Just from reading and hearing what all of the replies are by you and all of the others, I gather that you are contemplating God's voice...If I ever heard it, that was definitely Him for you to hear and also think about this often like you say you do. God has a plan for you and always has...and since you are one of His children, you are now fine tuning into it...Like I guess I see it like this...
Before, when you were living in the flesh and doing the things you WERE doing...i.e. dabbling...you were hardened to the things that maybe God wanted to give you when that dream came through and pierced you like a 2 edged sword (Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than any two edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires" -NLT-)
And the way you know this was truly the word of God is because it will always line up with the word of God...here is specific that I know it was from God (In my spirit & Scripture based)
1 Timothy says "...Guard what is entrusted to you. Avoid Godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge. Some people have wandered from the faith by following such foolishness"
Wicca=No God..."Godless"
"Foolish"...Psalm 14:1 "Only fools say there is no God..."
Psalm 53:1 "Only fools say in their hearts "There is no God"...they are corrupt and their actions are evil;not one of them are good!"
So...I hope this is some of that "insight" you were looking to gain...Keep listening...His sheep know His voice...pray without ceasing and remember that part of prayer is also listening for Him to spaek back and HE will speak back in the craziest and most subtle ways!! Remember when in 1 Kings 19:12 when Elijah tried to hear God...he didn't hear Him in the windstorm, or in the earthquake, or in the fire...he heard Him after all this...in a gentle whisper!
God is good ALL the time...God bless you all and hope that you accept the blessings God has in store, but only for the asking...Our God is a gentleman and won't give you anything you didn't ask for!
Gig <><