There are many words that are better understood by looking at its root meaning.
For instance 'forgive' is not so much about being tolerant, patient, allowing, non-judgement, etc. towards another person, but towards ourselves.
To be those things, first requires us to be that first.
To forgive is to (stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake. - Webster dictionary).
It is OUR anger or resentment we need to deal with.
Okay, so why do we get angry or have a resentment (re-anger)?
Anger comes from a fear of not having people, places, things, or situations, go OUR way. Because if they do not go OUR way we feel a loss of self-esteem (ego-energy). This loss causes us to think we are not worthy, understood, trusted, okay, etc. However, if we cannot see this truth, we tend to react in a way that will re-validate our self-esteem to its former glory/okayness. If normal reactions do not work, we can easily slip into expressions of anger. It can go to extremes of even murder.
I see two major problems here. First our anger is really a fear. Angry people are scared people. So we need to ask ourselves, truthfully, what am I afraid of?
Then by dealing with your own fears, forgiveness has already put into place.
The second problem is our ego game of playing god (without realizing it). Why should we need people, places, things, or situations to go OUR way? So what if they don't!
Forgiveness is about letting go of our expectations of others to make us feel okay. As Christians, it ought to be easy to forgive because we are already okay (loved and saved) in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Truth starts with our own truth. When we see our truth, we also can see more clearly the truth about others. And from this, more compassion and understanding of their fears too. In this way we become humble and more loving and caring in a true way.
Jesus Christ could see all these fears in others. His teachings were about replacing these fears with its opposite (fear). Some say hate, but hate is just another fear again.
Jesus Christ wants us to become people of truth, and a good start to become so is to learn to be truthful to/about our self.
Remember the word of God is Truth and '... is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to divideing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.' Hebrews 4:12.
For instance, the unforgiving mind harbors anger, but deeper still they harbor fear, but deeper still they lack faith, but deeper still they stopped looking at Christ and God for all things (that are True).