Natural Remedies
Treat irritating skin eruptions (blemishes, pimples, blackheads, cysts, pustules, folliculitis, furnuncles) the natural way. Our bodies respond quite nicely to natural remedies. Pamper your skin with herbal salves and poultices. Clear your complection by drinking herbal teas to treat yourself. Nourish your body with healthy food choices.
Natural Remedies
- Strawberries/Strawberry Leaves - Used in a poultice are recommended as an herbal remedy for acne. Egyptians discovered that applying wetted strawberry leaves improved the complexion.
- Dandelion - Useful in treating acne, eczema and psoriasis
- Banana Chamomile Soother - Natural Facial Mask
- Zinc Supplements
Herbal Tea Acne Formula
2 parts Red Clover
2 parts Dandelion Root
1 part Echinacea root
1 part Alfalfa leaf
1/2 part Capsicum
These dried herbs are crushed and placed inside capsules or tea bags.
Beneficial Foods to Eat
- Green Vegetables
- Carrots
- Celery
- Onions
- Garlic
- Cucumber
- Watercress
- Kelp
- Seaweeds
- Fish (cold-water ocean)
- Whole grains
- Sprouts
- Fruit
- Vegetable juices
- Sweet potato
- Squash
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Peaches
- Apricots
Foods to Avoid
- Sugar
- Fried Foods
- Meat
- Poultry
- Dairy products
- Nut butters
- Citrus (except lemon juice)
- Processed or refined foods
- Caffeinated drinks
Causes for Razor Burns
Applying too much pressure while shaving can cause a razor burn owing to friction.
Insufficient skin lubrication is another cause.
Shaving in the direction opposite to hair growth is also a common cause for razor burns.
Excessive use of after-shaves and colognes can compound the problem of razor burns by causing dryness.
Remedies for Razor Burns
The best way to deal with razor burns is to stop shaving. Give your skin some rest and simply let your hair grow back for a while.
Use a soothing after-shave balm if you are already suffering from razor burns.
Applying apple cider vinegar is thought to be a good solution to razor burns.
Dissolve two uncoated aspirins in a teaspoon of warm water and mix into a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area. Wash it after sometime with lukewarm water. This will take care of the burning sensation.
An effective razor burn mask can be made by mashing a couple of strawberries with a 1 spoon of sour cream.
Apply this mixture after shaving and leave it for 10 minutes. Do this twice a week for fresh, razor burn free skin.
Witch hazel, mild salicylic acid solutions and Aloe Vera gel are known to provide relief for razor burns.
Diet for Razor Burns
Although there are no specifications regarding diets to be followed for razor burns, consuming foods rich in Vitamin C should help in restoring the skin quickly.
Suggestions for Razor Burns
Use warm water to soften your skin and hair prior to shaving, alternatively shave right after a shower.
Be sure to apply shaving cream, foam or soap in the opposite direction of hair growth, taking care to moisturize your skin as well as hair thoroughly.
Start by shaving the easier areas first like the jaw line, cheeks and neck.
Shave in the direction of the hair growth (usually downward)
Do not stretch your skin taut while shaving.
Rinse your razor thoroughly after every use and replace blades every week or more often if needed.
Electric razors that work gently on your skin prevent razor burns.
Use shave oil. Applying pre-shave oil as a first layer, prior to shaving creams and gels helps soften the beard and improve the shave quality.