I am a hindu .but i have some questions .can i married a Christian girl.
And i don't want to Covent to christian. Because i born as hindu
I want to die as hindu.
I love my christian girlfriend.
And i love to christian. But i don'twant to Covent to christian.
Is that's ok or must Covent to christian . Tell me God. Plz
Welcome to Talk Jesus this online Community of Christian believers.
The better question is will she be willing to marry you because you are not a Christian? The Holy Bible tells us Christian the following:
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14 Being unequally yoked is used to signify the unity of marriage. So, the significance of the verse being that when this Christian Girl came to believe in Jesus Christ. She went from being in darkness, which sadly is where you currently reside, and into the Light that is Jesus Christ. I hope this doesn't insult you, because every Christian will hopefully tell you that they too were in that same darkness at one time.
Understand that you will be asking her to choose between her Jesus and you. Your desire I'm sure is that you both have your own faith and still be married. Sadly, this will eventually create conflict, which is what the above verse is trying to show. Can both faiths be reconciled? No. For you will change or walk away from what you now desire to have.
I'm sure you don't understand why. You might already know some about Christianity, but if you really want to know. You might just ask that Christian girl that you love, why she believes as she does. You might be surprised in her answer. :smile:
However, if you don't want to do this, and want to know from other Christians. You've come to a good place to start. Please feel free to ask your questions. You have those here who are strong Christians in the faith here at Talk Jesus.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.