Actually I do know of that prpphesy....What does that have to do with you speaking hate toward other people?
So I will repeat....NOBODY ever gave you the right to judge anybody! YOU are in direct violation of the Word....The Catholics are people just like you, and many many of them are born again...You have no right at all to condemn them or anyone else....Clean up your own back yard!
Matthew 7:3-5
"The Beast of Rome will be taken, and with him the false prophet "
Lol, unfortunately, i have to give him this one. Lol
I am only laughing, because Oseas doesn't know that he stumbled onto 1 thing.
I would liken Oseas's stumbling to the false prophet who says every day, "today is the end of the world". And when it does come, he can brag to all around, "see i was right". Lol
So, it is a fact, that a Pope will become the false prophet for the antichrist. As far as the antichrist goes. I am not certain whether he will claim the throne in Rome or not.
I am a Catholic, and will always stand with the true catholic church.
Everyone should understand, all Christians are under attack. And this will remain in effect until the end of the antchrist's reign.
Now, even though we are under attack, it is also our greatest moment, to become beacons, pillars of faith.
How much i would love to see everyone filled with the Holy Spirit, unafraid. And you Will get there, just not yet.
The Great Day of the Lord is coming. There is nothing now to hold it back. I know many are excited for it, thinking "rapture". And many have been praying for it to come. Ya believe it or not. Lol they will not like it when it comes.
Many Christians set themselves above there brothers and sisters. The Great Day will bring you down. For a few, the Great Day will be a beautiful moment with God.
There is no Rapture, it is a lie, a false teaching.
Once the Rapture has been exposed as being a false teaching, many Christians who have been firm most of their lives will fall to the One World Church. The reason for this is because they have replaced their faith in God with their belief and faith in the rapture.
Maybe I better stop I could go on all night telling of what is to come