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Finding a really great guy


Nov 11, 2006
Hey there my name is Jennifer and I am looking for a really great guy who lives in Cape Town. I am 25 years old so he would be maybe a couple years younger to a couple of years older than myself. I love hanging with friends playing pool and just chilling at home.

Feel free to PM me

Love you all

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Hey Jen, I hope you find the right guy for you! There's bound to be someone and God knows who the right guy is,

One thing I like to say in situations like this is specifics. Pray to Jesus and ask Him for the type of guy you'd like, be specific. You'll learn alot about yourself and God this way, ask Jesus for a handsome or caring guy, or both!

I hope you find him.

God bless your heart
Re: Finding A Great Guy

Hey there my name is Jennifer and I am looking for a really great guy who lives in Cape Town. I am 25 years old so he would be maybe a couple years younger to a couple of years older than myself. I love hanging with friends playing pool and just chilling at home.

Feel free to PM me

Love you all


In checking out eligible "great guys", remember what God told the prophet Samuel when he went to the house of Jesse to find and anoint the next king of Israel: "...Samuel saw Eliab and thought 'Surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord.' But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'" (1 Sam 16:6-7).

God is applying the same standard to his choice for your mate.

hie on your choice do you mind to date an african guy if you dont mind.am in cape town l have been long looking so you might be the one l was waiting for if you dnt mind lets talk and pray about it