Chad/Brothers/Sisters, This is some infro. from the "Little Book" of Revelation Chapter 10. Read and Study, Seek and You Will Find.
Behold, He survives the peoples and lands, who is more Ancient than they. Behold, He is Man-crafter, fixed, immutable, the Giver of the Book to man. And DNA produces life to produce more DNA. And He is Encoder, Programmer, who rules the world from the Scrolls of light, sparkings and flashings rising to man, coalescing, freezing in the Semite, immutable, fixed, bowing in awe toward their Source in the radiant Scroll of Moses.
And look now at this glorious phenomenon of the racial Semiticization of one billion South Asians, how successful a life-form the Semite therefore is in evolutionary terms! And indeed all humanity is clearly programmed for reunification in the Semite, for mankind was in the beginning all one, and then spread out from Africa, filling the limits of the world island, this issuing in the emergence of those specialized subdivisions known today as races. But each race bore all distinctive characteristics of man, including his incomparable brain, and a primordial knowing is therefore shown in the great ease and success of Semiticization, that the brain of man must ultimately remake his environment, so that mankind, temporarily dividing not to compete but to survive, would fuse together yet again and become yet again as at the beginning all one. Thus evolution and its exalted Programmer — ever triumphant is He, all aware — have sought from the dawn-age and seek still today an all Semitic world. It is a programmed ultimate. And if all matter is congealed energy and resolves itself back to energy again, and the energy then recongeals once more, we must yet affirm that the ultimate ground and root of "motion," that is, the causality displayed in all this, is again an extraneous mind and will, which is to say our God, the Self-existent One, the Root of all being, blessed be He, and exalted be the remembrance of His glorious Name forever.
Behold, the Scripture shows itself again as the perfection of contemporaneity! The Designer, the Programmer, the Cause of causes, the Power in the Law, the Power in the Prophets, the Power in the Gospel, Master of the law of nature reaching out, Master of the Law of Moses reaching out — say that He is God the One, Immutable, Splendid. There is no God but He.
Come to Christ and hear Him well. He has rendered the Synagogue a translucent gem, irradiant, impregnable. He bids you to enter and remain with Him forever. He is the universalizer of the Law and the Prophets, that man of Israel called "Light of the Gentiles." He has come. He has not founded a new religion, but calls all men eternally to the first of faiths, and the Law of the God of Moses. See how evolution stops short with man, for man is the child and image of its exalted Programmer, blessed be He, and all that is coming is worldwide racial Semiticization, programmed in from before the emergence of the races. And man is and shall be forever one unified distinct species, and is to become even "one nation in the earth" (II Samuel 7:23; I Chronicles 17:21), and one life alone is ideal for man, which he had at the beginning but then lost in Babylon, and this is restored to him through the Scripture of truth.
Truly these are present there, as is Israelite status for the poor of the world, but no man can draw them to the surface without prophetic authority, which is to be found only in Christ and the New Testament. And four is the number of universalization, to the four corners of the earth, to the four winds of the heaven, and three Old Testament books have four chapters each, over against the Law, the Prophets and the Gospel, and these are they — Ruth the Gentile, ancestress of Christ, Ruth of the statutes of Moses, of the forms that seemed right to the household of the ancients (Ruth 4:7-8; Deuteronomy 25:5-10; Genesis 38:8, 26, 29), Ruth the wife of Boaz of the daughter of Gentiles, son of Pharez of the daughter of Gentiles, mother of Solomon of the daughter of Gentiles, and these are four pillars of the world of the seed of the Gentiles, of the root of Christ (Matthew 1:3, 5, 6); Jonah son of the North who greatly fears Gentile merit, and in particular Assyrian, knowing the words of Balaam in the Law (Numbers 24:21-22), and the words of the prophet Hosea regarding Assyria, who feels more loyalty to Israel than to God, but is forced to draw Nineveh of the Gentiles to repentance, for the men of Nineveh have not yet sinned, and God chooses to pity them in their innocence and ignorance, who has made them (Jonah 4:10-11), knowing full well that they are Gentiles; and Jonah as a figure of Christ and his mission as a figure of the preaching of the Gospel is analyzed in detail elsewhere; Malachi, who is Elijah, who is John, who is to come with Christ, who speaks of extirpation for Temple, priest and Jew, who calls the Gentiles to the service of the Self-existent, the Eternal, the Root of all being, for "this salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles — and they will hear it!" (Acts 28:28). Hallelujah, Jesus! Two thousand years and three of five continents later we are still listening, Lord! We are no Muslims, neither are we Pharisees; for us, this Message gets better and better with each passing day. And behold, all concludes with the return to the root of twenty-two, for the Bible closes with its only book of twenty-two, if we will not reckon I Kings as a book in truth apart from II Kings. And Daniel is of twelve, which ends in eternal life; as is Ecclesiastes, which explodes the materialistic world view from within and calls all men to the service of the Eternal through His commandments, which issues in life eternal for all and anyone who chooses this Path. And Isaiah has sixty-six chapters over against the traditional Protestant count, and in this book Hezekiah is rendered a type of Christ, the fall of Sennacherib that of great Babylon of these last days, as well the nation of Israel the poor of all the earth now called home to Eden. And fifty-two chapters grace the book of the anti-Zionist as fundamentalist prophet Jeremiah, on whom be peace, whose scribe is Baruch, and whose savior is a man of Nubian seed, which is again a figure of eternity through the fifty-two weeks of the year. And five times fifty-two issues in the number of chapters of the entire New Testament, as above, through which new covenant and the meeting with Jesus all are called to the Law of Moses, now deeply internalized, statutes and judgments, written in the Book. And internationalism is implicit in fundamentalism, and Gentiles are inexhaustible in number — Hallelujah! — and where there is no Ark (Jeremiah 3:16-17) all restoration is perforce internationalized. And there is no twenty-seven-chapter book in all of Scripture save only the third, the middle, grand division of the book of the Law, called Leviticus, and this is to say that the Gospel to come of twenty-seven books, the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end, will call men literally to this very Law written in the Book, statutes and judgments, and as represented by the most legalistic of all grand divisions of the scroll of Moses, being also the central one, and as such representing the entire book of the Law, called Leviticus. Do you seek the signs of God? Then forsake the scroll of 114, which number has meaning only from a Biblical vantage point, but no meaning within Islam, and even as 1350 years have proven insufficient to find any trace of mystic encoding in all the Koran, and turn instead to the glory of the worlds, to wisdom and understanding, to compassion and true justice, to knowledge in a multidimensional living unity fifteen hundred years in the building which is ever flawlessly unfailingly accurate at every turn, wedded to history and most complex prophecies; utter truth-telling redeeming Adam, restoring the Garden, restoring life eternal, a world which looks out upon the World of the True; utter truth-telling no man could miss through numbers and letters, through mystic encoding of the root of twenty-two, through wisdom and wonders from the Programming Mind; utter truth-telling through symbols and types, figures, foreshadowing that no man could miss, that no man could know of the ancient men who wrote these words of veiled and encoded wisdom and wonder; utter truth-telling of being, of existence, of the world as witness, the emergence of all, the mechanistic, the non-mechanistic, Mind as the Root of matter, the Root of life, the Root of law, God as One, as the Cause of causes, the Miracle enfolding from which the cosmos lives, the house of law and nature lit by flashes from the true Beyond, from the Designer, the Guide, the Programmer, Lord of Creation, of evolution, of history, Lord of the Scripture that has no peer, Heart of Heaven, Heart of earth, the Light within all screens and veils, the Light beyond all screens and veils, instantly knowable, ever unknowable, Lord of the Realm of Mystery. And you know much of the wonders of the Name. And it is the lightest of sounds to pronounce, for He creates through His word, exalted be He. And a spark goes forth from Him, who has no second, before whom stands no intercessor, and it is the first of four, of the Name of the God of all the earth, of whom it is written, "as the LORD is One only, so shall His Name be one only" (Zechariah 14:9). And a window opens in Heaven, and the spark of light and life-force flashes through, passing to a lower realm by the wide open portal beneath.
Every effect requires a cause. The world is an effect. Have we not shown you the Exalted One? Whatever could exist or not exist found presently to exist, is maintained in its existence by an external cause. Then have we not shown you the Exalted One? Design bespeaking purpose bespeaks a designer. Then surely we have shown you the Exalted One. All programmed law bespeaks a programmer. Thus do we show you the Exalted One. Complex life-systems emerging all at once as units bespeak cosmic programming. Surely we have shown you the Programming Mind. Behold the immense instability within the subatomic level, and yet this superstructure rises and stands undisturbed. Behold the zone of contact with, the zone of emanation from, the mind of the dreaming God. The knowing of the unknowable in a Book preserved, flawless, multidimensional, fifteen hundred years in the birthing — surely there are signs for a people having understanding.
Thus the existence of God is as self-evident to the mind nearest to nature and the point of evolutionary emergence as the messiahship of the Holy One. Say then, "Where did it all come from? Who made all this world? He must be wise with the wisdom of life; He must be the most Ancient of elders; He must be the Lover and Turner toward man, and the Giver of Law to nature and to man. He must be God our Lord the One, as nothing is just there, a given, as everything has a cause, as this world is unified, a vast machine, and with no chaos in it. No, I do not much care where He came from, but this world is here, and Somebody made it. Beyond flux and motion stands the Mover, beyond design and purpose stands the All-aware, beyond the impossible stands the miraculous, the Programming Mind.." Say, "I seek the causes of things — seeking the causes of things is my most distinctively human trait. Seeking the causes of things, I find I must posit the existence of a God — One, Wise, orderly, man-loving, profoundly sane. Thus have I found the Programming Mind. Having found a man-loving Programmer, I look for a Law from Him for man, for I see that man’s affairs are in manifest disarray, and I find that the miraculous breaks through nature only to validate one Book only. It is a Book of Law, of heritage and tradition, of universalization, a Book of the miraculous, of order and rationality, of God our Lord the One, guiding man back to Eden, there to remain with this Book in his hand forever." Say, "Now I see before me the wonder-working Christ. I say, ‘My Lord and my God!’ I say, ‘Jesus, will you work Your wonders in a thousand lands two thousand years from now? Will You send a Revelation through Your prophet John? Jesus, I believe You, Lord! I believe You when You speak of Moses and the canon of the Jews. I believe You when You speak of God the One, the Wise, the All-aware. And I believe You when You speak of me a worm and not a man, who bows Himself in awe before Your Throne, O Lord, and at the feet of our master Moses.’ " The cosmic Christ stands before you, suffused with the glory of the Father, bidding to the Faith of the Father, bidding to love and mercy, bidding to the Prophets of old and the eternal, immutable and perfect Law of Moses. Speak and say, "O Bringer of truth and righteousness to the world, who goes before the Father to prepare a way among the Gentiles for the Law, You told us plainly ‘by their fruits shall you know them’ (Matthew 7:20) — and none of all the Christians bear good fruit but Protestants!" "It is even as you say, O man. You are not far from the Kingdom of My Father. He must increase, but I must decrease. This My joy therefore is fulfilled. Have I not brought the Law forth to man? Is the Father-God not the Lord of hosts due to Me? Praise be to God My Lord, the Wise, the Merciful, the All-aware! The First of the Hebrews is He, the Lord God of Israel in a Jewless world. And He is God the One, Immutable, Loyal, Bold. There is no God but He!" And so returns the Faith of the Father-God the One, and the Faith of our master Moses. It is a programmed ultimate.
— Barry I. Hyman
CHRI<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:stockticker>STIA</st1:stockticker>N REVOLUTIONARY BROTHERHOOD
Peace Be With You All
Behold, He survives the peoples and lands, who is more Ancient than they. Behold, He is Man-crafter, fixed, immutable, the Giver of the Book to man. And DNA produces life to produce more DNA. And He is Encoder, Programmer, who rules the world from the Scrolls of light, sparkings and flashings rising to man, coalescing, freezing in the Semite, immutable, fixed, bowing in awe toward their Source in the radiant Scroll of Moses.
And look now at this glorious phenomenon of the racial Semiticization of one billion South Asians, how successful a life-form the Semite therefore is in evolutionary terms! And indeed all humanity is clearly programmed for reunification in the Semite, for mankind was in the beginning all one, and then spread out from Africa, filling the limits of the world island, this issuing in the emergence of those specialized subdivisions known today as races. But each race bore all distinctive characteristics of man, including his incomparable brain, and a primordial knowing is therefore shown in the great ease and success of Semiticization, that the brain of man must ultimately remake his environment, so that mankind, temporarily dividing not to compete but to survive, would fuse together yet again and become yet again as at the beginning all one. Thus evolution and its exalted Programmer — ever triumphant is He, all aware — have sought from the dawn-age and seek still today an all Semitic world. It is a programmed ultimate. And if all matter is congealed energy and resolves itself back to energy again, and the energy then recongeals once more, we must yet affirm that the ultimate ground and root of "motion," that is, the causality displayed in all this, is again an extraneous mind and will, which is to say our God, the Self-existent One, the Root of all being, blessed be He, and exalted be the remembrance of His glorious Name forever.
Behold, the Scripture shows itself again as the perfection of contemporaneity! The Designer, the Programmer, the Cause of causes, the Power in the Law, the Power in the Prophets, the Power in the Gospel, Master of the law of nature reaching out, Master of the Law of Moses reaching out — say that He is God the One, Immutable, Splendid. There is no God but He.
Come to Christ and hear Him well. He has rendered the Synagogue a translucent gem, irradiant, impregnable. He bids you to enter and remain with Him forever. He is the universalizer of the Law and the Prophets, that man of Israel called "Light of the Gentiles." He has come. He has not founded a new religion, but calls all men eternally to the first of faiths, and the Law of the God of Moses. See how evolution stops short with man, for man is the child and image of its exalted Programmer, blessed be He, and all that is coming is worldwide racial Semiticization, programmed in from before the emergence of the races. And man is and shall be forever one unified distinct species, and is to become even "one nation in the earth" (II Samuel 7:23; I Chronicles 17:21), and one life alone is ideal for man, which he had at the beginning but then lost in Babylon, and this is restored to him through the Scripture of truth.
Truly these are present there, as is Israelite status for the poor of the world, but no man can draw them to the surface without prophetic authority, which is to be found only in Christ and the New Testament. And four is the number of universalization, to the four corners of the earth, to the four winds of the heaven, and three Old Testament books have four chapters each, over against the Law, the Prophets and the Gospel, and these are they — Ruth the Gentile, ancestress of Christ, Ruth of the statutes of Moses, of the forms that seemed right to the household of the ancients (Ruth 4:7-8; Deuteronomy 25:5-10; Genesis 38:8, 26, 29), Ruth the wife of Boaz of the daughter of Gentiles, son of Pharez of the daughter of Gentiles, mother of Solomon of the daughter of Gentiles, and these are four pillars of the world of the seed of the Gentiles, of the root of Christ (Matthew 1:3, 5, 6); Jonah son of the North who greatly fears Gentile merit, and in particular Assyrian, knowing the words of Balaam in the Law (Numbers 24:21-22), and the words of the prophet Hosea regarding Assyria, who feels more loyalty to Israel than to God, but is forced to draw Nineveh of the Gentiles to repentance, for the men of Nineveh have not yet sinned, and God chooses to pity them in their innocence and ignorance, who has made them (Jonah 4:10-11), knowing full well that they are Gentiles; and Jonah as a figure of Christ and his mission as a figure of the preaching of the Gospel is analyzed in detail elsewhere; Malachi, who is Elijah, who is John, who is to come with Christ, who speaks of extirpation for Temple, priest and Jew, who calls the Gentiles to the service of the Self-existent, the Eternal, the Root of all being, for "this salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles — and they will hear it!" (Acts 28:28). Hallelujah, Jesus! Two thousand years and three of five continents later we are still listening, Lord! We are no Muslims, neither are we Pharisees; for us, this Message gets better and better with each passing day. And behold, all concludes with the return to the root of twenty-two, for the Bible closes with its only book of twenty-two, if we will not reckon I Kings as a book in truth apart from II Kings. And Daniel is of twelve, which ends in eternal life; as is Ecclesiastes, which explodes the materialistic world view from within and calls all men to the service of the Eternal through His commandments, which issues in life eternal for all and anyone who chooses this Path. And Isaiah has sixty-six chapters over against the traditional Protestant count, and in this book Hezekiah is rendered a type of Christ, the fall of Sennacherib that of great Babylon of these last days, as well the nation of Israel the poor of all the earth now called home to Eden. And fifty-two chapters grace the book of the anti-Zionist as fundamentalist prophet Jeremiah, on whom be peace, whose scribe is Baruch, and whose savior is a man of Nubian seed, which is again a figure of eternity through the fifty-two weeks of the year. And five times fifty-two issues in the number of chapters of the entire New Testament, as above, through which new covenant and the meeting with Jesus all are called to the Law of Moses, now deeply internalized, statutes and judgments, written in the Book. And internationalism is implicit in fundamentalism, and Gentiles are inexhaustible in number — Hallelujah! — and where there is no Ark (Jeremiah 3:16-17) all restoration is perforce internationalized. And there is no twenty-seven-chapter book in all of Scripture save only the third, the middle, grand division of the book of the Law, called Leviticus, and this is to say that the Gospel to come of twenty-seven books, the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end, will call men literally to this very Law written in the Book, statutes and judgments, and as represented by the most legalistic of all grand divisions of the scroll of Moses, being also the central one, and as such representing the entire book of the Law, called Leviticus. Do you seek the signs of God? Then forsake the scroll of 114, which number has meaning only from a Biblical vantage point, but no meaning within Islam, and even as 1350 years have proven insufficient to find any trace of mystic encoding in all the Koran, and turn instead to the glory of the worlds, to wisdom and understanding, to compassion and true justice, to knowledge in a multidimensional living unity fifteen hundred years in the building which is ever flawlessly unfailingly accurate at every turn, wedded to history and most complex prophecies; utter truth-telling redeeming Adam, restoring the Garden, restoring life eternal, a world which looks out upon the World of the True; utter truth-telling no man could miss through numbers and letters, through mystic encoding of the root of twenty-two, through wisdom and wonders from the Programming Mind; utter truth-telling through symbols and types, figures, foreshadowing that no man could miss, that no man could know of the ancient men who wrote these words of veiled and encoded wisdom and wonder; utter truth-telling of being, of existence, of the world as witness, the emergence of all, the mechanistic, the non-mechanistic, Mind as the Root of matter, the Root of life, the Root of law, God as One, as the Cause of causes, the Miracle enfolding from which the cosmos lives, the house of law and nature lit by flashes from the true Beyond, from the Designer, the Guide, the Programmer, Lord of Creation, of evolution, of history, Lord of the Scripture that has no peer, Heart of Heaven, Heart of earth, the Light within all screens and veils, the Light beyond all screens and veils, instantly knowable, ever unknowable, Lord of the Realm of Mystery. And you know much of the wonders of the Name. And it is the lightest of sounds to pronounce, for He creates through His word, exalted be He. And a spark goes forth from Him, who has no second, before whom stands no intercessor, and it is the first of four, of the Name of the God of all the earth, of whom it is written, "as the LORD is One only, so shall His Name be one only" (Zechariah 14:9). And a window opens in Heaven, and the spark of light and life-force flashes through, passing to a lower realm by the wide open portal beneath.
Every effect requires a cause. The world is an effect. Have we not shown you the Exalted One? Whatever could exist or not exist found presently to exist, is maintained in its existence by an external cause. Then have we not shown you the Exalted One? Design bespeaking purpose bespeaks a designer. Then surely we have shown you the Exalted One. All programmed law bespeaks a programmer. Thus do we show you the Exalted One. Complex life-systems emerging all at once as units bespeak cosmic programming. Surely we have shown you the Programming Mind. Behold the immense instability within the subatomic level, and yet this superstructure rises and stands undisturbed. Behold the zone of contact with, the zone of emanation from, the mind of the dreaming God. The knowing of the unknowable in a Book preserved, flawless, multidimensional, fifteen hundred years in the birthing — surely there are signs for a people having understanding.
Thus the existence of God is as self-evident to the mind nearest to nature and the point of evolutionary emergence as the messiahship of the Holy One. Say then, "Where did it all come from? Who made all this world? He must be wise with the wisdom of life; He must be the most Ancient of elders; He must be the Lover and Turner toward man, and the Giver of Law to nature and to man. He must be God our Lord the One, as nothing is just there, a given, as everything has a cause, as this world is unified, a vast machine, and with no chaos in it. No, I do not much care where He came from, but this world is here, and Somebody made it. Beyond flux and motion stands the Mover, beyond design and purpose stands the All-aware, beyond the impossible stands the miraculous, the Programming Mind.." Say, "I seek the causes of things — seeking the causes of things is my most distinctively human trait. Seeking the causes of things, I find I must posit the existence of a God — One, Wise, orderly, man-loving, profoundly sane. Thus have I found the Programming Mind. Having found a man-loving Programmer, I look for a Law from Him for man, for I see that man’s affairs are in manifest disarray, and I find that the miraculous breaks through nature only to validate one Book only. It is a Book of Law, of heritage and tradition, of universalization, a Book of the miraculous, of order and rationality, of God our Lord the One, guiding man back to Eden, there to remain with this Book in his hand forever." Say, "Now I see before me the wonder-working Christ. I say, ‘My Lord and my God!’ I say, ‘Jesus, will you work Your wonders in a thousand lands two thousand years from now? Will You send a Revelation through Your prophet John? Jesus, I believe You, Lord! I believe You when You speak of Moses and the canon of the Jews. I believe You when You speak of God the One, the Wise, the All-aware. And I believe You when You speak of me a worm and not a man, who bows Himself in awe before Your Throne, O Lord, and at the feet of our master Moses.’ " The cosmic Christ stands before you, suffused with the glory of the Father, bidding to the Faith of the Father, bidding to love and mercy, bidding to the Prophets of old and the eternal, immutable and perfect Law of Moses. Speak and say, "O Bringer of truth and righteousness to the world, who goes before the Father to prepare a way among the Gentiles for the Law, You told us plainly ‘by their fruits shall you know them’ (Matthew 7:20) — and none of all the Christians bear good fruit but Protestants!" "It is even as you say, O man. You are not far from the Kingdom of My Father. He must increase, but I must decrease. This My joy therefore is fulfilled. Have I not brought the Law forth to man? Is the Father-God not the Lord of hosts due to Me? Praise be to God My Lord, the Wise, the Merciful, the All-aware! The First of the Hebrews is He, the Lord God of Israel in a Jewless world. And He is God the One, Immutable, Loyal, Bold. There is no God but He!" And so returns the Faith of the Father-God the One, and the Faith of our master Moses. It is a programmed ultimate.
— Barry I. Hyman
CHRI<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:stockticker>STIA</st1:stockticker>N REVOLUTIONARY BROTHERHOOD
Peace Be With You All
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