I have recently started a new chapter in my life where my sole aim is to serve God and discover his purpose/s for me. I have a lot to learn. It is all very overwhelming now! I grew up as a Catholic. I reached a point where the Catholic "way" no longer fulfilled me. Despite this, let me say that there has never been a moment in my life where I have not believed in God, or in his grace and love and mercy, or that Jesus died to save us from sin to give us eternal life, or in the Holy Spirit or anything that I have discovered since my re-birth.
I simply want more in terms of a relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I want to make my life meaningful in God's eyes. Catholics are very solemn (and very stiff) - but believers none-the-less. My whole family is Catholic and they are devoted to God. I want more though.
I joined this community because I wanted to be amongst fellow believers. After seeing a discussion called Christian or Catholic I felt a deep sense of disappointment. I joined the Talk Jesus site because I wanted to be able to learn from others and to grow closer to God by learning more about Him, His ways and His Word. I wanted to be amongst like-minded folk. So far I have - but seeing that particular thread made me feel judged. Am I not welcome here?
I simply want more in terms of a relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I want to make my life meaningful in God's eyes. Catholics are very solemn (and very stiff) - but believers none-the-less. My whole family is Catholic and they are devoted to God. I want more though.
I joined this community because I wanted to be amongst fellow believers. After seeing a discussion called Christian or Catholic I felt a deep sense of disappointment. I joined the Talk Jesus site because I wanted to be able to learn from others and to grow closer to God by learning more about Him, His ways and His Word. I wanted to be amongst like-minded folk. So far I have - but seeing that particular thread made me feel judged. Am I not welcome here?