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- Dec 2, 2019
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Church doors used to be open for at least 3 days a week and Sunday nights Bible classes and "BTU" classes and a Program and "testimony services at Least once a month on Friday Nights. You could go to any denomination at night, But you cannot let your pastor know you was going to another church even if it was the same denomination. he would chew the church out. and You had to Give an offer In Sunday school to meet his approval then about 3 offering during The main Church services, and then come back for "BTU" and give an offering and the Sunday Night services and give two more offering. They said you must give until It HURTS! And it was not hurting us, it was "Slaughtering the SHEEP"
give before your Rent, your light bills and your gas bills! and GOD will reward you! Just have faith
You cannot beat GOD's Giving, You have ROB GOD IN TITHES AND OFFERING! You talking about fights between husband and wives. A many men have Cried on my shoulders. Non church going men of what their wives was doing to them and their paychecks. Suppose to be paying the mortgage and the wive is putting it in the offering plates.
I remember I came home from being out of town for a while. And My wive Told me The PASTOR Said: "NO Finance, No ROMANCE" I been out of Town for almost almost a whole Month and every women across the Mid-West it seem was chasing me, and when I get Home, my wife's pastor is telling her not give me some Loving! WRONG ONE!!!
! I came unglued! And I was in My PRIME!
I Have had grown man cry what these pastors and mister have put in their wives head! and have betrayed the husband the devil and nothing he can do about it as black man, or subject to go to jail and do time! under The Bill And Hillery Clinton laws that they past against domestic violence! they lose every thing and in the end the pastors are sleeping with their wives! And the men children have dis owned them, Now, many are not going to remember this because they don't care! when Hillery was running the last time, They Apologize on national Television. And when I have spoken to a group of young black men is. The only help you will have in this world to live decent , is to Know JESUS and a old black grandma and a decent God fearing "WHITE WOMAN". is going to be your closes friend, And your greatest enemy will be that "black woman and that white man and the devil" Note; I didn't say the white man would not be your friend but he could be your greatest enemy. But that black women you better not trust her. You have been warn. I don't care if you are white black green yellow or Orange, or "LGBTQ"
and I can back it up!
After all that money that the black man has put in the church. The Pastors started to bring in "' "Financial Investment Seminars" you had to pay to attended at your Church where you pay tithes and offerings. the pastors is getting a kick back on how much your church as a hold is investing.
he is getting rich! wives pumping as much money as they can,By "Romancing the STONE" Staring Micheal Douglas! all over the country they was doing this in front of Husbands and be hind their backs, Draining the Bank accounts in the Name of Jesus just have faith!
you see many have no idea what the church has done to that Black man!
work his behind for up to 80 hours a week! Sending his children to college no scholar ship available and no knowledge how to get the ones available. Now he has dress her real nice sent her back to college to be lawyers and Automobile executives, Pepsi and Coke Cola marketing executives and then dump there husbands after The "NFTA" sign by the democrats "Clinton" and republicans in the back room. And they divorce their husband and took half of their retirements Pensions and their "STOCK options" in the automotive work fore and they been with them since 17 - 18 YEARS OF AGE even while they where in high school! a lot, lost everything because of Clinton and their black wives and the Black church!
I think it was 20/20 where they busted a lot of pastors and jail some, even the Head leader on The NATION BAPTIST CONVENTION Stole Millions and they had girlfriends. it Takes a God FEARING Strong white man who cares, to bust these black Charlatan Thieves
I know many do not believe me. because I was there. I was a plant leaders and UAW PLANT STEWARD that heard all their grievances. I Had to know about retirements Pensions and workes comp laws and health care "Blue Cross Master Medical" "Sick and Accident Insurance" "Long time Disability" all family plans paid for by the companies no such thing as "Co pay" on any thing. "Delta DENTAL" paid for college education every body in the household. And it started from the head when these black boys started out as labors non skilled workers. then made 10 years later got married to poor black women, then after ten more years of raises and advancement bought homes and put money int o these black churches their wives and pastors and churches turn a=on them and betrayed them. and dump them in to the streets no education no jobs no retirements no pensions, no one wanted to hirer them even though they had great talent. I remember when they trick them to give up their pensions for the new "401" plans they lost everything wives and homes and their reward was "JAIL" and Private owned prison convictions that the black churches invested in.
Every time you turn around, the church had some thing new to get the peoples money nothing but "Pyramid" programs. hotels for couples, hotel seminars for singles. Now the churches has been Judge.
Geneva Bible of 1587
"For the time is come, that iudgement must beginne at the house of God. If it first beginne at vs, what shall the ende be of them which obey not the Gospel of God?"
I Know that "The Devil is The God of this world" he is the prince here, but when we return with "HE ARMIES of HEAVEN" and Violence we will Bound him In chains and throw him into a pit
Revelation 20:3 BSB
…He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3And he threw him into the Abyss, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could not deceive the nations until the thousand years were complete. After that, he must be released for a brief period of time. 4Then I Saw The Thrones, and those seated on them Had Been Given Authority To Judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. And they came to life And Reigned With Christ For A Thousand Years.…
And we must remember That The DEVIL does not discriminate \, he does not care what color you are or gender. He wants you to go to HELL!
He plays both side of the fence. James Bond have nothing on Him! not only a double agent but A TRIPLE AGENT! "THE WORLD, THE FLESH, and his ROLE As A DEVIL"
as a Devil he will get in the Bed with you and hold your hand!
as a ANGEL of LIGHT!
I remember I came home from being out of town for a while. And My wive Told me The PASTOR Said: "NO Finance, No ROMANCE" I been out of Town for almost almost a whole Month and every women across the Mid-West it seem was chasing me, and when I get Home, my wife's pastor is telling her not give me some Loving! WRONG ONE!!!
I Have had grown man cry what these pastors and mister have put in their wives head! and have betrayed the husband the devil and nothing he can do about it as black man, or subject to go to jail and do time! under The Bill And Hillery Clinton laws that they past against domestic violence! they lose every thing and in the end the pastors are sleeping with their wives! And the men children have dis owned them, Now, many are not going to remember this because they don't care! when Hillery was running the last time, They Apologize on national Television. And when I have spoken to a group of young black men is. The only help you will have in this world to live decent , is to Know JESUS and a old black grandma and a decent God fearing "WHITE WOMAN". is going to be your closes friend, And your greatest enemy will be that "black woman and that white man and the devil" Note; I didn't say the white man would not be your friend but he could be your greatest enemy. But that black women you better not trust her. You have been warn. I don't care if you are white black green yellow or Orange, or "LGBTQ"
and I can back it up!
After all that money that the black man has put in the church. The Pastors started to bring in "' "Financial Investment Seminars" you had to pay to attended at your Church where you pay tithes and offerings. the pastors is getting a kick back on how much your church as a hold is investing.
I think it was 20/20 where they busted a lot of pastors and jail some, even the Head leader on The NATION BAPTIST CONVENTION Stole Millions and they had girlfriends. it Takes a God FEARING Strong white man who cares, to bust these black Charlatan Thieves
I know many do not believe me. because I was there. I was a plant leaders and UAW PLANT STEWARD that heard all their grievances. I Had to know about retirements Pensions and workes comp laws and health care "Blue Cross Master Medical" "Sick and Accident Insurance" "Long time Disability" all family plans paid for by the companies no such thing as "Co pay" on any thing. "Delta DENTAL" paid for college education every body in the household. And it started from the head when these black boys started out as labors non skilled workers. then made 10 years later got married to poor black women, then after ten more years of raises and advancement bought homes and put money int o these black churches their wives and pastors and churches turn a=on them and betrayed them. and dump them in to the streets no education no jobs no retirements no pensions, no one wanted to hirer them even though they had great talent. I remember when they trick them to give up their pensions for the new "401" plans they lost everything wives and homes and their reward was "JAIL" and Private owned prison convictions that the black churches invested in.
Every time you turn around, the church had some thing new to get the peoples money nothing but "Pyramid" programs. hotels for couples, hotel seminars for singles. Now the churches has been Judge.
Geneva Bible of 1587
"For the time is come, that iudgement must beginne at the house of God. If it first beginne at vs, what shall the ende be of them which obey not the Gospel of God?"
I Know that "The Devil is The God of this world" he is the prince here, but when we return with "HE ARMIES of HEAVEN" and Violence we will Bound him In chains and throw him into a pit
Revelation 20:3 BSB
…He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3And he threw him into the Abyss, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could not deceive the nations until the thousand years were complete. After that, he must be released for a brief period of time. 4Then I Saw The Thrones, and those seated on them Had Been Given Authority To Judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. And they came to life And Reigned With Christ For A Thousand Years.…
And we must remember That The DEVIL does not discriminate \, he does not care what color you are or gender. He wants you to go to HELL!
He plays both side of the fence. James Bond have nothing on Him! not only a double agent but A TRIPLE AGENT! "THE WORLD, THE FLESH, and his ROLE As A DEVIL"
as a Devil he will get in the Bed with you and hold your hand!
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