I know what I need to do. I know that I've been called to be the light for God, but honestly I am very scared. I'm such a shy person as it is, I can barely speak two words to people I don't know. I work full time, and I feel as if I'm put at the job I'm at for a reason. It is difficult most of the time. Not one person there is a Christian. They slander me and dont even know me, which puts me back in my "shy" bubble most days. I want to tell them about Christ. There lives are the very same as mine was until I got saved. I just wish I wasn't so scared of them and their remarks. Sometimes I feel like the Lord is far away or dissapointed in me because I don't do what he is asking of me!
Will you please pray for me about this?
Dear Sister ArmyWife08…Sounds kind of strange opening up my comments to you that way…don’t know the job that you are doing that has you working with people that have you afraid. The thing about it is that they’re probably afraid of you especially if they have an idea that you are Christian. We show that in little ways that a lot of people take for granted. We hold the door open for others, we say thank-you, your welcome, sorry about that, I apologize if what I said has hurt you, do you need help, do you need someone to talk to, I’ll be praying for you, saying a prayer before we eat, reading the bible, the list can go on and on. Some are verbal, some are non-verbal. In the work environment, it can be tough, because normally you’re the new person on the block, and you’re trying to feel you way around. The environment can be pretty rough too. Especially if you’re the only Christian! That’s where your faith in God comes in very handy, and trusting in His word can be extremely beneficial as well. Here are some verses you might want to look at on fear. Hope they can help you out. Psalm 27:1, Isaiah 43:1,
Psalm 34:4, John 14:27, Isaiah 41:10, 2 Timothy 1:7, Philippians 4:6-7, Hebrews 13:5-6
A moment may come where something bad will happen to someone at work. They’ll be down or upset. A skill set that you might not even realize you have from being shy is that you’re probably a good listener as well as an observer! You see things that others miss. You’ll probably see the hurt in someone before anyone else will. The devil doesn’t want you to help these people. So he attacks you with doubt, fear, and anything else that will take you away from seeing or hearing the cries of these people. Always remember who you have on your side!!!! So when the opportunity comes up, you don’t have to be ________ (fill in the blank with any word you think you have to be). What you have to be is who you are and that’s a child of the Most High! A phrase like “I’m praying for you” as you pass by on your way home so only that one person hears, or on your way to the restroom, or on break. You don’t even have to make eye contact if you don’t want to. Just remember to pray for them. I’m sure you’re praying for them already! Keep it up. Take one step at a time. Always remember, as you already know. You’re not alone! Praying for you ArmyWife08. YBIC