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How should I tell her ?


Dec 17, 2006
Hi there brothers and sisters in christ. I am a youth Leader at our church. My actual problem is, there is a woman at our church, who accidentally is my partner as youth leader for the teens. Two weeks back we had a famly camp, and the church went away for the weekend. There I fell in love with her, its been coming a while now, but the "love feeling" popped out its head that weekend.:omg: Yes oops. Ive send her a bunch of flowers that monday morning, with Proverbs 31:10 as the only writing on the card. She knew it was me.. But how do I tell her about this feelings, just now she does not feel the same. I thnk my biggest fear in this is rejection. I've been divorced now for two years, and been praying for God to send me a godly woman across my path. Now she crossed my path, and I am to scared to tell her myfeelings. She is divorced aswell.

Can somebody pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee give me some advice on HOW to tell her, and to take the rejection if it cmes my way.....

Yours truly 74christian
Hi brother, glad to see you again.

I think you and this lady have common ground. Take that as part of the encouragement and ask her if she is looking for someone special in her life.

If she says yes, tell her that you are looking for someone too.

This all your choice, I can't tell you which words to say, or how you should act, but ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in your words and approach.

In God all things are possible brother. The best thing to remember and pray for is that God's will be done.

Ask God that His will be done, whatever it may be. He will show you soon enough what He has planned for you.

God bless you
Much love
I would echo what teraside has said.

We need to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to us.

Seek God and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you to speak the right words and have wisdom.

After a divorce a lot of people are like the saying 'once bitten twice shy' .

We need to make sure we put God first in our life.

If you rush in you may well put her off too.

God bless you. :love: :rainbow:
Hi 74Christian,

First, pray! Ask God if she is suppose to be "the one." Make sure that this is sent from God. Then, tell her how you feel. Like teraside said, you both have common ground. How long have you known her by the? Has it been years, months, weeks?

If you haven't known her for long, why don't you get to know her? Invite her for dinner or a movie. Fellowiship time! :)

I pray that everything works out in your favor!
