a star and got caught up in all the glamour that goes with it, but when you research him you realise in his early 20s he began to change, and grew tired of his reputation as being a rap star. Even though he was popular, with people allways around him, he became isolated and savoured times to himself to ponder, ie he didnt let his lifestyle get a total grip on him, but he allowed time to think for himself. one noticeable thing is his humility, or his humbleness towards the end of his career. Wheather he is dead or not is a very complicated issue with an awfull lot of conspiracy surrounding it. After reading pages of information, some of it blatently people just hangin onto threads at the possibility thats hes alive, and some reasons for him being alive pretty pathetic, i have to say with honesty that its very hard to say thats he is dead. Sorry that this is totally off the point of this thread. But its very likely that hes alive to put it basically.

As to wheather he is a christian or not is difficult. certainly for the majority of his career he showed no true faith but priorn to his departure he showed alot of change, and basically wanted to get out of the rap scene altogether. Something interesting i read not long ago was that prior to leaving the rap scene a friend of Tupacs had come up to him and started talking about christianity, and specifically the man William Branhamn (dont know if you know of him) and basically Tupac was interested in the man and really asked for forgiveness. Seeing the type of reputation he had and the pressures of being a rap star he wanted to get out of it all after seeing what he was involved in was leading death and so he faked his death. A person posted a picture of him in cuba with Tupac saying theres the proof, although i dont know how thats proof, but its a very believable theory, and i cant give true credit to Tupac in such few words but i hope i did him justice in writing this. :thumbs_up
Thank you for sharing but please, "Talk Jesus" instead. This site does not care to glorify or speak of anyone but Jesus Christ and those who evangelize for Him and His kingdom. Nothing personal against your post for sure nor Tupac, God bless and hope he made it through faith, only GOD knows.
Amen Chad
there are so many peple can go to if they want to post other things - This is ALL FOR JESUS!!!!