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May 12, 2007
dear fellow young ppl,
is it wrong 2 go out wit someone who doesent believe. i do i dont kno wat to do .do i break up with him or dont i? i mean i like him and all but i like jesus way,way more. please help cause i cant choose.
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I see your a young 14 years old. First, don't bother dating at your age sister. Your too young to even worry about this, let alone date someone. Secondly, you have more important priorities now at your age: school, physical maturity, maturity in general to adulthood and of course, your faith in Christ should mature as well.

2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?
I agree with Chad. It's also nice to hear that you care about God's will. Wait on God and look to the Bible for instruction. God Bless you Sister
uH Huh

I agree also. Yep, girl ya just gonna have to kindly put it at a friendship level...hopefully you can...or break up. Anyway, what steps are you taking to end the relationship?


Yes. Your love for the Lord is greater that any human love and the Lords can satisfy you like no one else. You have a long way to go in life. Grow in the Lord. Read his word and get closer to him. You will find that you are happier.
God bless