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Faith or Medicine?


Staff Member
Feb 9, 2004
What do you all think about the faith or medicine (doctor, therapy, hospital, etc.) subject? I personally choose faith (strong faith that is) over medicine but at the same time I won't fret from grabbing some Icy Hot after a little shoulder injury at the gym LOL.

I personally think faith in Jesus in ALL MATTERS is teh way to go but also I know that sometimes it does not mean exclude the doctors, prescriptions and such completely. What area do you all fall on with this mattter?
I never could understand why christians ask the healing question in terms of faith vs. medicine. Why can't faith and medicine work together for healing.

In other words I don't consider it either faith OR medicine. Rather it's faith AND medicine, since both are God's gifts.
I agree but sickness is not GOD's gift on the other hand, but yes knowledge in science is certainly a gift. Also, comes with it work to keep people busy ;)
Sickness may not be God's gift, but the a ability live with physical adversity is.

Many years ago a faith healer came to the city where we lived in New York. A member of our church had a child with a permanent disability. Their faith in God was the factor that helped them through their adversity.

Some friend told them they should take the child to the faith healer which they did. He told them the reason their child was disabled was because of their lack of faith. They were devastated. It took their pastor several couselling sessions to get them to understand that was not the case.

That experience totally soured me on faith healers... now I don't trust any of them.
OK but I wouldn't let one faith healer experience cause me to feel the same way about everyone else who is considered a "faith healer". There are many genuine faith healers out there but not all.
Can you explain to me why faith healers don't work with more closely with physicians. Or why they don't go to hospitals?

There has been so much fraud connected with so called faith healers that it's hard not to be suspect of all of them.
Well, GOD knows best and it really depends on where GOD is leading the "faith healers" AND most importantly, the ones to be faithful (in need of healing). GOD will not heal someone if they have no faith in Him of course. So, that could be one reason, second reason could be that people don't care about GOD and don't call out to Jesus, and maybe hospitals don't allow these kinds of visits. Other than that I am not sure.
Another question..... given that I am suspicious of all so called faith healers, what would be the criteria that would differentiate between legit faith healers and frauds. If you can be specific about what I could look for to id the legit healers, I'd appreciate it. For example, if you were to say they are true to the Bible, I'd like to know what specifically in the Bible they are true to.
Althouhg there are many secondary causes for sickness, we should always keep clearly in mind what the primary cause of sickness really is.in the begining God created Adam and Eve in perfect health. Sickness and death were unknown, but as a result of disobediance death came to the human trace and with it sickness.Here we see the original cause of sickness. when Jesus died, he bore not only our iniquities but also our sickness.
I think both medicine and faith work hand in hand because God can work throuh a physician to heal you just as he worked through the men and women of the Old and New Testament.[/quote]
Re: re: Faith or Medicine?

hallelujah said:
Althouhg there are many secondary causes for sickness, we should always keep clearly in mind what the primary cause of sickness really is.in the begining God created Adam and Eve in perfect health. Sickness and death were unknown, but as a result of disobediance death came to the human trace and with it sickness.Here we see the original cause of sickness. when Jesus died, he bore not only our iniquities but also our sickness.
I think both medicine and faith work hand in hand because God can work throuh a physician to heal you just as he worked through the men and women of the Old and New Testament.

Very Very true! :)
Re: re: Faith or Medicine?

hallelujah said:
Althouhg there are many secondary causes for sickness, we should always keep clearly in mind what the primary cause of sickness really is.in the begining God created Adam and Eve in perfect health. Sickness and death were unknown, but as a result of disobediance death came to the human trace and with it sickness.Here we see the original cause of sickness. when Jesus died, he bore not only our iniquities but also our sickness.
I think both medicine and faith work hand in hand because God can work throuh a physician to heal you just as he worked through the men and women of the Old and New Testament.

I get what you are saying, but just because I'm a christian doesn't mean I don't get sick. Where do you find scriptures that say he bore our sickness?
Re: re: Faith or Medicine?

pappa said:
I get what you are saying, but just because I'm a christian doesn't mean I don't get sick.
Where do you find scriptures that say he bore our sickness?

The scripture they are talking about is >

> Isaiah,53:5, but He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities : the chastisement of our peace was upon Him ; and with His stripes we are healed.

There is more in Isaiah 53 about Jesus :D

As for Faith Healing, i think that being healed by faith depends on a lot of things, but basically, it depends on our willingness to live according to the will of GOD, and what HIS will for us is,

In the bible when Jesus healed people it was always as a testimony to show that He was and is who He said that He is , The Son of Almighty GOD,

And i think that is still true for today, that when GOD does heal people, it is for a testimony to unbelievers that GOD is indeed real, and that Jesus Christ is HIS Son,

This strengthens our faith in Him, and draws people to The Saviour :D
I'm not sure that Isa 53:5 is talking about physical healing. In context it refers to spiritual healing ("wounded for our transgressions" "bruised for our iniquities"). Therefore it makes sense that "by his stripes we are healed" also refers spiritual healing.

Not denying that Jesus healed the sick, but you are correct in understanding that it was to show who he is as God Incarnate. The disciples also had some healing abilities. But understand that the disciples were specially chosen by Jesus to start His church and were given special gifts to enable the church. These healings occurred on specific occasions and as you have suggested to show God's power.

This does not mean God cannot heal today. Nor does it mean that He doesn't heal today. But if/when He does it's Spirit driven and for the same purpose.

My problem is with so called "healers" who schedule their healing in meetings and claim it's the Holy Spirit. There is no similarity between healing in the OT/NT and the healing meetings conducted by so called "faith healers". They promote themselves not God and in most cases make a great deal of money of those who attend the meetings.

So while I'm open to God healing the sick today in circumstances where He has a specific purpose to glorify Himself.... those who travel the country conducting faith healing meeting are either deceived or frauds.

One persons opinion.
Re: re: Faith or Medicine?

pappa said:
I'm not sure that Isa 53:5 is talking about physical healing. In context it refers to spiritual healing ("wounded for our transgressions" "bruised for our iniquities"). Therefore it makes sense that "by his stripes we are healed" also refers spiritual healing.

Not denying that Jesus healed the sick, but you are correct in understanding that it was to show who he is as God Incarnate. The disciples also had some healing abilities. But understand that the disciples were specially chosen by Jesus to start His church and were given special gifts to enable the church. These healings occurred on specific occasions and as you have suggested to show God's power.

This does not mean God cannot heal today. Nor does it mean that He doesn't heal today. But if/when He does it's Spirit driven and for the same purpose.

My problem is with so called "healers" who schedule their healing in meetings and claim it's the Holy Spirit. There is no similarity between healing in the OT/NT and the healing meetings conducted by so called "faith healers". They promote themselves not God and in most cases make a great deal of money of those who attend the meetings.

So while I'm open to God healing the sick today in circumstances where He has a specific purpose to glorify Himself.... those who travel the country conducting faith healing meeting are either deceived or frauds.

One persons opinion.

i agree, the so called faith healers of today are talked about in the scriptures, Jesus said that in the last days, many would say to Him Lord Lord we prophysied in your name and we healed in your name and done many wonderful works in your name, but HE replied to them Get away from ME you workers of iniquity, for I know you not, etc,,,

Just because they claim to be doing God's work, does not mean that they are sent from our Father to do HIS will !!
Good point OneHeart. That is certainly true and we should be careful of giving in to the "frauds". But, we should also be careful not ot judge those who are and are not frauds. They may as well seems fraudulent but later you may see they are not. That is why we should all be careful not to judge.

I somewhat have done this with those on tv selling "holy water". It seems such a fraud especially their "image". But, I am wrong to assume or even judge even if I am right about them being fraud. I learned to not do this anymore because we all know who the TRUE judge is. Our Father in Heaven :)
Yes you are right, we do need to be careful about judging , because we will be judged according to the judgement by which we judge, but we are also told in the scriptures to be careful what we believe and to test the spirits to see if they are really from our Father, and to do this we are given guidelines by which to judge the right from the wrong. :)
There is a difference between "judging" and "discernment". Scrutinizing those who call themselves "faith healers" is not a matter of judging them, it's discerning between good and evil, truth and lies. Too many people are misled by these "frauds" and while they will utimately be judged, they should be exposed for defrauding innocent people of their limited resources.
Re: re: Faith or Medicine?

gerlene said:
God will only work with the measure of ones faith. [/center]

As far as "faith healers" being legit - a person lacking in faith is one cause of their inability to "heal".
Mt.9:28 Jesus said to the blind men,Believe ye that I am able to do this?
They said unto him, yea,Lord.
Mt.9:29 Then touched he their eyes,saying,According to your faith be it
unto you.