Many here are wise in the Lord,most here will pray before responding,we look to God to know how to answer a person so troubled. Since I do not know where you really are in the Lord,it really is only through prayer to the Lord to respond to you. I have known many abused Children in my days here,some are beaten,some used for pleasure,some are just flat out ignored.
In every case, through the Lord in me,I have found one common point. That child is lost within himself. He or she, does not believe God could ever love them? They believe what has happened to them is there fault as well.Which again is a lie.I was a child among the beaten,my best friend, was among those forgotton by his parents,and still another friend I knew came being used by both of his parents for like you pleasure.
We 3 stuck together through most of our childhood,we did not speak to any outside our little club,because each one of us never believed another child could have gone through what we each did. The problem in this, is that each only got worse during the years,2 of my friends went to Church,I did not.
Later on after High school we each went our own way,more lost,then found! ENTER!!! HOPE!! JESUS!! By the time he found me,I was so low I could not have crawled under a snake! He took a very torn man,a very lonely man,a very sorry man,and changed him,into what I am in HIM today!
It is because of this,that I now can speak unto you! You are looking to others for help,this is sure not uncommon,but in truth,the answer does not lie with them,the answer lies deep within yourself!
Jesus LOVES YOU!! YES YOU!! Jesus looks to repair you,but you are required to do something!! LET HIM! The enemy would remind you in your mind,and in your day,how unworthy you are,how lost you are,how far you are away from the Lord.( john 10:10) his nature!! TO steal,to rob to destroy!
Jesus came for people just like you and me!! Please read this for proof! Let me read this with you as well,and point a few things to encourage you as well! Hebrews 12:1 Therefore,since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us,( meaning many who have gone through our same problem) let us!! also lay aside every weight!!and sin ( that sin could also mean God does not love you!! That is a sin to even think such a thing,because that thought comes from below,not from on high!) which so what?? EASILY entangles us!( meaning cause us to look to anyone other then our Jesus?)
Most people who will talk to you,will usually make one feel worse then before they did talk to them. At least that was very true for me. Now!! let us continue. And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us! This my brother as you read is a part!! of the race we all run!( 2 Cor 4:7-18) Now the point I so wanted to make with you!! VERSE 2!!of Hebrews12 Fixing our eyes on who??? amen Jesus, the author and what?? yes perfecter!! of faith,who what??? JOY??? set before him endured the cross! What was that joy brother??
Here was a man beaten so bad,his flesh was falling off of him,he had to push himself up to speak,from his nails in his feet,he could hardly have a breath!! WHAT JOY??? Praise GOD!! IN JESUS!! I will tell you what JOY!!
Because up there, in so much pain,hated by all,Jesus saw YOU!! why back there!! But LORD!!I was not even thought of yet!! How could you have seen me?? Here is how my brother!! Please read this!! ( psalm 139:13-18!!!!)
YOU,and many of us are his JOY! Please find a good Bible based Church,and grow in both confidence and encouragement within yourself! Let Jesus take you pain! Let Jesus give you what we all search for!! PEACE!!( john 14:27) peace of both mind and body!
There is but one truth my brother!! ( john 8:30-32) to abide in God's Word,because Jesus is the Word,( john 1:1) and to know Jesus is our only way,our only truth,and our only life!! ( john 14:6-7) My prayers are with you brother,I know you did not expect such words,but in this you understand something!! Jesus is not dead as many suppose he is!! HE is ALIVE!!!! IN US!!! Praise God!