What is the worst that can happen? hehe After a year in the Lord,I still had problem with wanting to fonicate,when I thought what was the worst that could happen to me,it was 3 weeks later she said she might be pregnant ( Col 3:25) OH BROTHER!!!! I began to understand what being accountable is and more so, what it means!! I prayed like there was no tomorrow!! Three days later she called and said she was not.( 1 Cor 10:13)
That was the last time I ever took the Lord for granted!! We keep our peace, by studing how in the world Jesus ever kept his!!( Phil 4:7-9) verse 9!!! Consider in ones mindset the very same! Takes practice,but after what happened to me,I know I can keep my peace as well,through staying in God's Word DAILY!!!( 2Cor 10:3-8!!) Hope this helps.