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God Rulz


May 17, 2006
Someone Once Told Me A God You Can Understand Aint A God At All.
God Is So Mysterious But Really Cool
Anyone Out Believe That.
Anyway Just Wanted To Tell Us Teens To Never Forget That God Is Bigger Than Everything Bigger Than Every Problem
God Is So Big But Dont You Feel Proud That He Will Live In You If You Accept.believe And Confess Him.
Am Looking For New Friends.by The Way Are There Other African Teens On This Site

God Rocks
Hi Joseph, I'm not a teen anymore, I'm 22 years old, but I am from South Africa. I have read quotes and opinions on the same thing, a God you can comprehend is no God at all.

Well I may not be able to comprehend fully how God does what He does, but I am pretty sure that I comprehend and understand my God, if there is something wrong with that, please correct me.

There is nothing in the Bible to my knowledge that says we are not supposed to comprehend our God. Why did Jesus come to earth then? Just for the fun of it? No, He came to tell us how to live, what to believe, and how to believe it. He said if you have seen Him, you have seen the Father, so does this mean we don't know what God looks like? This is logical, Jesus looked like any other human, He had hands and feet a nose and ears and a mouth. He looked just like you and me.

I believe Jesus wanted us to comprehend God. How can you have a relationship with someone if you can't comprehend them?

That's just my opinion about it any ways. I believe I will be able to shake Jesus' hand one day and introduce myself to Him, so will I be introduced to the Father and Holy Spirit, by physical contact. So don't let words and quotes and peoples opinions fool you. We are made in the image of God. We can comprehend God.
" This is eternal life, that they may KNOW Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou have sent. " John 17:3

"Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the KNOWLEDGE of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ...." Philippians 3:8

Christian life is all about knowing your God. Everyday. God is not one uncomprehendable mysterious supernatural being. Jesus Christ has come in flesh and blood so that He may reveal the Father in heaven. We have access to know God through Jesus Christ.

Enjoy your God. Explore your God. Like David, be a "man after God's own heart". If you look at Psalm you'll see David that Psalmist was exploring the infinite God. He was discovering something new about God everyday. God the Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer, Warrior, Almighty, Merciful, Compassionate, Counsellor, Ruler, Creator,Gracious, Father,Companion, Provider, Healer, Glory, Shield, Fortress, Rock, Lifter of my head, .....

The call is to know Him. It is an everyday call. It is a key to the kingdom.
Knowing Him will help you to be more like Him. Ultimately He wants us be like "the image of His Son".

Bible says, "imitate God". What a call! To imitate the true living God, Creator of the heavens and the earth.

Take an effort to know Him more.

God bless!
- Gideon