Let me start out with a little info.
I am 16, and I have a protective order against my mom.
She found a boyfriend who got drunk every night and caused me alot of grief and pain. I had to literally fight them off of me to keep myself safe.
I am out of that situation now, I live in a great place. With my gramma and grandpa.
I have never really been into Christianity because of my mom, she was so opinionated. One day she would say " put your faith in God Amber, you know he loves you" and the next day she would say "That is just a bunch of bs, and I am sick of hearing about it"
It eventually pushed me away.
My gramma is trying to help me understand alot of this, but it's hard for me. I know she loves me and tries, but some things I still don't understand.
I recently read revelation and I am scared. What will happen if god calls us all back tomarrow, or in a few hours? Or years?
Will He understand our situations?
Or just cast us to hell?
I am wanting to him to be a part of me, but I am scared.
I am crying now. Thinking of the final call he makes, to stand before him. I do not want to got to hell, just because there are things I do not understand about God.
I am 16, and I have a protective order against my mom.
She found a boyfriend who got drunk every night and caused me alot of grief and pain. I had to literally fight them off of me to keep myself safe.
I am out of that situation now, I live in a great place. With my gramma and grandpa.
I have never really been into Christianity because of my mom, she was so opinionated. One day she would say " put your faith in God Amber, you know he loves you" and the next day she would say "That is just a bunch of bs, and I am sick of hearing about it"
It eventually pushed me away.
My gramma is trying to help me understand alot of this, but it's hard for me. I know she loves me and tries, but some things I still don't understand.
I recently read revelation and I am scared. What will happen if god calls us all back tomarrow, or in a few hours? Or years?
Will He understand our situations?
Or just cast us to hell?
I am wanting to him to be a part of me, but I am scared.
I am crying now. Thinking of the final call he makes, to stand before him. I do not want to got to hell, just because there are things I do not understand about God.