Both of you make clear and solid arguments. (although I lean on the Holy Spirit inspired understanding of Gods word..that's how he works for me. I'm convinced that if Dr. Suess wrote a version of the Bible, the Holy Spirit would still grant me understanding of Gods word when reading it.)
But that behind, why did you make your original post if you knew that the context/understanding was there? Which you addmited in your second post...
"Now I'm not disputing that that has something to do with time. I'm not arguing."
If you are going to go through each and every post logged on the Talk Jesus forums and 'retranslate' using the opinions of
"of highly respected theologians and linguists"
, you are going to be very busy, and probably won't have much time to study Hebrew much anymore. I'm just confused why you chose my post out of all the posts here at TJ.
Forgive me brother if I seem a little defensive, for I am called to test these things, and in light of the numerous attacks (both spiritualy, and digitally) aimed at Talk Jesus, it's members, and administrators...I am understandably a little trigger happy. It could be that this was perfectly harmless, and I'm overeacting. It could be that you are here to cause strife and division. If it is the latter, then...
1). I doubt that your next post would be to admit to it, and...
2). You will fail. We've been through this before, and in his grace, the Almighty Heavenly Father, faithful to his followers, continues to shed light in the darkness and give wisdom to all who ask for it.
With that being said, I bring it full circle to my original post...
"He is in control" Amen
May God continue to bless you,